Hebrews 11:32 Cross References - JMNT

32 And so, what am I yet presently saying? For the time shall fail me, while progressively leading throughout and relating concerning Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, and the prophets,

Matthew 5:12

12 be continuously rejoicing and repeatedly express extreme exultation, because your wage (compensation; reward) [is] much (large; great), within the heavens (or: atmospheres [that surround you])! You see, they persecuted the prophets before you in the same way.

Luke 13:28

28 "Whenever you may [other MSS: will] see Abraham, Isaac and Jacob – as well as all the prophets – within the midst of God's reign (or: sovereign activities and influence; kingdom), yet you yourselves, one after another, being thrown outside, the weeping and the grinding (or: gnashing) of the teeth (= the sorrow and regret) will be [out] there, in that place.

Luke 16:31

31 "Still, he rejoined to him, 'Since (or: If) they are not in the habit of listening to or hearing Moses and the Prophets, neither will they proceed in being persuaded if someone should arise and stand up out from among [the] dead folks.'"

John 21:25

25 Now there are also many other things which Jesus did (performed; made; created; produced), which things – if ever it could be progressively written, one by one (= in full detail) – I am imagining (or: continue evaluating and supposing) that not even the organized System (world; society at large; arranged order; cosmos) itself will [be able] to contain the scrolls being constantly written. [written circa 40-65 – Based on the critical analysis of John A.T. Robinson]

Acts 2:29-31

29 "Men! Brothers (= Fellow Believers; or: = Fellow Jews)! Allow me to say to you folks, with freeness of speech and with outspoken frankness and boldness, concerning the patriarch David – that he both came to [his] end and was buried, and his memorial tomb is among us until this day. 30 "Being inherently a prophet (one who had light ahead of time), however, and thus seeing and knowing with perception that God swore and affirms to him with an oath to at some point seat [One] upon his throne [that is] from out of [the] fruit of his loins (reproductive organs), 31 "seeing and perceiving beforehand, he spoke concerning the resurrection of the Christ, that He was neither left down within the midst, in (or: [sinking] into) the Unseen (or: Hades; = Hebrew: sheol; the realm or abode of the dead; often used for "the grave"), nor did His flesh (= body) see (= experience) corruption or decay.

Acts 3:24

24 "Now all the prophets also fully announced these days, from Samuel on, and as many as consecutively (in order according to succession) spoke.

Acts 10:43

43 "To this Man (or: Person) all the prophets (those who had light ahead of time) continue bearing witness, giving testimony and presenting evidence: through His Name, everyone making it a habit to place their trust into Him and continue believing with [their focus] into the midst of Him is to at once receive a sending away of mistakes (a divorce from failures; a cancellation of errors; a forgiveness of sins; a flowing off of deviations)."

Acts 13:20

20 "– for about four hundred and fifty years. Then after these things, he gave [them] judges – until Samuel, the prophet (the one who had light ahead of time, and spoke it before folks).

