Romans 3:13 Cross References - Great

13 Theyr throte is an open sepulcre, with theyr tounges they haue disceaued: the poyson of aspes is vnder theyr lyppes.

Deuteronomy 32:33

33 Their wyne is the poyson of draggons & the cruell gall of aspes.

Job 20:14-16

14 The breade that he dyd eate, is turned to the poyson of serpentes, within his body. 15 The ryches that he deuoured, shall he perbrake agayne, for God shall drawe them out of his bely, 16 he shal sucke the gall of serpentes, and the adders tonge shall slaye hym:

Psalms 5:9

9 Theyr throte is an open sepulchre: they flatter wt their tonge.

Psalms 12:3-4

3 The Lorde shall rote out all disceatfull lyppes, and the tonge that speaketh proude thynges. 4 Whych haue sayde: wyth oure tonge wyll we preuayle: we are they that ought to speake, who is Lord ouer vs.

Psalms 36:3

3 The wordes of hys mouth are vnryghteous, and full of disceate: he hath left of to behaue hym selfe wysely and to do good.

Psalms 52:2

2 Where as the goodnesse of God endureth yet daylie.

Psalms 57:4

4 My soule is among lyons and I lye euen amonge the chyldren of men (that are sett on fyre) whose tethe are speares and arowes, and their tonge a sherp swearde.

Psalms 140:3

3 They haue sharpened theyr tonges like a serpent: adders poyson is vnder their lyppes. Sela.

Isaiah 59:3

3 For youre handes are defyled wyth bloude, & youre fyngers wt vnrighteousnesse: Your lyppes speake lesynges, and youre tonge setteth oute wyckednes.

Jeremiah 5:16

16 Theyr arowes are sodayne death: yea, they them selues be verye gyauntes.

Jeremiah 9:3-5

3 They bende theyr tunges lyke bowes, to shote out lyes. They wax stronge vpon erthe. As for the trueth, they maye nothynge awaye with all in the worlde. For they go from one wyckednes to another, and wyll not knowe me, sayeth the Lorde. 4 Yee, one must kepe hym selfe from another, no man may safely trust his awne brother: for one brother vndermyndeth another, one neyghboure begileth another. 5 Yee one dissembleh wt another, and they deale wt no trueth. They haue practysed theyr tunges to lye, & taken great paynes to do mischefe.

Ezekiel 13:7

7 Uayne visyons haue ye sene, and spoken false prophecyes, when ye saye: the Lorde hath spoken it, where as I neuer sayde it.

Matthew 12:34-35

34 O generacion of vypers, how can ye speake good thinges, when ye youre selues are euyll? For out of the aboundance of the hert, the mouth speaketh. 35 A good man out of the good treasure of the hert, bryngeth forth good thynges. And an euyll man, out of euyll treasure, bringeth forth euyll thynges.

Matthew 23:27-28

27 Wo vnto you Scrybes & pharises, ye ypocrites: for ye are lyke vnto painted sepulcres which in dede appeare beautifull outwarde but are wythin full of deed mens bones & of all fylthynes. 28 Euen so ye also, outwardlye appere ryghteous vnto men: But wythin, ye are full of faynednesse and iniquyte.

Romans 3:4

4 God forbyd Let God be true, and euery man a lyar, at it is wrytten: that thou myghtest be iustifyed in thy sayinges, and ouercome, when thou art iudged. 5 Euen so the tonge is a lytel member also, and boasteth great thynges. Beholde, how gret a thynge a lytell fyre kyndleth, 6 and the tonge is fyre, euen a world of wyckednes. So is the tonge set amonge oure membres, that it defyleth the whole body, and setteth a fyre all that we haue of nature, and is it selfe set a fyre euen of hell. 7 All the natures of beastes, and of byrdes, and of serpentes, & thinges of the see are meked and tamed of the nature of man. 8 But the tonge can no man tame. It is an vnruely euyll, full of deedly poyson.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.