Psalms 90:6 Cross References - Great

6 In the mornyng it is grene and groweth vp, but in the euenynge it is cut downe and withered.

Job 14:2

2 He commeth vp and is cutt downe lyke a floure. He flyeth as it were a shadowe, and neuer contynueth in one state.

Psalms 92:7

7 Whan the vngodly are grene as the grasse, & whan all the workes of wyckednes do florish, then shall they be destroyed for euer.

Matthew 6:30

30 Wherfore, yf God so cloth the grasse of the felde (which though it stande to daye, is to morow cast into the fornasse) shall he not moch more do the same for you, O ye of lytle fayth?

James 1:11

11 For as the sonne ryseth with heat, & the grasse wydereth, & hys flower falleth awaye, and the beautie of the fassyon of it perissheth: euen so shall the rich man perisshe in his wayes.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.