Revelation 9:8 Cross References - Great

8 And they had heere as the heere of wemen. And their teethe were as the teeth of lyons.

2 Kings 9:30

30 And when Iehu was come to Iezrahel Iezabel hearde of it, & starched her face, & tired her heed, & loked out at a windowe.

Psalms 57:4

4 My soule is among lyons and I lye euen amonge the chyldren of men (that are sett on fyre) whose tethe are speares and arowes, and their tonge a sherp swearde.

Isaiah 3:24

24 And in steade of good smell, there shalbe stynck amonge them. And for theyr gyrdles there shalbe lowse bandes. And for well sett heare there shalbe baldenesse. In steade of a stomacher, a sack cloth, and for theyr bewty witherdnesse, and sonne burnyng.

Joel 1:6

6 Yee, a myghtye and an innumerable people shall come vp into my lande: these haue teeth lyke the teeth of lyons, and chaftbones lyke the lyonesses.

1 Corinthians 11:14-15

14 Doth not nature it selfe teach you, that it is a shame for a man, 15 yf he haue longe heere: and a prayse to a woman: yf she haue longe heer. For hyr heer is geuen her to couer her withall.

1 Timothy 2:9

9 Lykewise also the wemen, that they araye them selues in comlye apparell wyth shamfastnes and discrete behaueour, not wt broyded heare, ether golde or pearles, or costly araye:

1 Peter 3:3

3 Whose apparell shall not be outward wt broyded heare, & hangyng on of golde, ether in puttynge on of gorgyous apparell:

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.