Acts 13:22-36

22 "Then, upon changing the standing of (or: deposing; dismissing) him, He raise up David to (or: for) them, unto [the position of] king – about whom He also said, showing evidence and giving testimony, 'I found David, the [son] of Jesse, a man corresponding to and in accord with My heart, who will continue doing all the effects of My will (or: who will progressively perform all the results of My intent, purpose and desire).' [Ps. 89:20] 23 "From the seed of this one (or: From this person's descendant) – corresponding to and in accord with [the] promise – He brought to (or: for; in; by) Israel a Deliverer (Savior; Rescuer; Restorer to health and wholeness), Jesus. 24 "John's previous heralding – before His personal entrance – was publicly proclaiming an immersion (a dipping; a baptism) which pertained to a change of mind (a change in thinking and life, which also involved a return of their focus to Yahweh) to and for all the people [of] Israel. 25 "Yet as John continued fulfilling [his own] race course (= completed [his] career), he kept on repeatedly saying, 'What or who are you people continuing to secretly think (or: repeatedly conjecturing; presently supposing) me to be? I myself am not [what you think] (or: not [the One])! To the contrary, look and consider! One is progressively coming – after me – the sandals of Whose feet, I am not worthy to loosen or untie.' 26 "Men! Brothers! Sons of the race (or: family) of Abraham as well as those among you continuously fearing God (or: [who] are God-fearers)! The Logos (Word; message) of this deliverance (salvation; return to health, wholeness and our original state of being) was sent forth out to us [other MSS: you]! 27 "You see, those presently residing (dwelling; having a permanent home) in Jerusalem, along with their rulers, not knowing this or even the voices of the prophets – those being regularly and repeatedly read in accord with every sabbath – they fulfilled [them] in judging [Him] (or: not recognizing or knowing, and being ignorant about, this One, by judging [Him] they fulfilled the voices of the prophets which are continuously being read, down on every sabbath). 28 "And even though not finding in Him even one cause for (or: grounds deserving) death [D* adds: after judging Him they turned {Him} over to Pilate {and}], they asked Pilate to take Him up to be executed. 29 "So as they ended (brought to fruition; brought to its goal and destiny; finished; completed the final act and purpose of) all the things having been written concerning Him, after taking [Him] down from the wooden pole (stake; cross), they put [Him] into a memorial tomb. 30 "Yet God aroused and raised Him up from out of the midst of dead folks, 31 "Who was from time to time seen on many days by those walking back up together from Galilee into Jerusalem – who at this time continue being witnesses of Him (or: evidence for Him; His folks who give testimony) to the people. 32 "And thus we ourselves continue bringing and declaring [to] you folks the good news [about] the promise that was being birthed to (or: was coming into existence, or occurring, toward) our fathers (= ancestors), 33 "that God has filled this out of [our] midst (or: has fully fulfilled this) for (or: to; in) our children [other MSS: us, their children,] in raising (resurrecting; standing back up again) Jesus – even as it has been written in the second Psalm, 'You are My Son; I Myself have given birth to You today (or: today I Myself have become Your Father).' [D adds: You see then, request of Me and I will proceed giving to You the ethnic multitudes (nations and people groups) {for} Your allotted inheritance, and the limits and uttermost parts of the earth {as} Your firmly held possession.] [Ps. 2:7] 34 "Now, seeing that He raised Him up (resurrected Him; stood Him back up again) from out of the midst of dead folks – no longer being about to be progressively returning (or: not anymore continuing about to be constantly or repeatedly turning below, or under) into corruption and decay. Thus He has declared, 'I will proceed giving to and among you people the faithful and trustworthy qualities and aspects of pious and benign loyalty which belonged to David.' [Isa. 55:3] 35 "Wherefore also, in a different [Psalm], it continues saying, 'I will not proceed in giving Your Pious and Benignly Loyal Person to see (= experience) decay or corruption.' [Ps. 16:10] 36 "You see David, on the one hand – in his own generation – after rendering subordinate service to (or: in; by; for; with) the counsel and express will of God, fell asleep (= died) and was placed facing toward (or: was added to) his fathers – and then saw (= experienced) decay and corruption.

Romans 3:5

5 However (or: But; Now) if our injustice (disregard for what is right; behavior contrary to the Way pointed out) continues to stand together with (is jointly establishing; habitually commends) God’s solidarity in fair and equitable dealings ([covenantal] justice; Way pointed out; rightwised direction), what shall we continue saying (or: declaring)? God, the One continuously bringing the personal emotion (inherent fervor; impulse; or: wrath; anger; indignation), [is] not unjust! – after the manner of a man (down from [my] humanity) I normally say, "Certainly not (May it not come to be)!" (or: [Is] not God, the One repeatedly bringing on the personal emotion against mankind or anger in correspondence to humanity, unjust? I repeatedly say, "It can't happen!"; or: God [is] not unfair by being the one constantly bringing this inherent fervor and impulse against a person. I am now saying, "It could not occur!")

