26 The ryghtuous is euer mercyfull, and lendeth, and his sede is blessed.
Psalms 37:26 Cross References - Great
Deuteronomy 15:8-10
8 But open thyne hande vnto him, & lende hym sufficient for his nede, which he hath.
9 Beware, that there be not a wycked poynte in thine hert, that thou woldest saye: The seuenth yeare, the yeare of fredome is at hande, and therfore it greueth the to loke on thy poore brother, and geuest him naught & he then crye vnto the Lord against the, and it be synne vnto the:
10 But geue him, and let it not greue thyne hert to geue vnto him. Because that for thys thynge, the Lord thy God shall blesse the in all thy workes, & in all that thou puttest thyne hande to.
Psalms 37:21
21 The vngodly boroweth and payeth not agayne, but the rightuous is mercyfull & lyberall.
Psalms 112:5
5 A good man is mercyfull, and lendeth: and wyll gyde his wordes wt discrecion.
Psalms 112:9
9 He hath sparsed abroad, and geuen to the poore: and his ryghteousnes remayneth for euer, hys horne shalbe exalted wyth honoure.
Psalms 147:13
13 For he hath made fast the barres of thy gates, & hath blessed thy chyldren wythin the.
Proverbs 20:7
7 Whoso leadeth a godly and an innocent life: is righteous and happy shall hys chyldren be whom he leaueth behynde him.
Jeremiah 32:39
39 And I wyll geue them one hert and one waye, that they maye feare me all the daies of their lyfe, that they and their chyldren after them maye prospere.
Matthew 5:7
7 Blessed are the mercyful: for they shall obteyne mercy.
Luke 6:35-38
35 But loue ye youre enemyes, and do good, and lende, lokynge for nothynge agayne: and your reward shalbe greate, and ye shalbe the chyldren of the hyest: for he is kynde vnto the vnkynde and to the euyll.
36 Be ye therfore mercyfull, as your father also is mercyfull.
37 Iudge not, and ye shall not be iudged: Condempne not, and ye shall not be condempned. Forgeue, and ye shalbe forgeuen.
38 Geue, and it shalbe geuen vnto you: good measure and pressed downe, and shaken together and runnyng ouer, shall men geue into youre bosomes. For with the same measure that ye mete withall, shall other men mete to you agayne.