Zechariah 8:23 Cross References - Great

23 Thus sayeth the Lord of hoostes. In that tyme shall ten men (out of all maner of languages of the Gentyles) take one Iewe by the hemme of hys garment, & saye: we wyll go wt you, for we haue herde, that God is amonge you.

Genesis 31:7

7 But youre father hath disceaued me, and chaunged my wages .x. tymes: but God suffred hym not to hurte me.

Genesis 31:41

41 Thus haue I bene .xx. yere in thy house, & serued the .xiiii. yeres for thy .ii. doughters, & .vi. yeres for thy shepe, and thou hast chaunged my rewarde .x. tymes.

Numbers 10:29-32

29 And Moses sayde vnto Hobab the sonne of Raguel the Madianite: which was Moses father in lawe: we go vnto the place of which the Lorde sayd: I wyll geue it you. Come thou therfore with vs, & we wyll do the good: for the Lorde hath promysed good vnto Israel. 30 And he answered hym: I wyll not go: but will departe to myne awne land and to my kynred. 31 He sayde: Oh naye, leaue vs not: for thou knowest oure mansyons in the wyldernesse: and thou hast bene to vs in steade of eyes. 32 And yf thou go with vs loke what goodnesse the Lorde sheweth vnto vs, the same wyll we shewe vnto the.

Numbers 14:14-16

14 And it wylbe tolde to the inhabyters of this lande also: for they haue hearde lykewyse, that thou Lorde art amonge this people: and that thou Lorde art sene face to face, and that thy cloude standeth ouer them, and that thou goest before them by daye tyme in a pyller of a cloude, and in a pyller of fyer by nyght. 15 If thou shalt kyll all thys people as they were but one man, then the nacyons which haue hearde the fame of the, wyll saye: 16 The Lorde is not able to brynge in this people into the lande which he sware vnto them: but hath slayne them in the wildernesse.

Numbers 14:22

22 But all those men which haue sene my glory and my miracles which I dyd in Egipt and in the wildernes and haue tempted me nowe thys .x. tymes, and will not herken vnto my voyce,

Deuteronomy 4:6-7

6 Kepe them therfore and do them, for that is youre wysdome & vnderstandynge in the syghte of the nacyons: that they maye heare all these ordinaunces, and saye: Surely it is a wyse and vnderstandynge people: it is a greate nacyon. 7 For what other nacyon is so greate, that Goddes come so nye vnto: as the Lorde oure God is nye vnto vs, in all thynges as oft as we call vnto him?

Joshua 2:9-13

9 & sayde vnto the men: I knowe, that the Lorde hathe geuen you the lande for the feare of you is fallen vpon vs, & the enhabiters of the land faynt at the presence of you. 10 For we haue heard, how the Lorde dried vp the water of the redd see before you when you came out of Egypte, & what you dyd vnto the two kynges of the Amorites, that were on the other side Iordan Sehon, & Og, whom ye vtterlye destroyed. 11 And as sone as we had heard these thynges oure hertes dyd fainte. And there remayned no moare courage in any man at the presence of you. For the Lord youre God, he is the God in heauen aboue, & on the erth benethe. 12 Now therfore (I pray you) sweare vnto me by the Lorde, that as I haue shewed you mercie, ye shall also shewe mercie vnto my fathers house, & geue me a true token. 13 And that ye shall saue alyue, bothe my father, & my mother, my brethren, & my systers, and all that they haue. And that ye shall delyuer oure soules from death.

Ruth 1:16-17

16 And Ruth answered: entreate me not to leaue the, and to returne from after the: for whether thou goest, I will go also, & where thou dwellest, there I wyll dwell: thy people shalbe my people, and thy God my God, 17 Where thou dyest, there wyll I dye, and there will I be buried. The Lord do so and so to me, yf ought but death onelye departe the and me asondre.

1 Samuel 15:27-28

27 And as Samuel turned hym selfe to go awaye, he caught the lappe of hys coate, & it rent. 28 And Samuel sayde vnto hym: the Lorde hath rent the kyngdome of Israel from the this daye, & hath geuen it to a neyghboure of thyne, that is better then thou.

2 Samuel 15:19-22

19 Then sayde the kynge to Ithai the Gethite, wherfore commest thou wyth vs? Returne and abide with the kynge, for thou art a straunger, and art remoued from thyne awne place. 20 Thou camest but yesterdaye, and shulde I vnquyet the to daye to go wt vs? I wyll go whether I can. Therfore returne thou, & carye agayne thy brethren. Mercye and truthe. 21 And Ithai answered the kynge and sayd: as trulye as God lyueth & as my Lord the kinge lyueth, in what place my Lord the kynge shalbe, whether in deeth or lyfe, euen there also wyll thy seruaunt be. 22 And Dauid the kynge sayde to Ithai: come then and go forwarde. And Ithai the Gethite went forth, & all hys men, & all the chyldren that were wt hym.