Romans 4:1

1 What then shall we declare Abraham – our forefather according to the flesh (or: the first founder of our family, in line with natural descent) – to have found? (or: What, consequently, will we say? Is Abraham found [as] our preferred father on the level or sphere of flesh?)

Romans 6:1

1 What, then (or: consequently), shall we continue saying (or: declaring)? Should we continue prolonging our remaining (or: May we stay longer, remain on, habitually abide or persist) in the Sin (with the failure; by the missing of the target; centered in the error; in relation to the deviation from the goal), to the end that the Grace and Favor may increase to be more than enough?

Romans 7:7

7 What, then, shall we say (or: declare)? [Is] the Law (or: custom) sin (error; failure to hit the target; deviation from the goal)? Certainly not (May it not come to be)! Instead (or: But rather) I did not (or: do not) at any point experientially and intimately know the Sin, if not through Law ([= Torah]; or: custom). For besides, I had not seen and thus had not known (become conscious of) the full passion (earnest desire; lust; coveting; emotion upon something) if the Law and the custom were not continuously saying (or: except the [Torah] kept on saying), "You will continue not putting strong emotions upon something (or: You shall not repeatedly have a strong impulse or desire; You will not constantly crave or covet [other folks' possessions or their gods])." [Ex. 20:17; Deut. 5:21; comment: the "I" of this passage = Adam (Gen. 3) /Israel (Ex. 32) /Paul (in his pre-Christian experience)]

James 5:10

10 Brothers, take the prophets who spoke within [the authority of], and in union with, the Name of the Lord [= Yahweh] as an example to be copied: of experiencing worthless responses and bad conditions while suffering from harmful treatment and evil – as well as of patience (long-suffering; slow-rushing; long-term feelings).

1 Peter 1:10-12

10 Concerning (or: Round about) which deliverance (health and wholeness; rescue; salvation) [the] prophets, carefully scrutinizing, sought out and then diligently searched out the [Scriptures] prophesying concerning (or: about) the grace and favor [directed and coming] into you folks, 11 constantly searching into which season or what kind of situation the Spirit of Christ (or: Christ's spirit; or: the Breath-effect which is the Anointed One), resident within them, was continuing to point to, making [it] evident and clearly visible, repeatedly testifying (witnessing; giving evidence) beforehand about the effects of the experiences and results of the sufferings [projected] into Christ, and the glories (the manifestations which call forth praise; the good opinions and reputations; the appearances of things) after these things, 12 to which folks (or: in which ones) it was unveiled (revealed; disclosed) that not to or for themselves, but to and for you people, they had been progressively dispensing and serving them – which things are now announced (or: which tidings were brought back) to you through those announcing (proclaiming; bringing and communicating) the message of well-being and goodness (or: good news) to you within [or, with other MSS: by] a set-apart Breath-effect (or: [the] Holy Spirit; or: sacred spirit) being sent forth from [the] atmosphere (or: heaven) – into which things agents (or: messengers; folks that had the message) are habitually and earnestly desiring (are constantly in full passion and craving) to stoop down beside and look (or: peer; peek) inside, so as to obtain a clearer and more accurate view.

2 Peter 1:21

21 for you see, previously enlightened information (or: prophecy) was (or: is) not at any time brought by (or: in; for) [the] will (intent; resolve; purpose) of a human, but rather being continuously carried by (or: swept along under [the influence of]) [the] set-apart Breath-effect (or: Holy Spirit), [some MSS add: set-apart; holy] people spoke (or: speak) from God.

2 Peter 3:2

2 to be born in mind (or: to be called to mind), about the flowing declarations (or: gush-effects; results of the flow) having been spoken beforehand by the set-apart (or: holy; sacred) prophets, even (or: as well as) the sent-forth representatives (emissaries) which pertained to you folks, of the implanted goal (impartation of the finished product and destiny within; inward directive) of, from and which is, the Lord and Savior (Deliverer),

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.