8 I sayde I will clyme vp into the Palme tree, & take holde of his hye braunches. Thy brestes also shalbe as the vyne clustres the smell of thy nostrels lyke is the smell of apples,
Song of Songs 7:8 Cross References - Great
Song of Songs 1:3
3 & that, because of the good & pleasaunt sauoure of thy most preciouse balmes. Thy name is a swete smellynge oyntment when it is shed forthe, therfore do the maydens loue the:
Song of Songs 2:3
3 Lyke as the apple tree amonge the trees of the wodd, so is my beloued among the sonnes. My delyte is to syt vnder hys shadowe, for hys frute is swete vnto my throwte.
Song of Songs 2:5
5 Set aboute me cuppes of wyne, comforte me with apples, for I am sycke of loue:
Song of Songs 4:16-5:1
16 Up thou north wynde, come thou south wynde, and blowe vpon my garden, that the smell therof maybe caryed on euery syde: yee that my beloued maye come into hys garden, & eate of the swete frutes that growe therin.
Jeremiah 32:41
41 Yee, I will haue a lust and pleasure to do them good, and faythfully to plante them in this lande with my whole hert and with all my soule.
John 14:21-23
21 He that hath my commaundementes, and kepeth them: the same is he that loueth me. And he that loueth me, shalbe loued of my father: and I wyll loue hym, and wyll shewe myne awne selfe to him.
22 Iudas sayth vnto hym: (not Iudas Iscarioth) Lorde, what is done that thou wylt shewe thy selfe vnto vs, and not vnto the world?
23 Iesus answered & sayd: vnto them: yf a man loue me, he will kepe my sayinges, and my father wyll loue hym, and we wyll come vnto hym, and dwell wt hym.
2 Corinthians 2:14
14 Thankes be vnto God, which alwayes geueth vs the victorie in Christ, and openeth the sauer of his knowledge by vs in euery place.