Psalms 89:8 Cross References - Great

8 God is very greatly to be feared in the councell of the sayntes and to be had in reuerence of all them that are aboute hym.

Deuteronomy 32:31

31 For their God is not as oure God oure enemyes also themselues are iudges.

Joshua 22:22

22 The God of goddes, the Lorde, God of goddes, euen the Lord he knoweth, & Israel also shall knowe. If it be to rebelle, or to transgresse agaynst the Lorde, then thou Lorde saue vs not thys daye.

1 Samuel 2:2

2 There is none so holye as the Lord, for without the, is nothing. Nether is there any of strength as is oure God.

1 Samuel 15:19

19 And wherfore hast thou not herkened vnto the voyce of the Lorde, but hast turned to the praye, and hast done that whych is wycked in the syght of the Lorde?

Job 9:19

19 If men wyll speake of strength, lo, he is stronge: yf men wyll speake of ryghteousnes, who darre be my recorde.

Psalms 24:8

8 Who is this kynge of glory? It is the Lorde stronge & myghtie, euen the Lord myghtye in battell.

Psalms 35:10

10 All my bones shall saye: Lorde, who is lyke vnto the? which delyuerest the poore from hym that is to stronge for hym, yee the poore and hym that is in misery, from hym that spoyleth hym.

Psalms 71:19

19 Thou hast brought me to great honour and comforted me on euery syde.

Psalms 84:12

12 For the Lorde God is a lyght and defence, the Lorde will geue grace and worshype, and no good thynge shall he wytholde from them that lyue a godly lyfe. O Lord God of Hostes, blessed is the man, that putteth his trust in the.

Psalms 89:6

6 For who is he amonge the cloudes, that shall be compared vnto the Lorde?

Psalms 89:13

13 Thou hast made the north and the south, Tabor and Hermon shall reioyse in thy name.

Psalms 147:5

5 Greate is oure Lorde, and greate is hys power: yee hys wysdome is infynite.

Isaiah 28:22

22 Now therfore se that ye be no mockers, lest your punyshment increace: for I haue heard of the Lorde of hostes, that there shall come a short ende vpon the whole earth.

Isaiah 40:25-26

25 To whom nowe will ye lyken me, & whom shall I be lyke, sayeth the holy one? 26 Lyft vp your eyes on hye, & consydre. who hath made those thinges, which come out by so great heapes? & he can call them all by their names. For there is nothing hid vnto the greatnesse of hys power, strength, & myght.

Jeremiah 32:17

17 O Lord God, it is thou that hast made heauen and earth with thy greate power and hie arme, and there is nothyng hyd from the.

Matthew 6:13

13 And leade vs not into temptacyon: but delyuer vs from euyll. For thyne is the kyngdome and the power, and the glorye for euer. Amen.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.