8 I wyll blowe for them and gather them together, for I wyll redeme them. They shall increace, as they increased afore.
Zechariah 10:8 Cross References - Great
Exodus 1:7
7 and the chyldren of Israel grewe, encreased, multiplyed, and waxed exceadinge myghtye: and the lande was full of them.
1 Kings 4:20
20 And Iuda and Israel were many, euen as the sand of the see in nombre, eatyng, drynckyng & making mery.
Isaiah 5:26
26 And he shall gyue a token vnto a straunge people: and call vnto them in a farre countre: and beholde, they shall come hastely with spede.
Isaiah 7:18
18 For at the same tyme shall the Lord whystle for the flyes that are aboute the water of Egypt, and for the Bees in the Assirians lande.
Isaiah 11:11-12
11 At the same time shal the lord take in hande agayne, to conquere the remnaunt of his people (which shalbe left alyue) From the Assyrians, Egypcians, Arabians, Morians, Elamites, Caldeyes, Antiochians and from the Ilandes of the see.
12 And he shall sett vp a token amonge the Gentyles, and gather together the dispersed of Israel, yee & the out castes of Iuda from the foure corners of the worlde.
Isaiah 27:12-13
12 And in that daye shall the Lorde make a thresshing from the middes of the riuer Euphrates vnto the riuer of Egipt: and ye children of Israel shalbe gathered together one to another.
13 In that daye shall the great trompe be blowne, so that they which were lost in the lande of Assiria: & they that were banisshed into the lande of Egipt, shall come and worshyp the Lorde in the holy mount at Ierusalem:
Isaiah 44:22
22 As for thyne offences, I haue dryuen them awaye lyke the cloudes, and thy synnes as the myst. Turne the agayne vnto me, for I haue redemed the.
Isaiah 49:19-22
19 As for thy land that lyeth desolate wasted and destroyed: it shalbe to narowe for them that shall dwell in it. And they that wolde deuoure the, they shalbe farre awaye.
20 Then the childe whom the baren shall bringe forth vnto the, shall saye in thyne care: thys place is to narowe, gyue place that I maye haue rowme.
21 Then shalt thou thynke by thy selfe: Who hath begotten me these? seinge I am baren and alone, a captyue and an out cast? And who hath noryshed them vp for me? I am desolate and alone, but from whence come these?
22 And therfore thus sayth the Lorde God: Behold, I wyll stretch out myne hande to the Gentyls, and set vp my token to the people. They shall bring the thy sonnes in their lappes: and carye thy daughters vnto the vpon their shoulders.
Isaiah 51:11
11 Therfore the redemed of the Lord shall turne agayne, & come wyth ioye vnto Sion, there to endure for euer? That myrth & gladnesse myght be with them: that sorowe and wo myght fle from them?
Isaiah 52:1-3
1 Vp Sion vp, take thy strength vnto the: put on thyne honest rayment O Ierusalem, thou holy citie. For from thys tyme forth, there shall no vncircumcysed ner vncleane person come in the.
2 Shake the from the dust, aryse & stande vp, O Ierusalem. Plucke out thy neck from the bonde: O thou captiue daughter Sion.
3 For thus sayeth the Lord: ye are solde for naught, therfore shall ye be redemed also without eny mony.
Isaiah 55:1-3
1 Come to the waters all ye, that be thursty, and ye that haue no money. Come, bye, that ye maye haue to eate. Come, bye wyne and mylck, wythout any money, or money worth.
2 Wherfore do ye laye out youre money, for the thynge that fedeth not, & spende youre laboure aboute the thynge that satisfyeth you not. But herken herken rather vnto me, & ye shall eate of the best, and youre soule shall haue her pleasure in plenteousnes.
3 Enclyne your eares, and come vnto me, take hede (I saye) & your soule shall lyue. For I will make an euerlastynge couenaunt wyth you, euen the sure mercyes of Dauid.
Jeremiah 30:19-20
19 And out of them shall go thankesgeuing, and the voyce of ioye. I will multiplye them, and they shall not be fewe. I shall endue them with honoure, & no man shall subdue them.
20 Theyr chyldren shalbe as a fore tyme, and their congregacion shall continue in my syght. And all those that vexe them, wyll I vyset.
Jeremiah 31:10-11
Jeremiah 33:22
22 For lyke as the starres of heauen maye not be nombred, nether the sande of the see measured: so wyll I multiplye the sede of Dauid my seruaunt, & the Leuites my ministers.
Ezekiel 36:10-11
10 I wyll sende you moch people, which shalbe all of the house of Israell, the cityes shalbe inhabited, & the decayed places shalbe repaired agayne,
11 I wil prouide you with moch people and catell, which shal increase and bringe frute, I wyll restore you also to your olde estate & shewe you more kyndnes then euer ye had before: wherby ye shal knowe, that I am the Lord.
Ezekiel 36:37-38
37 Thus sayeth the Lorde God: I wyll yet once be founde agayne of the house of Israel, and do this for them: I shal increase them as a flocke of men.
38 Lyke as the holy flocke & the flocke of Ierusalem are in the hye solempne feastes: so shall also the wilde wasted cyties be filled with flockes of men: and they shall knowe that I am the Lorde.
Hosea 1:10
10 And though the nombre of the chyldren of Israel be as the sande of the see, whych can nether be measured ner tolde: yet in the place where it is sayde vnto them ye be not my people: euen there shall it be thus reported of them they be the chyldren of the lyuynge God.
Zechariah 9:11
11 Thou also thorow the bloude of thy couenaunt: shalt let thy presoners out of the pitte wher in is no water.
Matthew 11:28
28 Come vnto me all ye that laboure: and are laden, and I will ease you.
1 Timothy 2:4-6
Revelation 22:17
17 And the sprete and the bryde saye come. And let him that heareth, saye also: come. And let him that is a thyrst: come. And let whosoeuer wyll, take of the water of lyfe, fre.