6 I wyll comforte the house of Iuda, and preserue the house of Ioseph. I wyll turne them also, for I pitie them: and they shal be lyke as they were, when I had not cast them of. For I the Lorde am their God, and wyll heare them.
Zechariah 10:6 Cross References - Great
Psalms 89:21
21 I haue founde Dauid my seruaunt: with my holy oyle haue I anoynted him.
Isaiah 14:1
1 But the Lord wylbe mercyfull vnto Iacob, and wil yet chose Israel agayne, and set them in their awne lande. Straungers shal cleaue vnto them, & get them to the house of Iacob.
Isaiah 41:10
10 be not afrayed, for I am wt the. Melt not away as waxe, for I am thy God, to strength the, helpe the, & to kepe the wt this ryght hande of myne.
Isaiah 41:17-20
17 When the thyrsty and poore seke water & fynde none, and when theyr tonge is drye of thyrst. I geue it them sayth the Lorde. I the God of Israel forsake them not.
18 I brynge forth floudes in the hylles, and welles in the playne feldes. I turne the wyldernes to ryuers, and the drye lande to condyttes of water.
19 I plante in the waste grounde trees of Cedre, Boxe, Myrre and Oliues. And in the drye I set Fyrre trees, Elmes, & Hawthornes together.
20 All this do I, that they altogether may se and marcke, perceaue with their hertes and consydre, that the hande of the Lord maketh these thynges, and that the holy one of Israel bryngeth them to passe.
Isaiah 49:17-21
17 They make hast to buylde the vp agayne. As for those that ouerthrowe the, and made the wast, they shall departe from the.
18 Lyft vp thyne eyes, and loke about the: all these gather them together, & come to the. As truly as I lyue (sayth the Lord) thou shalt put them all vpon the, as an apparell, & gyrde them to the as a bryd doth her iewels.
19 As for thy land that lyeth desolate wasted and destroyed: it shalbe to narowe for them that shall dwell in it. And they that wolde deuoure the, they shalbe farre awaye.
20 Then the childe whom the baren shall bringe forth vnto the, shall saye in thyne care: thys place is to narowe, gyue place that I maye haue rowme.
21 Then shalt thou thynke by thy selfe: Who hath begotten me these? seinge I am baren and alone, a captyue and an out cast? And who hath noryshed them vp for me? I am desolate and alone, but from whence come these?
Jeremiah 3:18
18 Then those that be of the house of Iuda, shall go vnto the house of Israell: & they shall come together out of the North, into the same lande that I haue geuen your fathers.
Jeremiah 23:6
6 In this tyme shall Iuda be saued, and Israell shall dwell without feare. And this is the name that they shal call him: euen the Lorde oure ryghteousnesse.
Jeremiah 30:18
18 For thus sayth the Lorde: Beholde, I will bring agayne the captiuytie of Iacobs tentes, and defende his dwelling place. The citye shalbe buylded in her olde estate, and the houses shall haue their ryght foundacion,
Jeremiah 31:1
1 At the same tyme, sayth the Lord, shall I be the God of all the generatyons of Israel, and they shalbe my people.
Jeremiah 31:20
20 Upon this complaynte, I thought thus by my selfe: is not Ephraim my deare sonne? Is he not the childe, with whom I haue had all myrth and pastyme? For sens the time that I first commened with hym, I haue him euer in remembraunce: therfore, my very hert dryueth me vnto him, gladly and louynglye wyll I haue mercy vpon him, sayth the Lord.
Jeremiah 31:31
31 Beholde, the dayes come, sayth the Lorde, that I wyll make a newe couenaunt wt the house of Israel, and wt the house of Iuda:
Jeremiah 33:2-3
Ezekiel 36:11
11 I wil prouide you with moch people and catell, which shal increase and bringe frute, I wyll restore you also to your olde estate & shewe you more kyndnes then euer ye had before: wherby ye shal knowe, that I am the Lord.
Ezekiel 36:37
37 Thus sayeth the Lorde God: I wyll yet once be founde agayne of the house of Israel, and do this for them: I shal increase them as a flocke of men.
