30 And those whom he predestined, he also called; and those whom he called, he also justified; and those whom he justified he also glorified.
Romans 8:30 Cross References - ISV
Isaiah 41:9
9 you whom I encouraged from the ends of the earth and called from its farthest corners, and told you, ‘You’re my servant, I’ve chosen you and haven’t cast you aside.’
John 5:24
24 “Truly, I tell all of you emphatically, whoever hears what I say and believes in the one who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged, but has passed from death to life.
John 6:39-40
John 17:22
22 “I have given them the glory that you gave me, so that they may be one, just as we are one.
John 17:24
24 Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am and to see my glory, which you gave me because you loved me before the creation of the world.
Romans 1:6
6 You, too, are among those who have been called to belong to Jesus the Messiah.
Romans 3:22-26
22 God’s righteousness through the faithfulness of Jesus the Messiah— for all who believe. For there is no distinction among people,
23 since all have sinned and continue to fall short of God’s glory.
24 By his grace they are justified freely through the redemption that is in the Messiah Jesus,
25 whom God offered as a place where atonement by the Messiah’s blood would occur through faith. He did this to demonstrate his righteousness, because he had waited patiently to deal with sins committed in the past.
26 He wanted to demonstrate at the present time that he himself is righteous and that he justifies anyone who has the faithfulness of Jesus.
Romans 5:8-10
8 But God demonstrates his love for us by the fact that the Messiah died for us while we were still sinners.
9 Now that we have been justified by his blood, how much more will we be saved from wrath through him! 10 For if, while we were enemies, we were reconciled to God through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, will we be saved by his life!
9 Now that we have been justified by his blood, how much more will we be saved from wrath through him! 10 For if, while we were enemies, we were reconciled to God through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, will we be saved by his life!
Romans 8:1
1 The Spirit Gives LifeTherefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in union with the Messiah Jesus.
Romans 8:17-18
17 Now if we are children, we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with the Messiah—if, in fact, we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.
18God’s Spirit Helps UsFor I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed to us.
Romans 8:28
28 And we know that for those who love God, that is, for those who are called according to his purpose, all things are working together for good.
Romans 8:33-35
33 Who will accuse God’s elect? It is God who justifies!
34 Who is the one to condemn? It is the Messiah Jesus who is interceding on our behalf. He died, and more importantly, has been raised and is seated at the right hand of God.
35 Who will separate us from the Messiah’s love? Can trouble, distress, persecution, hunger, nakedness, danger, or a violent death do this?
35 Who will separate us from the Messiah’s love? Can trouble, distress, persecution, hunger, nakedness, danger, or a violent death do this?
Romans 9:23-24
1 Corinthians 1:2
2 To: God’s church in Corinth, to those who have been sanctified by the Messiah Jesus and called to be holy, together with all those everywhere who call on the name of our Lord Jesus, the Messiah—their Lord and ours.
1 Corinthians 1:9
9 Faithful is the God by whom you were called into fellowship with his Son Jesus the Messiah, our Lord.
1 Corinthians 6:11
11 That is what some of you were! But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of our Lord Jesus the Messiah and by the Spirit of our God.
2 Corinthians 4:17
17 This light, temporary nature of our suffering is producing for us an everlasting weight of glory, far beyond any comparison,
Ephesians 1:5
5 he predestined us for adoption to himself through Jesus the Messiah, according to the pleasure of his will,
Ephesians 1:11
11 In the Messiah we were also chosen when we were predestined according to the purpose of the one who does everything that he wills to do,
Ephesians 2:6
6 raised us up with him, and seated us with him in the heavenly realm in the Messiah Jesus,
Ephesians 4:4
4 There is one body and one Spirit. Likewise, you were called to the one hope of your calling.
Colossians 3:4
4 When the Messiah, who is your life, is revealed, then you, too, will be revealed with him in glory.
1 Thessalonians 2:12
12 We comforted and encouraged you, urging you to live in a manner worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory.
2 Thessalonians 1:10-12
10 when he comes to be glorified by his saints and to be regarded with wonder on that day by all who have believed—including you, because you believed our testimony.
11 With this in mind, we always pray for you, asking that our God might make you worthy of his calling and that through his power he might help you accomplish every good desire and faithful action. 12 That way the name of our Lord Jesus will be glorified by you, and you by him, according to the grace of our God and Lord, Jesus, the Messiah.
11 With this in mind, we always pray for you, asking that our God might make you worthy of his calling and that through his power he might help you accomplish every good desire and faithful action. 12 That way the name of our Lord Jesus will be glorified by you, and you by him, according to the grace of our God and Lord, Jesus, the Messiah.
2 Thessalonians 2:13-14
13 At all times we are obligated to thank God for you, brothers who are loved by the Lord, because God chose you to be the first fruits for salvation through sanctification by the Spirit and through faith in the truth.
14 With this purpose in mind, he called you through our proclamation of the gospel so that you would obtain the glory of our Lord Jesus, the Messiah.
2 Timothy 2:11
11 This saying is trustworthy: In dying with the Messiah, true life we gain.
Titus 3:4-7
4 In grace our Savior God appeared, to make his love for mankind clear.
5 ‘Twas not for deeds that we had done, but by his steadfast love alone, he saved us through a second birth, renewed us by the Spirit’s work,
6 and poured him out upon us, too, through Jesus the Messiah our Savior true.
7 And so, made heirs by his own grace, eternal life we now embrace.
Hebrews 9:15
15 The Messiah is the Mediator of a New CovenantThis is why the Messiah is the mediator of a new covenant; so that those who are called may receive the eternal inheritance promised them, since a death has occurred that redeems them from the offenses committed under the first covenant.
1 Peter 2:9
9 But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people to be his very own and to proclaim the wonderful deeds of the one who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.
1 Peter 3:9
9 Do not pay others back evil for evil or insult for insult. Instead, keep blessing them, because you were called to inherit a blessing.
1 Peter 4:13-14
1 Peter 5:10
10 After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who called you by the Messiah Jesus to his eternal glory, will restore you, establish you, strengthen you, and support you.
2 Peter 1:10
10 So then, my brothers, be all the more eager to make your calling and election certain, for if you keep on doing this you will never fail.
Revelation 17:14
14 They will wage war against the lamb, but the lamb will conquer them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings. Those who are called, chosen, and faithful are with him.”
Revelation 19:9
9 Then the angel told me, “Write this: ‘How blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the lamb!’” He also told me, “These are the true words of God.”