Jeremiah 44:26 Cross References - JuliaSmith

26 For this, hear ye the word of Jehovah, all Judah dwelling in the land of Egypt: Behold, I sware by my great name, said Jehovah, if my name shall yet be called by the mouth of all the men of Judah, saying, The Lord Jehovah lives, in all the land of Egypt

Genesis 22:16

16 And he will say, By myself did I swear, says Jehovah, for because that thou didst this word, and didst not spare thy son, thine only.

Numbers 14:21-23

21 But yet I live, and the glory of Jehovah shall fill all the earth. 22 For all the men having seen my glory and my signs which I did in Egypt and in the desert, and they will try me this ten times, they heard not to my voice. 23 If they shall see the land which I sware to their fathers, and all despising me shall not see it

Numbers 14:28

28 Say to them, I live, says Jehovah, if not as ye spake in mine ears, so will I do to you:

Deuteronomy 32:40-42

40 For I will lift up my hand to the heavens, And I said, I live forever. 41 If I sharpened the lightning of my sword, And my hand shall lay hold upon judgment, I will turn back vengeance to mine adversaries, And to those hating me I will requite, 42 I will make mine arrows drunk with blood, And my sword shall eat flesh, From the blood of the wounded and the captivity, From the head of the enemy's leaders.

Psalms 50:16

16 And to the unjust one God said, What to thee to recount my law, and thou wilt lift up my covenant upon thy mouth?

Psalms 89:34

34 I will not profane my covenant, and I will not change the going forth of my lips.

Isaiah 48:1-2

1 Hear this, ye house of Jacob, being called by the name of Israel, and from the water of Judah they came forth swearing by the name of Jehovah, and by the God of Israel they shall bring to remembrance, not in truth and not in justice. 2 For they were called of the holy city, and rested themselves upon the God of Israel; Jehovah of armies his name.

Isaiah 62:8

8 Jehovah sware by his right hand, and by the arm of his strength, If I shall give more thy grain for food to thine enemies, and if the sons of the stranger shall drink thy new wine which thou didst labor for it:

Jeremiah 4:2

2 And thou swearest, Jehovah lives in truth, in judgment, and in justice; and the nations were blessed in him, and in him shall they praise.

Jeremiah 5:2

2 And if Jehovah lives, they will say, for this they will swear to a falsehood.

Jeremiah 7:9

9 Stealing, killing, and committing adultery, and swearing for falsehood, and burning incense to Baal, and going after other gods which ye knew not;

Jeremiah 22:5

5 And if ye will not bear these words, by myself I sware, says Jehovah, that this house shall be for a desolation.

Jeremiah 46:18

18 I live, says the King, Jehovah of armies his name, For as Tabor in the mountains, and as Carmel in the sea, he shall come.

Ezekiel 20:39

39 And ye, O house of Israel, thus says the Lord Jehovah: Go serve ye each his blocks, and afterward if ye bear not to me and ye shall not profane my holy name yet with your gifts and with your blocks.

Amos 6:8

8 The Lord Jehovah sware by his soul, says Jehovah God of armies: I abhor the pride of Jacob and I hated his palaces: and I delivered up the city and its fulness.

Amos 6:10

10 And his friend lifted him up, and he burning him, and bringing forth the bones out of the house, and he said to him by the sides of the house: Yet with thee? And he said, No more. And he said, Silence: for not to make mention of the name of Jehovah.

Amos 8:7

7 Jehovah sware by the pride of Jacob, If I will forget forever all their works.

Zephaniah 1:4-5

4 And I stretched out my hand upon Judah and upon all the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and I cut off from this place the remnant of Baal, with the name of the obscurations with the priests 5 And those worshiping upon the roofs to the army of the heavens, and worshiping, swearing to Jehovah, and swearing to Malcham;

Hebrews 3:18

18 And to whom sware he that they could not come into his rest, if not to them having been disobedient?

Hebrews 6:13

13 For God promising to Abraham, since he had none greater to swear by, sware by himself,

Hebrews 6:18

18 That by two unalterable deeds, in which it is impossible for God to deceive we might have a strong consolation, taking refuge in holding firmly the hope set before:

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.