Ezekiel 37:16
16 thou sonne of man, take a stycke & wryte vpon it. Unto Iuda and to the chyldren of Israell his companions. Then take another sticke, and write vpon it: Unto Ioseph the stock of Ephraim, & to all the housholde of Israell his companions.
Ezekiel 39:25
25 Therfore, thus sayeth the Lord God: Now will I bringe agayne the captiues of Iacob & haue mercy vpon the whole house of Israel, and be gelous for my holy names sak
Hosea 1:7
7 Neuerthelesse, I wyll haue mercy vpon the house of Iuda, and wyll saue them, euen thorowe the Lorde theyr God. But I wyll not delyuer them thorowe eny bowe, swearde, battell, horses or horsmen.
Hosea 1:11
11 Then shall the chyldren of Iuda and the chyldren of Israel be gathered together agayne and chose them selues one head, and then departe out of the lande: for greate shalbe the daye of Israel.
Hosea 2:23
23 I wyll sowe them vpon earth, for a sede to myne amne selfe, & wyll haue mercy vpon her, that was wythout mercy. And to them whych were not my people, I wyll saye: thou art my people and he shall saye: thou art my God.
Obadiah 1:18
18 Moreouer. the house of Iacob shalbe a fyre, the house of Ioseph a flame, and the, house of Esau shalbe the strawe: whych they shall kyndle and consume, so that nothyug shalbe left of the house of Esau, the Lorde hym selfe hath sayde it.
Micah 4:6
6 At the same tyme, sayeth the Lorde, will I gather vp the lame and the out castes, & soch as I haue chastened:
Micah 4:13
13 Therfore get the vp, O thou daughter Syon, and throsshe out the corne: For I wyll make thy horne yron, & thy clawes brasse, that thou mayest grynde many people: theyr goodes shalt thou appropriate vnto the Lorde, and theyr substaunce vnto the ruler of the whole worlde.
Micah 5:8
8 Yee, the residue of Iacob shalbe amonge the Gentiles and the multitude of people, as the lyon amonge the beastes of the wodd, and as the Lyons whelpe amonge a flocke of shepe: which (when he goeth thorowe) treadeth downe, teareth in peces, and there is no man that can helpe.
Micah 7:16
16 Thys shall the Heathen se, and be ashamed for all their power, so that they shall laye their hande vpon their mouth, and stoppe their eares.
Micah 7:18-20
18 Where is there soch a God as thou? that pardonest wyckednes, and forgeuest the offences of the remnaunt of thyne herytage? He kepeth not his wrath for euer: and why? his delite is to haue compassion:
19 he shal turne agayne, and be mercyfull to vs: he shal put downe oure wyckednesses, and cast all oure synnes into the botome of the see.
20 Thou shalt kepe thy trust with Iacob, & thy mercy for Abraham, lyke as thou hast sworne vnto oure fathers longe agoo.
Zephaniah 3:19-20
19 And lo, in that tyme wyll I destroye al those that vexe the: I wil helpe the lame, and gather vp the cast awaye: yee, I will get them prayse and honour in all landes, where they haue bene put to shame.
20 At that same tyme wyll I brynge you in, & at the same tyme will I gather you. I wil get you a name and a good reporte amonge all people of the erth, when I turne backe your captyuite before your eyes, sayeth the Lorde.
Zechariah 8:7-8
Zechariah 8:11
11 Neuertheles, I wyll now intreate the resydue of thys people nomore as afore tyme, sayth the Lord of hoostes,
Zechariah 10:12
12 I wyll comforte them in the Lorde, that they maye walke in his name, sayeth the Lorde.
Zechariah 13:9
9 And the same thyrde parte wyll I bringe thorow the fire, & wil clense them, as the siluer is clensed: yee, & trye them lyke as golde is tryed. Then shall they call vpon my name and I will heare them: I wyll saye: it is my people. And they shal saye: Lorde my God.
Romans 11:25-26
25 I wolde not that this secrete shulde be hyd from you my brethren (lest ye shuld be wyse in youre awne consaytes) that partly blyndnes is happened in Israell, vntyll the fulnes of the gentyls be come in:
26 and so all Israel shalbe saued. As it is wrytten. There shall come out of Syon he that doth delyuer, and shall turne awaye vngodlynes from Iacob.