1 Kings 8:42-43

42 for they shall heare of thy greate name, & of thy myghtie hande and of thy stretched out arme & shall come and praye in thys house. 43 Therfore, heare thou in heauen thy dwellynge place, and do all that the straunger calleth to the for: that all nacions of the erth maye knowe thy name and feare the, as do thy people Israel: and that they maye knowe that thy name is called vpon in thys house whych I haue buylte.

2 Kings 2:6

6 And Elia sayde vnto him: tarye I praye the here, for the Lorde hath sent me to Iordan. He sayde: as surely as the Lorde lyueth, and as thy soule lyueth, I will not leaue the. And so they two went togeather.

1 Chronicles 12:18

18 And the spiryte came vpon Amasai which was the chefe amonge thyrtye, and he sayde, thyne are we Dauid, and on thy syde thou sonne of Iesai: Peace, peace be vnto the, and peace be to thyne helpers, for thy God is thine helpe. Then Dauid receaued them, and made them heedes of companyes of the men of warre.

Job 19:3

3 Lo ten tymes haue ye reproued me: and are not a shamed, for to laugh me so to scorne:

Ecclesiastes 11:2

2 Geue parte .vii. dayes, and also vpon the eyght, for thou knowest not what misery shall come vpon earth.

Isaiah 3:6

6 Yee, one shall take a frende of hys awne kynred by the bosome, and saye: thou hast clothynge, thou shalt be our head, for thou mayest kepe vs from thys fall & parell.

Isaiah 4:1

1 Then shall seuen wyues take holde of one man, and saye: we wyll laye all our meate and clothynge together in comen, only that we may be called thy wyues, & that thys shamefull reprofe maye be taken from vs.

Isaiah 45:14

14 Thus sayeth the Lord. The occupiers of Egypt, the marchauntes of the Morians and Sabees, shall come vnto the with tribute, they shalbe thyne, they shall folowe the, and go with cheynes vpon their fete. They shall fall downe before the, and make supplicacyon vnto the. For God (without whom there is none other God) shalbe with the.

Isaiah 55:5

5 Lo, thou shalt call an vnknowne people: & a people that had not knowledge of the, shall runne vnto the: because of the Lord thy God, and the holy one of Israel, whych glorifyeth the.

Isaiah 60:3

3 The Gentiles shall come to thy lyght, and kynges to the bryghtnes that spryngeth forth vpon the.

Isaiah 66:18

18 For I wyll come to gather all people & tonges with their workes and ymaginacyons: these shall come, and se my glory.

Micah 5:5

5 Then shall there be peace, so that the Assyrian maye come into youre lande, & treade in youre houses. We shall bringe vp seuen shepherdes and .viii. princes vpon them:

Matthew 18:21-22

21 Then came Peter to hym, & sayde: Lorde howe oft shall I forgeue my brother, yf he synne agaynst me: Tyll seuen tymes? 22 Iesus sayeth vnto hym: I saye not vnto the vntill seuen tymes: but seuenty tymes seuen tymes.

Luke 8:44

44 came behynd him, & touched the hem of his rayment: & immediatly her issue of bloud staunched.

Acts 13:47-48

47 For so hath the Lorde commaunded vs. I haue made the a lyght of the Gentyls, that thou be the saluacyon vnto the ende of the worlde. 48 Whan the gentyls hearde thys, they were glad and glorifyed the worde of the Lorde, & beleued: euen as many as were ordeyned vnto eternal lyfe.

Acts 19:12

12 so that from his body, were brought vnto the sicke, napkins & partelettes, & the diseases departed from them, and the euyll spretes went out of them.

1 Corinthians 14:25

25 & so are the secretes of his hert opened, and so falleth he downe on his face, and worshyppeth God, & sayth, that God is in you of a trueth.

Revelation 7:9-10

9 After this I behelde, & lo, a gret multitude (which noman coulde nombre) of all nacyons & people, & tonges, stode before the seate, & before the lambe, clothed with longe white garmentes, & palmes in their handes, 10 & cryed with a lowde voyce, sayinge: saluacyon be asscribed to him that sytteth vpon the seate of oure God, & vnto the lambe.

Revelation 14:6-7

6 And I sawe, another angell flye in the myddes of heauen hauynge the euerlastyng gospell, to preache vnto them that syt & dwell on the erth, & to all nacyons, kynreds, & tonges & people, 7 saying wt a lowde voyce: Feare God, & geue honour to hym, for the houre of his iudgement is come: and worshyppe him, that made heauen & erth, & the see, & fountaines of water.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.