Psalms 31 Cross References - Great

1 To the chaunter a Psalme of Dauid. In the, O Lord, haue I put my trust: let me neuer be put to confusyon: delyuer me in thy ryghteousnesse. 2 Bowe downe thine eare to me, make haste to delyuer me. 3 And be thou my stronge rocke, and a house of defence, that thou mayest saue me. 4 For thou art my stronge rocke, & my castell: Be thou also my guyde, & leade me for thy names sake. 5 Drawe me out of the nett that they haue layed priuely for me, for thou art my strength. 6 Into thy handes I commende my sprete: For thou hast redemed me, O Lorde thou God of treuth. 7 I haue hated them that holde of supersticious vanityes, & my trust hath bene in the Lorde. 8 I wyll be glad and reioyse in thy mercy: for thou hast consydred my trouble, & hast knowne my soule in aduersytees. 9 Thou hast not shut me vp in to the hande of the enemye, but hast set my fete in a large rowme. 10 Haue mercy vpon me, O Lorde, for I am in trouble, & myne eye is consumed for very heuynesse, yee my soule & my body. 11 For my lyfe is waxen olde with heuynesse, & my yeares with mournynge. 12 My strength fayleth me because of myne iniquite, and my bones are corrupte. 13 I became a reprofe amonge all myne enemyes, but specially amonge my neyghbours, and they of myne acquayntaunce were afrayed of me: & they that dyd se me without, conueyed them selues fro me. 14 I am cleane forgotten, as a deed man oute of mynde: I am be come lyke a broken vessell. 15 For I haue herde the blasphemy of the multitude: and feare is on euerye syde whyle they conspire together agaynst me, & take ther counsell to take awaye my lyfe. 16 But my hope hath bene in the, O Lorde, I haue sayde: thou art my God. 17 My tyme is in thy hande: delyuer me from the hande of myne enemyes, and from them that persecute me. 18 Shewe thy seruaunt the light of thy countenaunce, and saue me for thy mercyes sake. 19 Let me not be confounded, O Lorde, for I haue called vpon the: let the vngodly be put to confusion, and be put to sylence in the graue. 20 Let the lyenge lyppes be put to sylence, which cruelly, disdainfully, & despitefully, speake against the ryghteous. 21 O howe plentyfull is thy goodnesse, which thou hast layed vp, for them that feare the? and that thou hast prepared for them, the put their trust in the, euen before the sonnes of men? 22 Thou shalt hyde them priuely by thine awne presence from the prouokinges of all men: thou shalt kepe them secretly in thy tabernacle, from the stryfe of tonges. 23 Thankes be to the Lorde, for he hath shewed me maruelous greate kyndnesse in a stronge citie. And when I made hast, I sayde: I am cast out of thy syght. 24 Neuertheles, thou herdest the voyce of my prayer, when I cryed vnto the. O loue the Lorde, all ye his saintes, for the Lorde preserueth them that are faythfull, and plenteously rewardeth he the proude doer. Be stronge, & he shall stablyshe youre hart, all ye that put your trust in the Lorde.

Psalms 7:8-9

8 The Lorde shall iudge the people geue sentence with me, O Lorde, accordyng to my ryghtewesnes, and accordynge to the innocencye that is in me. 9 Oh let the wyckednes of the vngodly come to an ende: but guyd thou the iust.

Psalms 22:4-5

4 Oure fathers hoped in the: they trusted in the, and thou dyddest delyuer them. 5 They called vpon the, and were helped: they put theyr trust in the, and were not confounded.

Psalms 25:2

2 My God, I haue put my trust in the: Oh lett me not be confounded, nether let myne enemyes triumphe ouer me.

Psalms 43:1

1 Geue sentence wt me (O God) & defende my cause agaynst the vngodly people: Oh delyuer me from the disceatfull & wycked man.

Psalms 71:1-3

1 In the O Lord, haue I put my trust let me neuer be put to confusyon, but rydde me, and delyuer me in thy righteousnesse: enclyne thyne eare vnto me, and saue me. 2 Be thou my strong holde (where vnto I maye all waye resorte) thou hast promysed to helpe me: for thou art my house of defence and my castell. 3 Delyuer me, O my God, out of the hand of the vngodly, out of the hande of the vnrighteous and cruell man.

Psalms 143:1

1 A psalme of Dauid. Heare my praier, O Lorde, and considre my desyre: herken vnto me for thy treuth and righteousnes sake.

Psalms 143:11-12

11 Quycken me, O Lord, for thy names sake, & for thy ryghteousnes sake bringe my soule out of trouble. 12 And of thy goodnes slaye myne enemyes, and destroye all them that vexe my soule, for I am thy seruaunt.

