8 Yet the Sin (or: the failure; the error; the mistake; the missing of the target; the deviation from the goal), taking (receiving in the hand and thus, getting) a starting point (a base of operation; an occasion; a means of beginning) through the implanted goal (impartation of the finished product within; inward directive; commandment [to Adam, then to Israel]), works (or: worked) down to effect and produce within me every full passion, strong impulse, over-desire and craving emotion upon things – for apart from Law (or: a custom; or: [Torah]) sin (error; failure; missing the target) [is] dead (or: [was] lifeless).
Romans 7:8 Cross References - JMNT
John 15:22
22 "If I did not come and speak to them, they would not have been holding failure (or: were having no sin or error). But now (at this time) they continue holding nothing which like a specious and deceptive cloak appears in front around their sin (or: they are not continuing to hold that which is put forward to hide the situation concerning their failure; they are not habitually having an excuse or pretense about their deviation, error and miss of the target).
John 15:24
24 "If I did not do (perform; create) the works (actions; deeds) among them or within them – which no one else (or: no other one) did – they were having no sin or error (they had not been holding a failure or a miss of the target). But now (at this time) they have both seen and hated both Me and My Father.
Romans 4:15
15 For you see, the Law is by labor constantly effecting personal emotion from intrinsic fervor or natural propensity (or: is working-down anger and wrath; is producing indignation; is fully accomplishing a teeming, passionate impulse or a disposition of desire). Yet (or: Now) where no law is existing (or: where there is no custom), neither [is there] a stepping to the side (a transgression; a violation; a breach).
Romans 5:20
20 Now Law and custom at one point entered in alongside (or: intruded into the situation by the side) to the end that the effect of the fall to the side (or: so that the result of the offense and the stumbling aside) would increase to be more than enough (should greatly abound and become more intense). But where the Sin (the failure; the divergence and missing of the target) increases (or: abounded to be more than enough; becomes more intense) THE GRACE ("the act producing happiness, which is granted as a favor" – Jim Coram) at once super-exceeds (or: hyper-exceeded) over and above, surrounding to excessive abundance and overflow,
Romans 7:11
11 For the Sin (failure; error; the miss when shooting at a target; the deviation from the goal), taking a starting point (receiving an occasion and base of operation) through the implanted goal (impartation of the finished product within; inward directive; commandment [to Adam, then to Israel]), completely makes me unable to walk the Path (made me incapable to walk out [customs of the Law]; thoroughly cheats and deludes me, making me lose my Way; deceives me; [comment: reference to Eve in Gen. 3:13]) and through it kills me off (or: slaughtered me).
Romans 7:13
13 Then did the good come to be death for me (in me; to me)? Certainly not (may it not come to be)! But rather, the Sin (failure; error; the miss; the mistake; the deviation) – to the end that sin (failure; error; etc.) may be brought to light and made visible (or: in order that it may be made to appear and be shown as being sin) – is constantly producing (or: working down) death through the good [i.e., the commandment], to the end that the Sin (failure; the miss; error; the deviation), through the implanted goal (impartation of the finished product within; inward directive; commandment), may come to be in accord with a throwing-beyond that is missing the target (or: may happen according to excess which is failing; may become extremely erroneous; should come to be in line with a deviating shooting over the goal; or, substantively: may become an exceeding failure, and excessive sinner or a total outcast).
Romans 7:17
17 Yet now (= as the case really stands) I myself am no longer habitually producing (continuously working down and effecting) this, but rather the Sin (the failure; the personified error of missing the Target; the deviation [from Torah and its boundary markers]) [which is] continuously housing herself (or: making its home; inhabiting; dwelling; = living) within me.
1 Corinthians 15:56
56 Now the sharp point and stinger of (or: the sting, thus, the injection from) the Death [is] the Sin (the mistake; the error; the failure), and the power and ability of the Sin [is] the Law.
James 1:14-15
14 Yet each person is repeatedly probed and put to the proof (tested and tried in an ordeal), being continuously dragged (or: drawn) out and entrapped under his own over-covering passion (by his own longing, craving or lust; by what he sets his desires upon).
15 Thereafter, with the over-covering passion conceiving (seizing together so as to become pregnant), it continuously gives birth to failure (or: repeatedly brings forth an offspring of missing the target; progressively bears sin). Now the failure (error; sin; missing of the target), being brought to full term (being finished off; being fully formed with all its parts; being brought to its goal) continues producing (keeps generating; from pregnancy progressively bears forth) death.