Matthew 4:19 Cross References - JMNT

19 So He proceeds to say to them, "Come here, back behind (or: after) Me! I will also make you men fishers of humans (of people; of mankind)!"

Matthew 8:22

22 But Jesus says to him, "You continue following Me, and abandon (divorce; leave behind; or: let; allow) the dead folks to bury their own dead ones."

Matthew 9:9

9 Then Jesus, continuing in leading [the group] along from there, saw a man called Matthew, who was presently sitting upon [the revenue receipts station at] the tax (customs; collections; tribute) office (or: at the toll booth), and He then says to him, "Be continuously following Me." And so, standing up, he at once followed Him.

Matthew 16:24

24 At that point Jesus said to His disciples, "If anyone continues intending (purposing; willing; wanting) to come on behind Me, let him at once deny, reject and disown himself, and then in one move lift up his execution state (cross), and after that proceed to be by habit continuously following after Me!

Matthew 19:21

21 Jesus affirmed to him, "Since (of: If) you continue desiring and intending to be mature and perfect (= if you are serious about reaching the goal), humbly proceed going your way, at once sell the things of your subsistence (those things supporting you from your beginning and giving you authority; or: your possessions and belongings; or: the things currently at your disposal), and give [the proceeds] to the poor and destitute folks. Then you will continue holding and possessing treasure within the midst of heaven (or: in [your] atmosphere). After that, come here and be habitually following Me."

Mark 1:17-18

17 And Jesus said to them, "Hither, you [two] come on behind Me (= follow after Me and join Me), and I will proceed making you to become fishers of human beings (of people)!" 18 So at once, abandoning the fishing nets, they followed Him (walked the same path with Him).

Mark 2:14

14 Then while passing along, He saw Levi [probably = Matthew], the [son] of Alphaeus, as he continued sitting at the custom's station (tax collector's desk; toll gate; revenue office), and He is then saying to him, "Follow with Me (or: Start following and continue coming after Me, walking the same road with Me)!" So, standing up, he [quit his business and] follows (or: at once followed) with Him.

Luke 5:10-11

10 Now [it was] likewise, also, [with] Jacob (or: James) and John – sons of Zebedee. They were partners and mates with Simon. Then Jesus says to Simon, "Stop fearing (or: Do not continue being afraid). From now on you will be repeatedly catching humans (or: [the] people) alive!" 11 Then, after bringing the sailing vessels back down upon the land, abandoning all things, they followed Him.

Luke 5:27

27 Then, after these things, He went out and watched (gazed at; observed) a customs official (or: tax collector; possibly: the tenant or lease-holder of the station; tax farmer) named Levi [also called Matthew, elsewhere] sitting at the tax office (or: toll and customs booth), and then He said to him, "Be continuously following Me."

Luke 9:59

59 Now He said to a different person, "Be habitually following Me." Yet the person says, "Master (or: Lord), allow (or: Permit) me first, after going away, to bury my father."

John 1:43

43 The next day (or: On the morrow), He decided (or: He wants) to go out into Galilee. And then Jesus is finding Philip and proceeds saying to him, "Be constantly following Me!"

John 12:26

26 "If anyone would habitually give attending service (raise dust throughout in hastening to provide for material needs) to Me, let him habitually and progressively follow with Me, and then where I Myself am, there My attending servant will also be (exist; have his or her being). If anyone would habitually give attending service to Me and provide for Me, the Father will value and honor him.

John 21:22

22 Jesus then says to him, "If I am intending (willing; purposing) him to continue remaining until I am progressively coming, what [is it; effect comes] toward you? As for you, you be habitually following Me!"

1 Corinthians 9:20-22

20 So I come to be (or: became) as a Jew for (or: to; with) the Jews, to the end that I can (would; may) gain Jews; as under Law for (or: to; with) those under Law, to the end that I can (or: would; should; may) gain those under Law; 21 as without law (or: as lawless) – [though] not continually being without a law pertaining to God, but to the contrary, within a principle which is Christ (or: Christ's law; the custom which has the character and quality of Christ; or: [the] law which is [the] Anointing) – to those without law (for and with the lawless ones), to the end that I will progressively [other MSS: can; may; would] gain the folks without law (the lawless ones). 22 To (For; Among) those without strength (the weak ones), I become (or: came to be) as without strength (weak), to the end that I would (can; may) gain those without strength (the weak ones). I have become and continue to be all things for (to; among) all folks (or: peoples), to the end that I can (would; may) by every means (in every way; under all circumstances) save (rescue; deliver; restore to health, wholeness and their original condition) anybody!

2 Corinthians 12:16

16 Yet, let it continue to be. I myself do not (or: did not) overburden or weigh you down. Nonetheless, being inherently ready to do anything and capable for every work, [you say that] I caught you, taking you by bait (as used for fish)!

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.