Isaiah 49:23

23 For kinges shalbe thy nursyng fathers, and quenes shalbe thy nursing mothers. They shall fall before the wt theyr faces flatt vpon the earth: and lycke vp the dust of thy fete: that thou mayst knowe how that I am the Lorde. And who so putteth his trust in me, shall not be confounded.

Daniel 9:16

16 O Lorde, & done wyckedly agaynst all thy ryghteousnes: yet let thy wrothfull displeasure be turned awaye (I beseche the) from thy cyte Ierusalem thy holy hyll. And why? for oure synnes sake, and for the wykednesse of oure forefathers is Ierusalem & thy people abhorred, of all them that are aboute vs:

Romans 5:5

5 And hope maketh not ashamed: because the loue of God is sheed abroad in oure hertes, by the holy ghost whych is geuen vnto vs.

Romans 10:11

11 For the scrypture sayth: whosoeuer beleueth on hym, shall not be confounded.

Deuteronomy 32:31

31 For their God is not as oure God oure enemyes also themselues are iudges.

2 Samuel 22:3

3 God is my strength, in him will I trust: he is my shylde, and the horne of my saluacyon: my worshyp and my refuge: my sauiour, thou shalt saue me from wronge.

Job 7:21

21 Why doest thou not forgeue me my synne? Wherfore takest thou not awaye my wyckednes? Beholde, now must I slepe in the dust, and yf thou sekest me to morow in the mornyng, I shalbe gone.

Psalms 18:1-2

1 To the chaunter of Dauid the seruaunt of the Lorde, which spake vnto the Lord the wordes of thys song, (in the daye that the Lorde delyuered hym from the hande of all hys enemyes, and from the hande of Saul) and he sayde: I Will loue the, O Lorde, my strength. The Lorde is my stony rock, & my defence, my sauyour, my God, & my might, in whom I wyll trust: my buckler, the horne also of my saluacyon, and my refuge. 2 I will call vpon the Lord, which is worthy to be praysed, so shall I be safe fro myne enemyes.

Psalms 40:17

17 Thou art my helper and redemer: make no longe taryinge (O my God.)

Psalms 62:7

7 In God is my health & my glory, the rocke of my might, & in God is my trust.

Psalms 69:17

17 Heare me, O Lorde, for thy louyng kyndnesse is comfortable: turne the vnto me accordynge vnto the multitude of thy mercies.

Psalms 79:1

1 A Psalme of Asaph. O God the Heathen are come into thy inheritaunce: thy holy temple haue they defyled, and made Ierusalem an heape of stones.

Psalms 86:1

1 A prayer of Dauid. Bowe downe thyne eare, O Lorde, & heare me, for I am poore & in misery.

Psalms 90:1

1 A prayer of Moses the man of God. Lorde, thou hast bene oure refuge from one generacyon to another.

Psalms 91:9

9 For thou Lorde arte my hope, thou hast set thyne house of defence very hye

Psalms 94:22

22 But the Lord is my refuge, & my God is the strength of my confidence.

Psalms 102:2

2 Hyde not thy face fro me in the tyme of my trouble: enclyne thyne eares vnto me when I call, O heare me, and that ryght soone.

Psalms 130:2

2 Oh let thyne eares consydre well the voyce of my complaynte.

Psalms 143:7

7 Heare me, O Lorde, & that soone: for my sprete wexeth faynte, hid not thy face from me, lest I be lyke vnto them that go downe into the pytt.

Proverbs 22:17

17 My sonne, bowe downe thyne eare, and herken vnto the wordes of wysedome, applye thy mynde vnto my doctryne:

Isaiah 33:16

16 He it is, that shall dwell on hye: whose sauegarde shalbe in a bulwarcke of rockes, to hym shalbe geuen meate, & hys waters shall not fayle.

Luke 18:8

8 I tell you that he will auenge them, & that quickly. Neuerthelesse, when the sonne of man commeth, shall he fynde fayth on the erth?

John 6:56

56 He that eateth my flesshe & drinketh my bloude, dwelleth in me and I in him.

1 John 4:12

12 No man hath sene God at eny tyme. If we loue one another, God dwelleth in vs, & hys loue is parfect in vs.

1 John 4:15-16

15 Whosoeuer confesseth, that Iesus is the sonne God, in him dwelleth God, & he in God. 16 And we haue knowen and beleued the loue that God hath to vs. God is loue, & he that dwelleth in loue, dwelleth in God, and God in him.

