34 they gave to Him wine (other MSS: vinegar, or, sharp wine vinegar) having been blended with bile (fluid of the gall bladder) to drink. And yet, upon tasting [it], He was not willing to drink [it].
Matthew 27:34 Cross References - JMNT
Matthew 27:48
Mark 15:23
23 Then they began trying to give Him wine to drink which had been drugged with myrrh. But He did not take (or: receive) [it].
John 19:28-30
28 After this, Jesus, having seen and knowing that already all has been finished and now remains accomplished (or: all humanity has been brought to its goal and destiny, and now stands completed), to the end that the Scripture could be finished (would be at once ended; should be brought to its purposed and destined goal), He now says, "I am thirsty."
29 Now a vessel (container) full of cheap sour wine (a common, inexpensive vinegary wine, with a sharp flavor, that was a popular thirst-quenching drink) was lying [close by]. Therefore, putting a sponge, full of the vinegary wine, around a hyssop stalk [one MS reads: javelin], they brought it to His mouth.
30 Then, when Jesus received the cheap sour wine, He said, "It has been finished (or: It has been brought to its goal and end), and now stands complete (having been accomplished, perfected, ended and now is at its destiny)!" – and so, bowing [His] head, He gave over the Spirit (or: handed over [His] spirit and life-force; or: surrendered to the side the Breath-effect).