12 For if turning back, ye shall turn back and cleave to the remainder of these nations, these being left with you, and marry with them, and go in to them, and they in to you,
Joshua 23:12 Cross References - JuliaSmith
Genesis 2:24
24 Therefore a man will leave his father and his mother and will cleave to his woman; and they shall be into one flesh.
Genesis 34:3
3 And his soul will cleave to Dinah, the daughter of Jacob, and he will love the maiden, and he will speak to the heart of the maiden.
Exodus 34:12-16
12 Watch to thyself lest thou shalt make a covenant with those dwelling in the land which thou goest upon it, lest it shall be for a snare in the midst of thee.
13 For their altars thou shalt lay waste, and their pillars thou shalt break, and their images thou shalt cut of
14 For thou shalt not worship another God: for Jehovah, his name is Jealous; he is a jealous God.
15 Lest thou shalt make a covenant to those dwelling in the land and they committed fornication after their gods, and sacrificed to their gods, and call to thee, and thou didst eat from his sacrifice;
16 And thou didst take from his daughters to thy sons, and they committed fornication after their gods, and they made thy sons commit fornication after their gods.
Deuteronomy 7:3
3 Thou shall not marry with them; thy daughters thou shalt not give to his son, and his daughter thou shalt not take to thy son.
1 Samuel 18:1-3
1 And it will be as he finished to speak to Saul, and the soul of Jonathan was bound with the soul of David, and Jonathan will love him as his soul.
2 And Saul will take him in that day and he gave him not to turn back to the house of his father.
3 And Jonathan and David will cut out a covenant in his loving him as his soul
1 Kings 11:2
2 From the nations which Jehovah said to the sons of Israel, Ye shall not go in to them, and they shall not come in to you: surely they will turn your heart after their gods: to these Solomon joined to love.
1 Kings 11:4
4 And it will be at the time of the old age of Solomon his wives turned away his heart after other gods: and his heart was not perfect with Jehovah his God as the heart of David his father.
Ezra 9:1-2
1 And in these things being finished, the chiefs came near to me, saying, The people of Israel and the priests and the Levites were not separated from the people of the lands according to their abominations, to the Canaanite, the Hittite, the Perizzite, the Jebusite, the Ammonite, the Moabite, the Egyptian and the imorite.
2 For they took from their daughters to themselves and to their sons: and the holy seed mingled themselves with the people of the lands: and the hand of the chiefs and the prophets was the first in this transgression.
Ezra 9:11-12
11 Which thou didst command by the hand of thy servants the prophets, saying, The land which ye are coming in to inherit it being a land of uncleanness in the uncleanness of the people of the lands in their abominations which filled it from mouth to mouth in their pollution.
12 And now ye shall not give your daughters to their sons, and ye shall not take their daughters to your sons, and ye shall not seek their peace and their good even forever, so that ye shall be strong and eat the good of the land, and cause to your sons to inherit even forever.
Nehemiah 13:23-26
23 Also in those days I saw Jews who caused to dwell women, Ashdodites, Ammonites, Moabites:
24 And their sons half speaking the Ashdod dialect, and they not knowing to speak the Judean dialect, and according to the tongue of people and people.
25 And I shall contend with them, and I shall curse them and I shall strike of them men, and I shall make them bald, and cause them to swear by God, If ye shall give your daughters to their sons, and if ye shall lift up from their daughters to your sons and to yourselves.
26 Did not Solomon king of Israel sin concerning these? and in many nations was there not a king like him, and he was loved by his God, and God will give him king over all Israel: also him did women strangers cause to sin.
Psalms 36:3
3 The words of his mouth vanity and deceit: he ceased to be circumspect, to do good.
Psalms 106:34-35
Psalms 125:5
5 And those turning to their winding ways, Jehovah will cause them to go with those working iniquity: peace upon Israel.
Isaiah 1:4
4 Wo! sinful nation, a people heavy with sin, a seed doing evil, sons acting wickedly; they forsook Jehovah; they despised the holy one of Israel; they separated themselves backward.
Ezekiel 18:24
24 And in the just turning back from his justice, and doing iniquity according to all the abominations which the unjust one did, will he do and live? all his justices which he did shall not be remembered: in his transgression which he transgressed and in his sins which he sinned, in them he shall die.
Zephaniah 1:6
6 And those departing from after Jehovah, and who sought not Jehovah, and asked not for him.
Matthew 12:45
45 Then he goes, and takes with himself seven other spirits, worse than he, and having come in, they dwell there: and the last things of that man are worse than the first. So also shall it be to this evil generation.
John 6:66
66 From this many of his disciples went away back, and walked no more with him.
Romans 12:9
9 Love unfeigned. Hating evil; fastened to good.
2 Corinthians 6:14-17
14 Be not unequally yoked together with the unbelieving: for what participation to justice and iniquity and what communion to light with darkness?
15 And what conformity to Christ with Belial? and what part to the believing with the unbelieving?
16 And what agreement to the temple of God with images? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God said, That I will dwell in them, and will go round about; and will be their God, and they shall be a people to me.
17 Therefore come out from the midst of them, and be separated, says the Lord, and touch not the unclean; and I will receive you.
Hebrews 10:38-39
2 Peter 2:18-22
18 For speaking excessive things of vanity, they decoy with the eager desires of the flesh, for licentiousness, them having truly escaped from those turned back in error.
19 Promising them liberty, they being servants of corruption: for by whom any is conquered, by him has he been made to serve.
20 For if having escaped the pollutions of the world by the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and again entangling with these, they be conquered, the last things have been to them worse than the first.
21 For it was better for them not to have known the way of justice, than, having known, to turn back from the holy command delivererd to them.
22 And that of the true proverb has happened to them, The dog having turned back to his own vomit; and the sow having been washed to the rolling of the mire.
1 John 2:9
9 He saying he is in the light, and hating his brother, is in the darkness even until now.