19 Thou hast brought me to great honour and comforted me on euery syde.
Psalms 71:19 Cross References - Great
Exodus 15:11
11 Who is lyke vnto the, o Lorde, among goddes? who is lyke the so glorious in holynes, fearfull in prayses, shewing wonders?
Job 5:9
9 which doth thynges, that are vnsearcheable, and maruels without nombre.
Psalms 35:10
10 All my bones shall saye: Lorde, who is lyke vnto the? which delyuerest the poore from hym that is to stronge for hym, yee the poore and hym that is in misery, from hym that spoyleth hym.
Psalms 36:5-6
Psalms 57:10
10 For the greatnes of thy mercy reacheth vnto the heauens, and thy treuth vnto the cloudes.
Psalms 72:18
18 Blessed be the Lorde God, euen the God of Israell which onely doth wonderous thinges.
Psalms 86:8
8 Amonge the Goddes there is none lyke vnto the (O Lord) there is not one that can do as thou doest.
Psalms 89:6-8
Psalms 126:2-3
Psalms 139:6
6 Soch knowledge is to wonderfull & excellent for me: I can not attayne vnto it.
Proverbs 15:24
24 The waye of lyfe leadeth vnto heauen, that a man shulde beware of hell beneth.
Proverbs 24:7
7 Wysdom is to hye a thinge for a fole, for he darre not open his mouth in the gate.
Isaiah 5:16
16 But the Lord of hostes is exalted in iudgement, and God that is holy, is praysed in ryghteousnes:
Isaiah 40:18
18 To whom then wyll ye liken God? or what Similitude will ye set vp vnto him?
Isaiah 40:25
25 To whom nowe will ye lyken me, & whom shall I be lyke, sayeth the holy one?
Isaiah 55:9
9 but as farre as the heauens are hyer then the earth, so farre do my wayes exceade yours, and my thoughtes yours.
Jeremiah 10:7
7 Who wolde not feare the? O kyng of the Gentils for thyne is the domynion. For amonge all the wyse men of the Gentyles, and in all theyr kyngdomes, there is none that maye be lickened vnto the.
Luke 1:49
49 Because he that is myghty, hath done to me greate thinges, & holye is his name.