6 Into thy handes I commende my sprete: For thou hast redemed me, O Lorde thou God of treuth.
Psalms 31:6 Cross References - Great
1 Chronicles 16:28-29
Psalms 24:4
4 Euen he that hath cleane handes & a pure hert: & that hath not lyfte vp his mynde vnto vanite, ner sworne to disceaue.
Psalms 26:5
5 I haue hated the congregacyon of the wicked, and will not syt amonge the vngodly.
Psalms 96:7-9
Psalms 139:2
2 Thou knowest my downe syttinge and myne vprysing: thou vnderstandest my thoughtes longe before.
Jeremiah 10:8
8 They are all together vnlerned & vnwyse in this one thynge. All theyr connynge is but vanyte:
Jeremiah 10:15
15 The vayne craftesmen wt their worckes, that they in their vanyte haue made, shall perysh one wt another in the tyme of visitacyon.
Jonah 2:8
8 When my soule fainted wythin me, I thought vpon the Lorde: & my prayer came in vnto the, euen into thy holy temple.
John 2:8
8 And he sayeth vnto them: drawe out now, & beare vnto the gouerner of the feaste And they bare it.
Romans 1:21
21 because that when they knewe God, they glorifyed hym not as God, nether were thankfull but wexed full of vanities in theyr imaginacions, and theyr folysh hert was blynded.
1 Corinthians 8:4
4 As concernyng the eatyng of those thynges that are offred vnto ydols, we are sure, that the ymage is nothing in the worlde and that ther is none other God, but one.
1 Corinthians 10:20
20 Nay, but thys I saye: that the thynges whych the gentyls offer, they offer to deuyls, and not to God. I wolde not that ye shulde haue felloshyppe wyth the deuyls.