Psalms 94:23 Cross References - Great

23 He shall recompence them their wickednes and destroye them in their owne malice, yee the Lorde our God shall destroye them.

1 Samuel 26:10-11

10 And Dauid sayde furthermore: as sure as the Lorde lyueth, the Lorde shall smyte him or his daye shall come to dye, or he shall descende into battell, & there perishe. 11 The Lord kepe me from laying myne hande vpon the Lordes anoynted: But take thou now the speare that is at his heed, & the crewse of water, & let vs go.

Esther 7:10

10 So they hanged Haman on the galowes, that he had made for Mardocheus. Then was the kynges wrath pacified.

Psalms 7:16

16 For his trauayll shall come vpon his awne head & his wickednes shall fall vpon hys awne pate.

Psalms 9:16-17

16 The Lorde is knowen to execute iudgement: the vngodly is trapped in the worcke of his awne handes: A consyderacyon Sela. 17 The wycked shall be turned vnto hell, & all people that forget God:

Psalms 12:3

3 The Lorde shall rote out all disceatfull lyppes, and the tonge that speaketh proude thynges.

Psalms 55:23

23 The bloude thrusty and disceatful men shall not lyue out halfe theyr dayes. Neuerthelesse, my trust shalbe in the.

Psalms 64:8

8 Yee, their awne tonges shall make them fall, in so moch that who so seeth them, shall laugh them to scorne.

Proverbs 1:31

31 Therfore shall they eate the frutes of theyr awne waye, & be filled with their awne inuencions:

Proverbs 2:22

22 but the vngodly shalbe roted out of the lande: and the wycked doers shalbe roted out of it.

Proverbs 5:22

22 The wyckednesse of the vngodly shall catch hymselfe, and with the snares of hys awne synnes shall he be trapped.

Proverbs 14:32

32 The vngodly is cast awaye for hys iniquitye, but the ryghteous hath a good hope euen in death.

Ezekiel 18:24

24 Agayne: yf the ryghtuous turne awaye from his ryghtuousnes, and do iniquyte, accordynge to all the abhominacyons, that the wicked man doth: shall he lyue? All the ryghtuousnes that he hath done, shall not be thought vpon: but in the faute that he hath offended withall, and in the synne that he hath done, he shall dye.

Daniel 7:24

24 The ten hornes, are ten kynges, that shall aryse out of the kyngdome, after whom there shall stande vp another, which shalbe greater then the fyrst.

Daniel 9:26

26 After these .lxij. wekes, shall Christ be slayne, and they shall haue no pleasure in hym. Then shall there come a people with the Prince, and destroye the cyte & the Sanctuary: and hys ende shall come as the water floude. But the desolacyon shall contynue tyll the ende of the battell.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.