Zechariah 8:19 Cross References - Great

19 thus sayeth the Lorde of hoostes. The fast of the fourth moneth, the fast of the fifth, the fast of the seuenth, and the fast of the tenth, shall be ioye and gladnesse, and prosperous hye feastes vnto the house of Iuda: Onely, loue the treuth and peace.

2 Kings 25:3-4

3 And the nynth daye of the moneth, there was so greate hongre in the citye, that there was no breed for the people of the lande. 4 And the citye was broken vp: and all the men of armes fledd by nyght, by a waye thorowe a gate which is betwene two walles, by the kynges garden: the Chaldees lyinge about the citye. And the kynge went the waye towarde the playne.

2 Kings 25:25

25 But it chaunced in the seuenth moneth, that Ismael the sonne of Nethania the sonne of Elisama, of the kynges bloude, came, and ten men with hym, and smote Gedalia, that he dyed: and so dyd he the Iewes and the Chaldees that were with hym at Mizpa.

Esther 8:17

17 In all landes & cyties, into what places soeuer the kynges worde and commaundement reched, there was ioye & myrth, prosperite & good dayes among the Iewes: in somoch, that many of the people in the lande became of the Iewes belefe, and the feare of the Iewes came vpon them.

Esther 9:22

22 as the dayes wherin the Iewes came to rest from their enemyes, and as a moneth wherin their payne was turned to ioye, & their sorowe into a holy daye, & that in those dayes they shuld make feastes and gladnes, & one to sende gyftes vnto another, & to distribute vnto the poore.

Psalms 30:11

11 Heare, O Lorde, and haue mercy vpon me: Lorde be thou my helper.

Isaiah 12:1

1 So that then thou shalt saye: O Lorde, I wyll thanke the, for thou waste displeased at me, but refrayne thou from thy wrath, and comforte me.

Isaiah 35:10

10 And the redemed of the Lorde, I saye, shall conuerte and come to Zion with thanckesgeuing. Euerlastyng ioye shall they haue: pleasure and gladnes shalbe among them. And as for all sorowe and heuynes, it shall vanysh awaye.

Isaiah 51:11

11 Therfore the redemed of the Lord shall turne agayne, & come wyth ioye vnto Sion, there to endure for euer? That myrth & gladnesse myght be with them: that sorowe and wo myght fle from them?

Jeremiah 31:12-13

12 And they shall come, & reioyce vpon the hyll of Sion, and shall haue plenteousnes of goodes, which the Lorde shall geue them. Namely, wheate, wyne, oyle, yonge shepe & calues. And theyr conscience shalbe as a well watred garden, for they shall nomore be hongrye. 13 Then shall the mayde reioyce in the daunce, yee, both yonge and olde folkes. For I wyll turne their sorowe into gladnesse, and wyll conforte them from theyr sorowes and make them ioyfull.

Jeremiah 39:2

2 And in the .xi. yeare of Zedekiah in the fourth Moneth the .ix. daye of the Moneth, he brake into the cytie.)

Jeremiah 41:1-3

1 But in the seuenth Moneth it happened, the Ismael the sonne of Nathaniah the sonne of Elisama (one of the kynges bloude) came with them that were greatest aboute the kynge, & ten men that were sworne with him: vnto Godoliah the sonne of Ahicam to Mizpa, & they dyd eate together. 2 And Ismael the sonne of Nathaniah with those ten men that were sworne to him, starte vp, and smote Godoliah the sonne of Ahicam the sonne of Saphan with the swearde, and slewe him, whom the kynge of Babylon had made gouernoure of the lande. 3 Ismael also slewe all the Iewes that were with Godoliah at Mizpa, and all the Caldees that he founde there waytynge vpon hym and those that were able to fyght they slewe with hym.

Jeremiah 52:4

4 But in the nynth yeare of hys raygne, In the tenth moneth, the tenth daye of the moneth it happened, that Nabuchodonosor the kyng of Babilon with all hys hooste came before Ierusalem, and beseged it, and made them bulworckes rounde aboute it.

Jeremiah 52:6-7

6 And in the fourth moneth, the .ix. daye of the moneth, there was so great honger in the cytie: that there were nomore vytayles for the people of the lande. 7 So all the soudiers brake awaye, and fled oute of the cytie by nyght thorowe the waye of the porte betwene the two walles vp the kynges garden. Nowe the Chaldees had compassed the cytie rounde aboute, yet went these men their waye towarde the wyldernes.

Jeremiah 52:12-15

12 Nowe the tenth daye of the fyfth moneth in the nynth yeare of Nabuchodonosor kynge of Babilon, Nabusaradan the chefe captayne and the kynge of Babylons seruauntes came vnto Ierusalem, 13 and brent vp the house of the Lorde. He brent vp also the kynges palace, all the houses and all the gorgeous buyldynges in Ierusalem. 14 And the whole hoost of the Chaldees that were with the chefe captayne, brake downe all the walles of Ierusalem rounde aboute. 15 As for the poore people and soch folke as yet was left in the cytie: which also were fallen to the kynge of Babylon, yee, and what people as yet remayned: Nabuzaradan the chefe captayne caried them awaye presoners.

Zechariah 7:3

3 and that they shulde saye vnto the prestes, which were in the house of the Lord of hoostes, and to the prophetes. Shuld I wepe in the fyfth moneth, & absteyne as I haue done nowe certayne yeares?

Zechariah 7:5

5 Speake vnto all the people of the land, and to the prestes, and saye: when ye fasted and mourned in the fyfth & seuenth moneth (now this .lxx. yeares) dyd ye fast vnto me?

Zechariah 8:16

16 Nowe the thynges that ye shall do, are these: Speake euery man the treuth vnto hys neyghboure, execute iudgement truly, and peaceably wythyn your portes,

Luke 1:74-75

74 for to geue vs. That we deliuered oute of the handes of oure enemies, might serue him with out feare, 75 all the dayes of oure lyfe, in such holynes and rightewesnes as are accept before him

Titus 2:11-12

11 For the grace of God, that bryngeth saluacyon vnto all men, hath appeared 12 and teacheth vs that we shulde denye vngodlynes and worldy lustes, & that we shulde lyue soberly, and ryghteously, and godly in thys present worlde,

Revelation 22:15

15 For wythout shalbe dogges and inchaunters, and whormongers, and mortherers, and ydolaters, & whosoeuer loueth or maketh leasynges.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.