Job 19:23 Cross References - LEB

23 "O that* my words could be written down! O that they could be inscribed in a scroll!*

Job 31:35

35 O that* I had* someone hearing me! Here is my signature; let Shaddai answer me! As for* the written communication that my adversary* has written,

Isaiah 8:1

1 Then Yahweh said to me, "Take yourself a large tablet and write on it with a common stylus pen: Maher-Halal-Hash-Baz.

Isaiah 30:8

8 Now go, write it on a tablet with them, and inscribe it on a scroll, that* it may be for the time to come,* forever, forever.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.