13 And [now] the [annual observance of the] Passover [Feast; festival], which originated with and pertained to the Jews (the Jewish people, religion and culture) was near, so Jesus went up into Jerusalem.
John 2:13 Cross References - JMNT
Luke 2:41
41 Now as was [their] custom, His parents regularly went their way – year by year – into Jerusalem during the Feast (or: festival) of the Passover.
John 2:23
23 Now as He was continuing being within Jerusalem during the Passover [note: the feast of unleavened bread followed for seven days right after the Passover], in the midst of the festival (celebration; Feast), many believed and put their trust into His Name, constantly gazing upon and critically contemplating His signs (or: the authenticating tokens and distinguishing signals originating in Him), which He was continuing to perform (or: had been progressively doing).
John 5:1
1 After these things there was a festival (or: feast) pertaining to the religion and culture of the Jews, and Jesus went up into Jerusalem.
John 6:4
4 – Now the Passover, the Feast (or: festival) of the Jewish culture and religion, was drawing near –
John 11:55
55 Now the Passover of the Jews (of the Jewish culture and religion) was coming to be near, and many went up into Jerusalem from out of the region (country; territory), before the Passover, so that they could purify (or: perform ritual cleansing for and of) themselves.