Genesis 47:6 Cross References - JuliaSmith

6 This land of Egypt is before thee; in the best of the land cause thy father and thy brethren to dwell; they shall dwell in the land of Goshen; and if thou knowest and there is among them men of strength, set them leaders of the cattle which are to me.

Genesis 13:9

9 Is not all the land before thy face? Now be separated from me; if to the left hand, I will go to the right; and if to the right hand, I will go to the left

Genesis 20:15

15 And Abimelech will say, Behold, my land before thy face: dwell in the good in thine eyes.

Genesis 34:10

10 And ye shall dwell with us, and the land shall be before you; dwell ye and traffic in it, and take possession in it

Genesis 45:18-20

18 And take your father and your houses, and come to me: and I will give to you the good of the land of Egypt, and ye shall eat the heart of the land. 19 And thou being commanded, this do ye; take to you from the land of Egypt, wagons for your little ones, and for your wives, and take your father and come. 20 And your eye shall not spare upon your vessels: for the good of all the land of Egypt is to you.

Genesis 47:4

4 And they will say to Pharaoh, To sojourn in the land we came: for no pasture is to the sheep which are to thy servants, for the famine was heavy in the land of Canaan: and at this time now will thy servants dwell in the land of Goshen.

Genesis 47:11

11 And Joseph will place his father and his brethren, and will give to them possession in the land of Egypt, in the best of the land, in the land of Rameses, according to what Pharaoh commanded.

Genesis 47:16

16 And Joseph will say, Give your cattle; and I will give to you for your cattle if silver failed.

Exodus 9:3-6

3 Behold, the hand of Jehovah is upon thy cattle which are in the field; upon the horses, upon the asses, upon the camels, upon the oxen and upon the sheep: death exceedingly heavy. 4 And Jehovah separated between the cattle of Israel and between the cattle of Egypt: and nothing shall die from all the sons of Israel, spoken of 5 And Jehovah will set an appointment, saying, To-morrow Jehovah will do this word in the land. 6 And Jehovah will do this word in the morrow, and all the cattle of Egypt will die: and from the cattle of the sons of Israel, not one died.

Exodus 9:10

10 And they will take ashes of the furnace and will stand before Pharaoh; and Moses will sprinkle it towards the heavens; and it will be a burning sore, breaking forth with pustules upon man and upon quadruped.

Exodus 9:21

21 And he who set not his heart to the word of Jehovah, will leave his servants and his cattle in the field.

Exodus 18:21

21 And thou shalt look out from all the people men of ability, fearing God, men of truth, men hating gain; and set thou over them chiefs of thousands, chiefs of hundreds, chiefs of fifties, and chiefs of ten.

Exodus 18:25

25 And Moses will choose men of ability from all Israel, and he will give them heads over the people, chiefs of thousands, chiefs of hundreds, chiefs of fifties, chiefs of ten.

1 Samuel 21:7

7 And a man there from the servants of Saul in that day, withheld before Jehovah; and his name Doeg, the Edomite, a powerful one of the shepherds which were to Saul.

1 Chronicles 27:29-31

29 And over the cattle feeding in Sharon, Shitrai the Sharonite: and over the cattle in the valleys, Shaphat son of Adlai: 30 And over the camels, obil the Ishmaelite: and over the asses, Jehdeiah the Meronothite: 31 And over the sheep, Jaziz the Hagerite. All these the chiefs of the possessions which were to king David.

2 Chronicles 26:10

10 And he will build towers in the desert, and hew out many wells: for there were many cattle to him; and in the low country and in the plain; and husbandmen and vine-dressers in the mountains, and in Carmel: for he was loving the earth.

Proverbs 21:1

1 Steams of waters the heart of the king, in the hand of Jehovah: upon all which he shall delight in he will turn it

Proverbs 22:29

29 Sawest thou a man apt in his works? Before kings shall he stand; he shall not stand before the dark ones

John 17:2

2 As thou gavest him the power of all flesh, that every one which thou hast given him, he should give to them eternal life.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.