Matthew 24:12 Cross References - JMNT

12 "Then further, because the lawlessness is to be multiplied and increased, the majority of the people's love (or: the love of many folks; = acceptance from the masses) will be progressively caused to blow cold (or: will continue cooling off from the Breath blowing on it).

James 4:1-4

1 From what situation (place; source) [arise] battles (or: wars; situations of combat) and fights (quarrels; strife; controversies) among you folks? Are they not from this source (or: place): from out of your sensual pleasures (enjoyments and gratifications) [which are] themselves continually performing as soldiers within your members? 2 You folks are continuously strongly desiring to possess, and yet continuously you do not have; you continue murdering and are repeatedly jealous (boil with rivalry), and so you are perpetually unable to hit the mark (to attain or master [something]). You are habitually quarreling and fighting. (or: You people constantly have full longing, desire and lust – and still you are not presently holding or possessing – and so you repeatedly murder. You are progressively envious, boiling with rivalry, and yet continue having no power to obtain [your goal], so you are constantly striving and having controversies – even doing combat and waging wars!) You continue not having [your desires] because you yourself do not continue asking (or: you are not normally asking for yourselves). 3 You continue asking (requesting), and yet are not receiving because you are asking inappropriately (worthlessly requesting; or: = asking for a wrong purpose) to the intent that you may spend (= waste) it in (or: on) your pleasures. 4 Adulterers and adulteresses (= Folks unfaithful to Christ or God as your husband)! Have you not seen, and are you not aware, that the System's friendship (the affection whose source is this world of religion, secular culture, economy and government) is a source of enmity with God (or: hostility and active hatred with regard to God; [Aleph reads: exists being alienation to God])? Whoever, then, may have been made to want (to intend; to purpose) to be the System's (or: world's) friend is continuing to be established (habitually set down; progressively rendered or constituted) [as] God's alienated and hostile person.

James 5:1-6

1 Continue leading on now, you wealthy folks, burst into tears while continuously uttering cries of distress upon your repeatedly recurring hardships (difficulties and wretchedness which must be endured). 2 Your riches have rotted; your garments have come to be moth-eaten. 3 Your gold and silver have been corrupted with poison (or: corroded and covered with oxidation), and their venom (or: corrosion) will proceed being unto you a witness (or: evidence) and will progressively eat your flesh (= the enslaved and alienated self; = the human nature that has been molded by and conformed to the System) as fire. You folks pile up a treasure hoard in the midst of last days! 4 Consider and look to the worker's wage – that having been withheld by you which belongs to those mowing your farms – which constantly utters (or: shouts) a cry, and now the outcries and shouts of those gathering in the harvest have entered into the ears of the Lord of hosts (= Yahweh of Armies)! 5 You folks live a soft life in delicate luxury (or: You self-indulge) and take excessive comfort and live in wanton pleasure upon the land. You nourish your hearts in the midst of (or: = fatten yourselves up for) a day of slaughter! 6 You oppose fairness, equity and justice, while you degrade the way pointed out; you murder the fair and equitable person (the just one; the one in accord with the way pointed out; the righteous; or: the innocent); he is not normally setting himself opposed to you (or: is He not now aligning Himself against you, and resisting you folks?).

Revelation 2:4-5

4 But on the other hand, I hold (or: have) [this] down against you: you [note: still singular] sent away (or: left; abandoned) your first love (urge toward reunion; unambiguous acceptance of others as being on the same ground; participating in the others; movement toward overcoming existential separation from another being – Tillich). 5 You [assembly] must be remembering, then, whence you [as a single entity] have fallen, and you must change your way of thinking and feeling (change your frame of mind and your perceptions), and you [group] must do (perform; construct) the first works (deeds; actions). Yet if not, I am continuously (repeatedly; habitually) coming to you [as a group], and I will proceed removing (or: moving) your lampstand out of its place, if ever you [as a group] may not change your way of thinking (your mind-set).

Revelation 2:10

10 Do not be habitually fearing things which you are about to experience (or: to suffer; in which you are about to have sensible experience). Consider: the one who thrusts-through (the one who casts adversity through your midst; the devil) is about to thrust some from among you into prison (or: jail), so that you may be tried (put to the proof), and you will continue having pressure (squeezing; tribulation) [for] ten days. Progressively come to be a faithful and reliable person (or: You must be being birthed a trusting and loyal one) until death, and I will continue giving Life’s wreath to you (or: for you the wreath of The Life; or: the victor’s symbol, which is life in you).'

Revelation 3:15

15 I have seen, and thus know (am aware of) your [singular] works (acts), that you are (continue being) neither cold nor boiling hot (or: zealous): O that you were being cold, or boiling hot (zealous)!

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.