Romans 15:8 Cross References - Great

8 And thys I saye, that Iesus Chryst was a mynister of the circumcisyon for the trueth of God, to conferme the promyses made vnto the fathers:

Psalms 98:2-3

2 With hys awne ryght hande and wyth his holy arme hath he gotten hym selfe the victory. 3 The Lord declared hys saluacyon, his ryghteousnes hath he openly shewed in the syght of the Heathen.

Isaiah 24:15-16

15 Wherfore, prayse ye the lord in the valleys, euen the name of the lord God of Israel in the Iles of the see 16 From the vttemost parte of the earth haue we heard prayses and myrth because of the ryghteous. And I sayd: I knowe a thyng in secrete, I knowe a thyng in secrete, wo is me, the transgressours haue offended, the transgressours haue greuously offended.

Micah 7:20

20 Thou shalt kepe thy trust with Iacob, & thy mercy for Abraham, lyke as thou hast sworne vnto oure fathers longe agoo.

Matthew 15:24

24 But he answered, & sayde: I am not sent but vnto the lost shepe of the housse of Israel

Matthew 20:28

28 euen as the sonne of man cam, not to be ministred vnto, but to minister, & to geue his lyfe a redempcion for many.

Luke 1:54-56

54 He hath helped hys seruaunt Israel, in remembraunce of hys mercye. 55 Euen as he promysed to oure fathers, Abraham, and to his seede for euer. 56 And Mary abode with her aboute a .iij. monethes, and retourned agayne to her awne house.

Luke 1:70-73

70 Euen as he promysed by the mouth of his holy prophetes, which were sens the worlde began. 71 That we shulde be saued from oure enemies, and from the hande of all that hate vs. 72 That he wolde deale mercifully with oure fathers, and remember his holy couenaunt. 73 And that he wolde performe the oothe, which he sware to oure father Abraham,

John 1:11

11 He cam amonge hys awne, and hys awne receaued him not.

John 10:16

16 & other shepe I haue, which are not of thys fold. Them also must I bring, and they shall heare my voyce, and ther shalbe one fold and one shephearde.

Acts 3:25-26

25 Ye are the chyldren of the Prophetes, and of the couenaunt, which God made vnto oure fathers, sayinge to Abraham: Euen in thy seede shal all the kynredes of the earth be blessed. 26 Fyrst whan God had raysed vp hys sonne Iesus vnto you, he sent him to blesse you, that euery one of you shulde turne from his wyckednes.

Acts 13:46

46 Then Paul and Barnabas wexed bolde, & sayde: it was mete that the worde of God shulde fyrst haue bene preached to you. But seynge ye put it from you, and thynke youre selues vnworthy of euerlastynge lyfe: lo, we turne to the Gentyls:

Romans 3:3

3 What then though some of them dyd not beleue? shall theyr vnbeleue make the promes of God without effecte?

Romans 3:26

26 to shewe at thys tyme hys ryghtewesnes, that he might be counted iust, and the iustifyar of hym whych beleueth on Iesus.

Romans 4:16

16 Therfore by fayth is the inheritaunce geuen, that it myght come of fauoure: that the promes myght be sure to all the seed. Not to them onely whych are of the lawe: but to them also which are of the fayth of Abraham, which is the father of vs all.

Romans 9:4-5

4 which are the Israelites. To whom pertayneth the adopcyon, and the glorye, and the couenauntes and the lawe that was geuen, and the seruyce of God, and the promyses: 5 whose also are the fathers, and they of whom (as concernynge the flesshe) Christ came, which is God in all thynges to be praysed for euer Amen.

Romans 9:23-24

23 and to declare the ryches of hys glory on the vessels of mercye, which he had prepared vnto glorye: 24 whom also he called, not of the Iewes onely, but also of the gentyls.

Romans 11:22

22 Beholde therfore the kyndnes and rygorousnes of God: on them which fell, rygorousnes. but towardes the, kyndnes: yf thou continue in hys kyndnes. Or els thou shalt be hewen of,

Romans 11:30

30 for loke, as ye in tyme passed haue not beleued God, yet haue now obtained mercy thorow their vnbelefe:

Romans 15:16

16 that I shuld be the minister of Iesu Christ amonge the Gentyls, & shuld minyster the Gospell of God, that the offeryng of the gentyls myght be acceptable, & sanctified by the holy ghost.

1 Corinthians 1:12

12 I speake of the same that euery one of you sayeth: I holde of Paul: I holde of Apollo: I holde of Cephas: I holde of Christ.

1 Corinthians 10:19

19 What saye I then? that the ymage is eny thynge? or that it whych is offered to ymages, is eny thynge?

1 Corinthians 10:29

29 Conscience I saye, not thyne, but of the other. For why is my liberte, iudged of another mannes conscience?

1 Corinthians 15:50

50 This saye I brethren the flesshe & bloud cannot inheret the kyngdom of God. Nether doth corrupcyon inheret vncorrupcyon.

2 Corinthians 1:20

20 For all the promises of God, by him are yee: and are in him Amen, vnto the lawde of God thorow vs.

Galatians 4:4-5

4 But when the tyme was full come, God sent hys sonne, made of a woman, and made bonde vnto the lawe, 5 to redeme them which were bonde vnto the lawe: that we (thorowe eleccion) might receaue the inheritaunce that belongeth vnto the naturall sonnes.

Ephesians 2:12-3:8

12 remember (I saye) that at that tyme ye were without Chryst, beynge aliauntes from the comen welth of Israel, and straungers from the testamentes of the promes hauynge no hope, and beynge with out God in this worlde.

1 Peter 2:9-10

9 But ye are a chosen generacion, a royall presthod, an holy nacyon, a people whych are wonne: that ye shuld shewe the vertues of hym, that called you out of darcknes into hys meruclous lyght, 10 whych in tyme past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which some time had not optayned mercye, but now haue optayned mercye.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.