27 " [D adds: most of all] to be continuously seeking God [D reads: the Deity], since really, in fact, they could feel about and grope, and then at some point might (or: possibly) find Him! And, to be sure, [He] is continuously being an Originator (or: He is constantly subsisting, being inherently [the] Under-beginner) not far away (or: a long distance) from each one of us!
Acts 17:27 Cross References - JMNT
Acts 14:17
17 "although He did not leave (or: abandon; neglect; let go from His care and attendance of) Himself without evidence (= proof; or: testimony; or: a witness) by repeatedly doing good works (or: produced benevolent deeds): regularly giving to (or: for) you people rains from heaven (or: [the] sky), and thus fruit-bearing seasons, constantly filling the core of your beings full of food (or: nourishment) and your hearts with gladness and a frame of mind (or: disposition) characterized by ease and well-being in the midst of togetherness."
Acts 15:17
17 'so that the rest of humanity would seek out and earnestly try to find the Lord [= Yahweh] – even all the ethnic multitudes (nations; non-Jews), upon whom My Name has been called on: upon them, continues saying [the] Lord [= Yahweh] – the One constantly doing these things.' [Amos 9:11-12]
Romans 1:20
20 For you see, from [the] creation (framing; founding of order out of chaos; settling) of [the] ordered System (cosmos; universe; or: world of culture, religion and government) His invisible things (unseen [qualities and attributes]) – both His imperceptible (unobservable, but effecting-all) power, ability and capacity, as well as divinity (Godship; God-state) – are habitually seen down the line (or: are normally correspondingly perceived), being continually apprehended (grasped by the mind; mentally conceived) in the results and by the effects of things which are made or done, in order for them to be continuously defenseless (without an excuse),
Romans 2:4
4 Or, are you continually having a "down-oriented" frame of mind (or: despising; thinking down or with disrespect; or: = a negative disposition) concerning the riches (or: wealth) of His kind and gentle usefulness (benevolence with a sweet disposition; kindness), [His] delaying forbearance (the tolerant holding-back) and [His] patient longsuffering, constantly being ignorant that God’s kind and gentle usefulness (benevolence with a sweet disposition) is continuously leading you into a change of mind and purpose (a paradigm shift; or: = repentance with a change of heart and thinking, accompanied by a turn, or return, to God)?