9 And they will give a voice in Judah and in Jerusalem, to bring in to Jehovah the loan of Moses the servant of God, upon Israel in the desert
2 Chronicles 24:9 Cross References - JuliaSmith
2 Chronicles 24:6
6 And the king will call for Jehoiada the head, and say to him, Wherefore didst thou not seek out for the Levites to bring in from Judah and from Jerusalem the loan of Moses the servant of Jehovah, and of the convocation to Israel, to the tent of testimonies?
Matthew 17:24-27
24 And they having come to Capernaum, they taking double drachmas came to Peter and said, Does not your teacher pay double drachmas?
25 He says, Yes. And when he came into the house, Jesus anticipated him, saying, What seems to thee, Simon? from whom do the kings of the earth take taxes or census? from their sons, or from strangers?
26 Peter says to him, From strangers. Jesus said to him, Then are the children free.
27 But that we should not scandalize them, having gone to the sea, cast a fish hook, and lift up the fish coming up first, and having opened its mouth, thou shalt find a gold coin: having taken that, give to them for me and thee.