11 "I am saying to you, Get up (Progressively rise up) at once [then] lift up and carry away your matted pallet and be going away into your house (or: home)."
Mark 2:11 Cross References - JMNT
Mark 1:41
41 Now Jesus, being instantly moved with compassion in His inward being [other MSS: emotionally swelling internally from His natural disposition and movement of soul; or: filled with warm indignation], instantly stretching out His hand, touches him, even as He continues in saying to him, "I continually will it and am habitually intending to! Be at once cleansed and made clean!"
John 5:8-10
8 Jesus then says to him, "Get on up (or: Proceed to rise up), pick up your pallet (or: mat; cot) and go to walking about!"
9 And immediately the man becomes sound and healthy, and he was raised up (or: was aroused), and at once takes up his pallet (or: mat; cot) and began walking about. – now it was a sabbath on that day –
10 The Jews (= religious authorities) therefore, were saying to the man having been attended and cured (having received the therapy and healing), "It is sabbath (or: It is a sabbath), and it is not permitted (it is not lawful; = contrary to Torah) for you to lift up or carry the pallet (mat; cot)."
John 6:63
63 "The Spirit (or: Breath-effect; or: spirit; Breath; Attitude) is (or: continues being) the One continuously creating life (or: repeatedly making alive; habitually forming life). The flesh continues being of no help or benefit to anything (furthers or augments not one thing). The declarations (gush-effects; spoken words; sayings; results of the Flow) which I Myself have spoken to you folks are (or: continue to be) Spirit (or: spirit; Breath-effect; attitude) and they are (or: continue being) Life.