Song of Songs 8:6 Cross References - Great

6 O set me as a seale vpon thine herte, and as a seale vpon thyne arme: for loue is myghtie as the death, & gelousy as the hel. Her coales are of fyre, & a very flamme of the Lorde:

Exodus 28:9-12

9 And thou shalt take two onix stones, and graue in them the names of the chyldren of Israel: 10 syxe names of them in the one stone, and the other syxe in the other stone: accordynge to their byrth. 11 After the work of a stonegrauer, and of him that graueth signettes shalt thou graue the two stones with the names of the children of Israel, and shalt make them to be set in golde. 12 And thou shalt put the two stones vpon the two shoulders of the Ephod, that they maye be stones of remembraunce vnto the chyldren of Israel. And Aaron shall beare their names before the Lorde vpon hys two shoulders for a remembraunce.

Exodus 28:21

21 And the stones shalbe grauen as sygnettes be grauen wt the names of the children of Israel, euen with twelue names, euery one with his name accordyng to the twelue tribes.

Exodus 28:29-30

29 And Aaron shall beare the names of the chyldren of Israel in the brestlapp of iudgement vpon his hert, when he goeth into the holy place for a remembraunce before the Lorde allwaye. 30 And thou shalte put in the brestlappe of iudgement Urim and Thumin: and they shalbe euen upon Aarons hert, when he goeth in before the Lord: and Aaron shall beare the iudgement of the children of Israel vpon his herte before the Lorde allwaye.

Numbers 5:14

14 and the sprete of gelousye commeth vpon hym, so that he is gelouse ouer hys wyfe whych is defyled: or yf the sprete of gelousye come vpon hym, so that he is gelouse ouer his wyfe whych is yet vndefyled:

Numbers 25:11

11 Phinehes the sonne of Eleazar the sonne of Aaron the preaste, hath tourned myne anger awaye from the chyldren of Israel, whyle he was gelous for my sake amonge them, that I had not consumed the chyldren of Israel in my gelousye.

Deuteronomy 32:21

21 They haue angred me wyth that whych is no God, and prouoked me wyth their vanyties. And I also wyll prouoke them with those whych are no people, I wyll anger them wyth a folyshe nacion.

Psalms 42:1-2

1 To the chaunter, a monicyon of the sonnes of Corath. Like as the hert desyreth the water brookes, so longeth my soule after the (O God.) My soule is a thurste for God, yee, euen for the lyuyng God: when shall I come, to appeare before the presence of God? 2 My teares haue bene my meate daye & night, whyle they daylie saye vnto me: where is now thy God?

Psalms 63:1

1 A psalme of Dauid, when he was in the wildernes of Iuda. O God, thou art my God, early wil I seke the.

Psalms 84:2

2 My soule hath a desyre and longinge to entre into the courtes of the Lorde: my hert and my flesh reioyse in the liuyng God.

Psalms 120:4

4 Euen myghtie & sharpe arowes, wt hote burnynge coales.

Proverbs 6:34

34 For the gelousy and wrath of the man wyll not be intreated,

Proverbs 25:22

22 for so shalt thou heape coales of fyre vpon hys head, and the Lorde shall rewarde the.

Song of Songs 5:8

8 I charge you therfore, O ye daughters of Ierusalem, yf ye fynde my beloued, that ye tell hym, how that I am syck for loue.

Isaiah 49:16

16 Beholde, I haue written the vp vpon my handes, thy walles are euer in my syght.

Jeremiah 22:24

24 As truly as I lyue (sayeth the Lorde:) Though Conanias the sonne of Iehoakim kynge of Iuda were the sygnet of my right hande, yet will I plucke him of.

Haggai 2:23

23 and ouerthrowe the seate of the kyngdomes, yee, & destroye the myghty kyngdome of the Heathen. I wyll ouerthrowe the charrettes, & those that syt vpon them, so that both horse and man shall fall downe, euery man thorow his neyghbours swerde.Hag

Zechariah 3:9

9 for lo, the stone that I haue layed before Iesua: vpon one stone shalbe .vii. eyes. Beholde I wyl hewe hym out (sayeth the Lorde of hoostes) & take awaye the synne of the lande in one day.

John 21:15-19

15 So when they had dyned, Iesus sayeth to Simon Peter: Symon Ioanna, louest thou me more then these? He sayd vnto him: ye Lord, thou knowest, that I loue the. He sayeth vnto him: fede my lambes. 16 He sayeth to him agayne the seconde tyme: Symon Ioanna, louest thou me? He saieth vnto him. Yee Lord, thou knowest that I loue the. He sayde vnto him: fede my shepe. 17 He sayde vnto him the thyrde tyme: Symon Ioanna, louest thou me? Peter was sory, because he sayde vnto hym the thyrde tyme: louest thou me, and he sayde vnto hym: Lord, thou knowest all thinges, thou knowest that I loue the, Iesus saieth vnto him: fede my shepe. 18 Uerely, verely, I saye vnto the: when thou wast yong, thou gerdedst thy selfe, and walkedst whither thou woldest: but when thou art olde, thou shalt stretche forth thy handes, & another shall gyrde the, & leade the whyther thou woldest not. 19 That spake he, sygnyfyinge, by what death he shuld glorifye God. And when he had spoken thys, he sayeth vnto him: folowe me.

Acts 20:24

24 But none of these thinges moue me nether is my lyfe deare vnto my selfe, that I might fulfyll my course with ioye, and the ministracyon which I haue receaued of the Lorde Iesu, to testifye the Gospell of the grace of God.

Acts 21:13

13 Then Paul answered, & sayde: what do ye wepynge & veryng myne herte? I am ready, not to be bounde onely, but also to dye at Ierusalem for the name of the Lorde Iesu.

Romans 12:20

20 Therfore, yf thyne enemy honger, fede him: yf he thyrst, geue hym dryncke. For in so doyng thou shalt heape coles of fyre on hys heade.

2 Corinthians 5:14-15

14 For the loue of Christ constrayneth vs, because we thus iudge, that yf one dyed for all, then were all deed, 15 and he dyed for all: that they whych lyue, shuld not hence forth lyue vnto them selues, but vnto him whych dyed for them, & rose agayne.

2 Corinthians 11:2

2 For I am gelous ouer you wt godly gelousye: For I haue coupled you to one man, that ye shulde make your selues a chaste virgin vnto Christ.

Philippians 1:20-23

20 accordinge to my expectacion, and hope, that in nothinge I shalbe ashamed: but that wyth all boldnesse, (as all wayes euen so nowe also) Christ shall be magnifyed in my body, whether it be thorowe lyfe, or thorowe deeth. 21 For Christ is to me lyfe, and deeth is to me auauntage. 22 If it chaunce me to lyue in the flesshe, that thinge is to me frutefull for the worcke, and what I shall chose I wote not. 23 For I am constrayned of these two thinges. I desyre to be loosed, & to be wt Christ which is moche & far better.

2 Timothy 2:19

19 But the sure grounde of God standeth still, and hath this seale: the Lorde knoweth them that are hys. And let euery man that calleth on the name of Christ, departe from iniquite.

Revelation 12:11

11 And they ouercame him by the bloude of the lambe, and by the worde of their testimony, & they loued not their lyues vnto the deeth.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.