16 Now His disciples did not notice, become personally aware of, or understand these things, at the first, but when Jesus was glorified and became renowned, they were then reminded that these things were written upon Him (= had been written about Him), and that they did these things for Him (or: to Him; with Him).
John 12:16 Cross References - JMNT
Mark 9:32
32 However, they continued not understanding the effect of the saying, for they still had no insight or experiential knowledge of the result that flowed from the declaration and continued being afraid to question Him (or: and kept on fearing to ask Him [about it]).
Mark 16:19
Luke 9:45
45 Yet they continued being ignorant (without personal, intimate knowledge and insight) [in regard to] this saying. In fact, it was continuing concealed, having been hidden at the side, away form them, so that they could not sense or notice it. And so they continued being afraid to ask Him about this saying.
Luke 18:34
34 However, not even one of these things did they make flow together so as to comprehend (or: to understand the meaning of these [words]), and so this gush-effect, and result of the flow (spoken word; utterance; declaration; saying) was continuing to be something having been hidden away from them, and they were not coming to personally know or have an intimate connection with the things being presently said.
Luke 24:6-8
6 "He is not here. To the contrary, He was aroused and raised up! Be now reminded how He spoke to you folks, while yet being in the Galilee [district],
7 "repeatedly saying [of] the Son of the Man (the Human Being; = Adam's Son; = the expected Messiah), that it continued necessary for [Him] to be turned over (or: delivered) into [the] hands of outcast humans (mankind characterized by failure to hit the target; men who by habit and way of life are sinners), and then to be crucified (executed on a stake) – and yet on (or: in) the third day to stand back up again, and rise!"
8 So thus were they reminded of His gush-effects (the results of His flow in sayings and spoken words).
Luke 24:25
25 Then He said to them, "O senseless (or: unintelligent; mindless) and slow at heart to be trusting and believing on all things which the prophets spoke!
Luke 24:45
45 At that time He fully opened back up again their minds to be habitually making the Scriptures flow together (or: to continue putting the Scriptures together so as to comprehend [them]),
John 2:22
22 Then, when He was awakened, aroused and raised up forth from out of the midst of dead ones, His disciples were reminded that He had been repeatedly saying this, and they believed the Scripture and trusted in the word which Jesus said.
John 7:39
39 Now this He said about (or: with regard to) the Breath-effect (or: Spirit; Attitude; [other MSS: Holy, or set-apart Spirit; Sacred Wind]) of which (of Whom as a source; [other MSS simple read: which]) they – those trusting and believing into Him – were about to be continuously and progressively receiving. You see, the Holy Spirit (set-apart Breath-effect; Sacred Wind and Attitude) was not yet being One having been given [note: reading with B; with p66c, p75, Aleph, and others: for you see, there was not yet Spirit in existence; D* and three others: for there was not yet a Holy Spirit upon them; Textus Receptus: You see, [the] Holy Spirit was not yet being or existing], because Jesus was not yet glorified (made full of glory or endowed with glory; made to be a manifestation which calls forth praise).
John 12:23
23 Yet Jesus is deliberating a reply for them, [and] proceeds saying, "The hour has come and is here so that the Son of Mankind (Humanity's Son; = the Son of Adam; or: = the Human Being; or: = the eschatological Messianic figure) can be glorified (may receive a renowned reputation; should be made a manifestation which calls forth praise).
John 13:31-32
31 Then, when he went out, Jesus proceeds to say, "Now is (or: At this moment was) the Son of Mankind glorified (or: given a reputation and caused to receive opinions), and God is (or: was) glorified (or: receives opinions and a reputation; given a manifestation which will call forth praise) within Him (or: in union with Him),
32 "and God will glorify Him within, and in union with, Himself, even immediately He will glorify Him (or: and He will manifest Him as a straight and upright One which calls forth praise).
John 14:26
26 "Now the Helper (the One called alongside to aid, comfort, encourage and bring relief; the Paraclete), the set-apart Spirit (or: the Sacred Breath; the holy Breath-effect; the holy attitude), which the Father will proceed sending within, and in union with, My Name, that One will be progressively teaching you all things (everything) and will continue reminding you of (calling to your mind and causing you to think about) everything (all things) which I, Myself, said to you.
John 16:4
4 "Nevertheless, I have spoken these things to you so that whenever their hour may (or: should) come, you folks can call them to mind (or: would remember them), that I Myself told you. Now I did not tell you these things originally (from out of [the] beginning; = at the first), because I was being with you.
John 17:5
5 "So now You Yourself, O Father, glorify (bring a good reputation and a manifestation which calls forth praise to) Me alongside Yourself (or: with the presence of Yourself) in, by and with the glory (good reputation; manifestation which calls forth praise) which I was having (or: used to hold) and continued holding (possessing) at Your side and in Your presence, before the universe (or: world and system of culture, religion and government) is continuing to have being (or: had existence).
Acts 2:33
33 "Being, then, lifted up high by the right hand of God, and exalted to, and thus being at, God's right hand, as well as receiving the promise of the Set-apart Breath-effect (or: the promise which comes from the Holy Spirit; or: the promise which is the Sacred Spirit and Attitude) at the side of, and from, the Father, He poured out this which you folks are now both continuously seeing (or: observing) and keep on hearing.
Acts 2:36
36 "Therefore, let all [the] house of Israel, for a certainty and without slipping or tripping, come to progressively know by intimate experience that God made and creates Him [to be] both* Lord (Master; Owner) and Christ ([the] Anointed One; [= Messiah]) – this Jesus, whom you folks put to death on a stake (crucified)!" [*note: "both" omitted by p91]
Acts 3:13
13 "The God of Abraham, of Isaac and of Jacob – the God of our fathers – brought glory (a manifestation which calls forth praise) and a good reputation to His Servant (or: Boy) Jesus, Whom indeed you folks turned over (gave aside; [D adds: unto judgment]) and renounced (or: disown; denied) before Pilate's face – [he] having decided to be releasing that One!
Hebrews 8:1
1 Now as a summary and main point, added to the things being presently said (or: the head [topic] of the discussion): we continue having such a Chief and Ruling Priest, Who sat down at the right of the Throne of the Greatness (or: in union with the place of power and receiving in Majesty's seat of authority) within the midst of the atmospheres (or: in union with and participating in the heavens; = the realm of rule over the earth) –
Hebrews 12:2
2 turning [our] eyes away from other things and fixing them (or: looking away) into Jesus, the Inaugurator (First Leader; Prime Author) and Perfecter (Finisher; the Bringer-to-maturity and fruition; He who purposes and accomplishes the destiny) of the faith, trust, confidence and loyal allegiance, Who, instead of and in place of the joy (or: in the position on the opposite side from the happiness) continuously lying before Him (or: lying in the forefront within Him; lying ahead for Him), remained under a cross – despising shame (or: thinking nothing of [the] disgrace) – and has sat down and now continues seated, remaining in the right [hand] of (or: = in union with the place of receiving at; = at the place of power and honor, which is) God's throne.