Psalms 93:3 Cross References - Great

3 Euer sens the world beganne hath thy seate bene prepared, thou art from euerlastynge.

Psalms 2:1-3

1 Why do the Heythen so furiouslye rage together? and why do the people ymagyne a vayne thynge? 2 The kynges of the erth stande vp, and the rulers take councell together agaynst the Lorde, and agaynst hys anoynted. 3 Let vs breake theyr bondes asunder, and cast awaye theyr coardes from vs.

Psalms 18:4

4 The paynes of hell came about me, the snares of deeth ouertoke me.

Psalms 69:1-2

1 To the chaunter vpon Sosanim of Dauid. Saue me, O God, for the waters are come in euen vnto my soule. 2 I sticke fast in the depe myre, where no ground is: I am come into depe waters, so that the floudes renne ouer me.

Psalms 69:14-16

14 Heare me, O God, in the multitude of thy mercy, euen in the trueth of thy saluacion. 15 Take me out of the myre, that I sincke not. Oh let me be deliuered from them that hate me, and out of the depe waters. 16 Let not the water floud drowne me: nether let the depe swalowe me vp, and let not the pytte shut her mouth vpon me.

Psalms 96:11

11 Let the heauens reioyse, and let the earth be glad: let the see make a noyse, and all that therin is.

Psalms 98:7-8

7 With trompettes also and shawmes: O shewe youre selues ioyfull before the Lorde the kynge. 8 Let the see make a noyse and all that therin is, the rounde worlde, and they that dwell therin.

Psalms 107:25-26

25 For at his word, the stormy wynd ariseth, which lyfteth vp the waues therof. 26 They are caryed vp to the heauen, and downe agayne to the deape, their soule melteth awaye because of the trouble.

Psalms 124:3-5

3 Yee, the waters had drowned vs, and the streame had gone ouer oure soule. 4 The depe waters of the proude had gone euen ouer our soule. 5 But praysed be the Lorde, whych hath not geuen vs ouer for a praye vnto their teeth.

Isaiah 17:12-13

12 Wo shalbe to the multitude of moche people, which shall make a sounde lyke the noyse of the see: And the violence of the nacions, which shal rage lyke the russhyng in of many waters: 13 Euen lyke many waters shall the people rage. God shall rebuke him, and he shal flye farre of. He shalbe chaced awaye lyke as drye strawe vpon the mountaynes before the wynde, and lyke a thing that turneth before the storme.

Isaiah 55:12

12 And so shall ye goo forth wt ioye, & be led wt peace. The mountaynes & hylles shall synge wyth you for ioye, & all the trees of the felde shall clappe theyr handes.

Jeremiah 46:7-8

7 But what is he this, that swelleth vp, as it were a floude, roaringe and ragynge lyke the streames of water? 8 It is Egipte that ryseth vp lyke the floude, and casteth out the waters with so greate noyse. And he sayde: I will go, and wyll couer the earth, I will destroye the citye with them that are therin.

Jonah 2:3

3 and sayd. In my trouble I called vnto the Lorde, and he herde me: out of the bely of hell I cryed, & thou herdest my voyce.

Acts 4:25-27

25 which by the mouth of thy seruaunt Dauid hast sayd: Why dyd the hethen rage, and the people ymagen vayne thynges? 26 The kynges of the erth stode vp, and the rulars came together, agaynst the Lorde and agaynst hys anoynted. 27 For of a trueth, agaynst thy holy chylde Iesus (whom thou hast anoynted) both Herode and also Poncius Pylate, which the Gentyls and the people of Israel, gathered them selues together

Revelation 12:15

15 And the dragon cast oute of hys mouth water after the woman as it had bene a ryuer, because she shuld haue bene caught of the floud.

Revelation 17:15

15 And he sayde vnto me: the waters whych thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are people, and folke, & nacions, and tonges.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.