27 Who is not having daily necessity, just as the chief priests, to repeatedly offer up sacrifices over their own failures (errors; sins) before, and after that, those of the people. For this He performed just once (once for all; on one [occasion]), offering up Himself [other MSS: bringing (or: carrying) Himself toward {God, or, us} (or: presenting Himself)].
Hebrews 7:27 Cross References - JMNT
Romans 6:10
10 for what He died (or: You see, [the death] which He died), He died for the Sin (or: by the Failure; in the deviation; to the Sin; with the Error) once for all [time] (or: at once and only once); yet what He lives (or: Yet [the life] which He continues to live), He continues living in God (for God; to God; by God; with God).
Ephesians 2:22
22 within the midst of (or: in union with) Whom you folks, also, are continuously and progressively being formed a constituent part of the structure (or: being built together into a house) into God's down-home place (place of settling down to dwell; abode; permanent dwelling) within [the] Spirit (or: in spirit; or: in the midst of a Breath-effect and an attitude).
Ephesians 5:2
2 and keep on walking (walking around; = progressively living and maintaining your life) within, and in union with, Love, according as the Christ also loves (or: to the same level and commensurately as the Anointed One loved) you, and gives (or: gave) Himself over (or: up; alongside) in our behalf (over us and our [situation]; [other MSS: you]): a bearing toward and a bringingto be face to face, and then an offering (or: sacrifice) by (or: in; with; to; for) God (or: an approach [present], even a sacrifice by God) [turning] into a fragrant odor (sweet smell).
Titus 2:14
14 Who gave (or: gives) Himself over us (= over our situation; on our behalf), to the end that He could loose and redeem us (= set us free) from all lawlessness – by payment of a ransom – and would cleanse and make pure in Himself (for Himself; by Himself; with Himself) a people being encircled around [Him], laid up as a super-abounding acquisition of property, zealous (bubbling up; or: boiling hot; = extremely enthusiastic) with regard to beautiful actions (or: for ideal works; from fine deeds).
Hebrews 5:1
1 Now you see, every chief priest being taken forth from men, on behalf of men, is being placed down (set and established) in the things directed toward (or: with a view to, pertaining to and facing) God, so that he may be bringing both gifts and sacrifices over [situations of] and in behalf of failures (mistakes; sins; errors; times of missing the target),
Hebrews 5:3
3 and so, on account of this, he is indebted (obliged; or: he owes it) – according as concerning the people, so also concerning himself – to offer (bear something with a view to and directed) concerning failures (mistakes; sins; errors; times of shooting off-target).
Hebrews 9:7
7 yet into the second one [i.e., compartment] the chief priest alone (or: only), once a year, not apart from blood – which he is offering over (or: on behalf of) the effects of ignorance (things resulting from a lack of knowledge or insight) of himself and of the people –
Hebrews 9:12
12 entered in at once and once for all into the midst and core of the set-apart ones (or: the holy places), at once finding in Himself an unbinding (a loosening for release and liberation; redemption) proper to, belonging to and having its origin in the Age [of the Messiah] (or: eonian, or, age-lasting liberation).
Hebrews 9:14
14 to how much greater an extent shall the blood of the Christ (Anointed One; [Messiah]) – Who through means of a spirit (or: attitude; [the] Breath-effect) pertaining to the Age offers Himself (or: brought Himself face to face and offers Himself) without blemish by and with God (or: in, to and for God) – continue cleansing and pruning your conscience and shared consciousness from works of death (or: dead procedures and activities; deeds of dead folks) [leading] into [the situation] to be continuously rendering sacred service, as well as habitually doing the business and duties of life, for, in, by, to and with the living, as well as true and real, God?
Hebrews 9:25
25 Nor yet [is it] that many times He would be repeatedly offering Himself, even as the chief priest is repeatedly entering into the set-apart (or: holy) places yearly in blood belonging to another,
Hebrews 9:28
28 so also, the Christ – being once borne (or: carried) close into the many (or: being offered once unto and for the many) to carry failures (errors; sins mistakes; deviations; misses of the target) back up again – will continue being made visible (or: will be progressively seen) forth from out of the midst of the second [place (cf 9:3, 7 & 10:9; {comment: = the holy of holies})] – apart from failure (apart from sin; apart from a sin offering; apart from error in attempting to hit the target) – in those (or: by those; to those; for those) habitually receiving (or: progressively taking) from out of the midst of Him, [progressing] into a deliverance (or: [leading] into a rescue; with a view to health and wholeness; into the midst of salvation). [note: the Greek word translated "receiving from out of the midst of" is apekdechomai, which is dechomai, which means "to take and receive with the hands," with the preposition apek, a contraction of apo, "from," and ek, "out of the midst of" added as a prefix. This verb should not be translated "looking for," or "awaiting"]
Hebrews 10:6-12
6 "And the results and effects of whole burnt offerings about sin (concerning failure to hit the target) You do not think well of (or: have a good opinion about).
7 "Then I said, 'Consider! I am arriving to do (make; form; create; produce; perform) Your will (purpose; intent; resolve), O God!' – in a little head of a scroll (a summaryof a little scroll), it has been written concerning Me.'" [Ps. 40:6-8]
8 Up above, in saying that,"You do not will (purpose, intend), neither think well of (or: approve), sacrifice and offering and the result and effect of whole burnt-offerings, even concerning sin (failure; error) [offerings]" – which things, down from and in accord with Law and custom, continue being repeatedly offered –
9 He then said, "Consider! I am arriving to do (form; make; create) Your will (purpose; intent; resolve), O God!" – He is habitually (or: progressively; or: presently) taking back up the first, so that He could make the second [cf. ch. 9:28] to stand (or: that He may place and establish the second) –
10 within which will (or: in union with which intent and purpose), we are folks having been made set-apart ones (sanctified folks; sacred and holy people) through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.
11 And so, indeed on the one hand, every priest has stood daily, publicly serving and offering the same sacrifices many times (or: often) – which things not even once (never) are able or have power to take away sins (failures; errors) which surround (which envelop) [us].
12 Yet on the other hand this One, after at one point offering one sacrifice – stretched for the whole length – over [the situation of] sins (or: on behalf of failures and errors), sat within the right [part or side] of God (or: at the right [hand] of God; centered in God's [place of power, honor and acceptance]) on into the whole length (or: extended into the unbroken continuance),