31 For I heard. the voice as of her bringing forth, the anguish as of her bearing her first child; the voice of the daughter of Zion, she will sigh, she will spread forth her hands, Wo now to me for my soul fainted for those slaying.
Jeremiah 4:31 Cross References - JuliaSmith
Genesis 27:46
46 And Rebekah will say to Isaak, I was finished in my life from the face of the daughters of Heth: if Jacob took a wife from the daughters of Heth, as these from the daughters of the land, for what to me life?
Job 10:1
1 My soul was weary in my life; I shall leave upon me my complaint; I shall speak in the bitterness of my soul
Psalms 120:5
5 Wo! to me that I sojourned in Mesech; I dwelt with the tents of Ke dar.
Isaiah 1:15
15 And in the spreading forth of your hands I will hide mine eyes from you.; also when ye shall multiply prayer I hear not: your hands were full of blood.
Isaiah 6:5
5 And saying, Wo to me! for I was cut off; because I a man of unclean lips, and in the midst of a people of unclean lips I dwell: for mine eyes saw the king, Jehovah of armies.
Isaiah 13:8
8 And they trembled; pains and writhings will lay hold of them; as she bringing forth they will be in pain: they shall wonder a man at his neighbor; their faces the face of flames.
Isaiah 21:3
3 For this, my loins were filled with pain: distress took hold of me as the pains of her bringing forth: I was shaken from hearing; I trembled from seeing
Isaiah 42:14
14 I was silent of old; I will be still, I will restrain myself: as she bringing forth I will cry out; I will lay waste and snuff up together.
Jeremiah 6:2
2 I likened the daughter of Zion to her becoming and delicate
Jeremiah 6:23-24
Jeremiah 10:19
19 Wo to me for my breaking! my blow was sickly; and I said, Surely this a sickness, and I will bear it.
Jeremiah 13:21
21 What wilt thou say when he shall review upon thee? and thou didst teach them the chiefs for head over thee: shall not pains lay hold of thee as a woman bringing forth?
Jeremiah 14:18
18 If I shall go forth into the field, and behold, the wounded of the sword and if I came into the city, and behold, they shall be sick with famine for also the prophet, also the priest went about to a land they knew not
Jeremiah 15:18
18 Wherefore was my pain everlasting and my blow incurable, refusing to be healed? Being, wilt thou be to me as falsehood, the waters were not faithful?
Jeremiah 18:21
21 For this, give their sons to the famine, and pour them out upon the hands of the sword; and their wives shall be bereaved of offspring, and be widows; and their men shall be slain by death; their young men struck of the sword in battle.
Jeremiah 22:23
23 Thou dwelling in Lebanon, building a nest in the cedars, how being compassionated in pangs coming to thee the pain as of her bringing forth.
Jeremiah 30:6
6 Ask ye now, and see if a male brought forth? wherefore did I see every man his hands upon his loins as she bringing forth, and all faces were turned to paleness?
Jeremiah 45:2
2 Thus said Jehovah, God of Israel, to thee, O Baruch;
Jeremiah 48:41
41 Kerioth was taken, and the fastnesses were seized, and the heart of the strong ones of Moab in that day was as the heart of a woman being distressed.
Jeremiah 49:22
22 Behold, as the eagle he shall come up and fly and spread his wings over Bozrah, and the heart of the strong of Edom was in that day as the heart of a woman being distressed.
Jeremiah 49:24
24 Damascus was relaxed, she turned back to flee, and terror laid hold of her, and pain and sorrows seized her, as she bringing forth.
Jeremiah 50:43
43 The king of Babel heard their report, and his hands were relaxed: anguish seized him as the pain of her bringing forth.
Lamentations 1:17
17 Zion spread forth her hands, none comforting for her: Jehovah commanded for Jacob, his adversaries round about him: Jerusalem was for uncleanness within them.
Lamentations 1:20
20 See, O Jehovah; for straits to me: my bowels were in a ferment; my heart turned in my midst; for embittering, I embittered: without, the sword bereaved; in the house, as death.
Lamentations 2:21
21 The youth and old man lay down upon the earth of the streets; my virgins and my young men fell by the sword; thou didst slay in the day of thine anger; thou didst slay, thou didst not pity.
Ezekiel 9:5-6
5 And to these he said in mine ears, Pass through into the city after him, and strike: your eye shall not spare, and ye shall not pity.
6 The old man, the young man, and the virgin, and little ones, and women, ye shall slay to destruction: and every man which upon him the mark, ye shall not touch; and ye shall begin from my holy place. And they will begin upon the old men which are before the house
Ezekiel 23:46-47
Hosea 13:13
13 The pains of her bringing forth shall come to him: he a son not wise; for now he shall not stand in the breaking forth of sons.
Micah 7:1
1 Wo to me! for I was as the gatherings of the fruit harvest, as the gleanings of the vintage, no cluster to eat: my soul desired the first ripe fig.
Matthew 21:5
5 Say to the daughter of Zion, Behold, thy king comes to thee, meek, and mounted upon an ass, and a colt, son of a beast of burthen.
1 Corinthians 9:16
16 For if I announce the good news, there is no boasting to me: for necessity is laid upon me; and woe is to me, if I announce not the good news!
1 Thessalonians 5:3
3 For when they say, Peace and security; then sudden ruin is upon them, as anguish in her with child; and they may not escape.