Matthew 22:31 Cross References - JMNT

31 "Yet concerning the resurrection of the dead ones, did you not read the thing spoken to, and for, you folks by God, continually saying,

Matthew 9:13

13 "Now, upon going your way, learn and become a disciple of what [this] is and means, 'I am presently desiring, habitually intending and progressively purposing mercy, and not a sacrifice!' [Hos. 6:6] You see, I am not (or: did not) come to call 'righteous folks' (people who were supposedly in right relationship with God and community and who were convinced that they walked in accord with the path pointed out), but on the contrary, outcasts ('sinners' who knew that they were neither connected nor in right relationship, nor approved in their way of life: failures)."

Matthew 12:3

3 But He said to them, "Do (or: Did) you folks not read what David – as well as those with him – did when he got hungry:

Matthew 12:7

7 "But, if you had come to personally (or: by intimate experience or insight) know what [this] is (or: = means), 'I am habitually wanting (desiring), repeatedly intending and continuously purposing mercy, and not sacrifice,' [Hos. 6:6] you folks would not ever oppose fairness, equity and justice, while you degrade the way pointed out in condemning the guiltless ones (the blameless and innocent folks) [cf vs. 5, above: = the priests of the new order].

Matthew 21:16

16 And so they said to Him, "Are you listening and hearing what these people are repeatedly saying?" So Jesus is then saying to them, "Yes! Did you men never read that, 'From out of the mouth of babes, and infants still nursing at the breast, You completely harmonize – by thoroughly adjusting and knitting together – praise for Yourself'?" [Ps. 8:3]

Matthew 21:42

42 Jesus is then saying to them, "Did you never read in the Scriptures, 'A stone which the builders rejected as the result of a test – this one is birthed into (or: comes to be for) a head of a corner (= a keystone; a capstone; a cornerstone). This [head] was birthed (came into existence) from [the] Lord's [=Yahweh's] side (or: presence), and it is wonderful and marvelous in our eyes'? [Ps. 118:22-23]

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.