10 Kynges daughters were among thy honorable wemen: vpon thy ryght hande dyd stande the quene in a vesture of gold.
Psalms 45:10 Cross References - Great
Genesis 2:24
24 For this cause shall a man leaue hys father and hys mother, & shalbe ioyned with hys wyfe, and they shall become one flesh:
Genesis 12:1
1 And the Lorde sayd vnto Abram: Get the out of thy countrey, & out of thy nacyon, and from thy fathers house, vnto a londe that I wyll shewe the.
Deuteronomy 21:13
13 and put her rayment that she was taken in from her, and let her remayne in thine house, and be wepe her father and her mother a moneth longe, and after that shalt thou go in vnto her, and marye her, & she shall be thy wife.
Deuteronomy 33:9
9 He that hath sayde vnto his father and to his mother: I haue not sene him, And he that knewe not his brethren, ner knewe his awne chyldren, those are they that haue obserued thy worde, and shall kepe thy couenaunt.
Song of Songs 2:10-13
10 My beloued answered and sayde vnto me. O stande vp my loue, my beutyfull, and go to thyne awne:
11 for that, the wynter is now past the rayne is awaye and gone.
12 The floures are come vp in the felde, the tyme of the byrdes syngynge is come, and the voyce of the turtle doue is hearde in oure lande.
13 The fygge tree bringeth forth her fygges, and the vynes beare blossoms. & haue a good smel. O stande vp then & come my loue, my beutyfull, & come I saye
Isaiah 55:1-3
1 Come to the waters all ye, that be thursty, and ye that haue no money. Come, bye, that ye maye haue to eate. Come, bye wyne and mylck, wythout any money, or money worth.
2 Wherfore do ye laye out youre money, for the thynge that fedeth not, & spende youre laboure aboute the thynge that satisfyeth you not. But herken herken rather vnto me, & ye shall eate of the best, and youre soule shall haue her pleasure in plenteousnes.
3 Enclyne your eares, and come vnto me, take hede (I saye) & your soule shall lyue. For I will make an euerlastynge couenaunt wyth you, euen the sure mercyes of Dauid.
Matthew 10:37
37 He that loueth father, or mother more then me, is not worthy of me. And he that loueth sonne or daughter more then me, is not worthy of me.
Matthew 19:29
29 And euery one that forsaketh house, or brethren, or systers, or father, or mother, or wyfe, or chyldren, or landes, for my names sake, shall receaue an hundred folde, & shall inheret euerlastynge lyfe.
Luke 14:26
26 If a man come to me, and hate not hys father and mother, and wyfe and chyldren, and brethren, and systers, yee, and his awne lyfe also, he cannot be my disciple.
2 Corinthians 5:16
16 Wherfore, hence forth knowe we no man after the flesshe. In so moch though we haue knowen Christ after the flesshe, now yet hence forth knowe we him so nomoare.
2 Corinthians 6:17-7:1
17 Wherfore come out from amonge them, and separate youre selues from them (sayth the Lorde) and touche none vncleane thynge: so wyll I receaue you,