Joshua 7:9

9 Surely the Cananites, and all the enhabiters of the lande shall heare of it, & shall conspire agaynst vs, & destroye the name of vs out of the worlde. And what wilt thou do vnto thy myghtie name?

Nehemiah 9:12

12 & leddest them on the daye tyme in a cloudy pyller, & on the nyghte season in a pyller of fyre, to shewe them lyghte in the waye that they wente.

Nehemiah 9:19

19 yet forsokest thou them not in the wyldernes, accordyng to thy greate mercy. And the cloudy pyller departed not from them on the daye tyme to leade them the waye, nether the pyller of fyre in the nyght season, to shewe them lyghte in the waye that they wente.

Psalms 18:2

2 I will call vpon the Lord, which is worthy to be praysed, so shall I be safe fro myne enemyes.

Psalms 23:2-3

2 He shall fede me in a grene pasture, & leade me forth besyde the waters of comforte. 3 He shall conuerte my soule, & brynge me forth in the pathes of ryghteousnes for hys names sake.

Psalms 25:5

5 Leade me forth in thy trueth, & lerne me, for thou art the God of my saluacion: in the hath bene my hope all the daye longe.

Psalms 25:9

9 Them that be meke, shall he guyde in iudgement: & soch as be gentle, them shall he lerne his waye.

Psalms 25:11

11 For thy names sake, O Lord, be mercyfull vnto my synne, for it is great.

Psalms 43:3

3 Oh send out thy lyght & thy trueth that they maye leade me & bryng me vnto thy holy hyll, & to thy dwellyng.

Psalms 79:9

9 Helpe vs, O God of oure saluacion, for the glory of thy name: O delyuer vs, and be mercyfull vnto oure synnes for thy names sake.

Psalms 139:24

24 Loke well yf there be any waye of wyckednes in me, and leade me in the waye euerlastynge.

Psalms 143:10-11

10 Teach me to do the thynge that pleaseth the, for thou art my God, let thy louinge sprete leade me forthe vnto the lande of ryghteousnes. 11 Quycken me, O Lord, for thy names sake, & for thy ryghteousnes sake bringe my soule out of trouble.

Isaiah 49:10

10 They shall nether honger, ner thurst: heate nor sunne shall not hurte them. For he that fauoureth them, shall leade them, and geue them dryncke of the springe welles.

Jeremiah 14:7

7 Doutles oure awne wyckednes doth rewarde vs. But lorde do thou accordyng to thy name, though oure transgressyons & synnes be many, and agenst the haue we synned.

Ezekiel 36:21-22

21 Then spared I my holy name, which the house of Israel had dishonoured amonge the Gentiles, to whom they came. 22 Therfore tell the house of Israel: Thus sayeth the Lord God: I do not this for your sakes (O house of Israell) but for my holy names sake, whych ye dishonoured amonge the Heathen, when ye came to them.

Luke 1:79

79 To geue light to them that sate in darcknes & in the shadowe of deathe, to gyde oure fete into the waye of peace.

John 16:13

13 Howbeit when he is come (which is the sprete of treuth) he will leade you into all treuthe. He shall not speake of hym selfe: but whatsoeuer he shall heare, that shall he speake, and he will shewe you thinges to come.

Ephesians 1:12

12 that we (which before beleued in Christ) shuld be vnto the prayse of hys glory.

Psalms 19:14

14 Let the wordes of my mouth, and the meditacion of my herte be acceptable in thy syght O Lorde, my strength annd my redemer.

Psalms 25:15

15 Myne eyes are euer lokynge vnto the Lord, for he shall plucke my fete out of the net.

Psalms 35:7

7 For they haue pryuely layed theyr net to destroye me without a cause, yee euen without a cause haue they made a pytte for my soule.

Psalms 57:6

6 They haue layed a nett for my fete, and pressed downe my soule: they haue dygged a pytt before me, and are fallen into the myddes of it them selues. Sela.

Psalms 124:7

7 the snare is broken, and we are delyuered.

Psalms 140:5

5 The proude haue layed a snare for me: and spred a net abroad with coardes: yee, & set trappes in my waye Sela.

Proverbs 29:5

5 Who so flatreth hys neyghbour, layeth a nette for his fete.

2 Corinthians 12:9

9 For this thynge besought I the Lorde thryse, that it might departe from me.

2 Timothy 2:26

26 and that they maye come to them selues agayne out of the snare of the deuyll, which are holden captiue of hym at hys wyll.

Genesis 48:16

16 And the angell whych hath delyuered me from all euyll, blesse these laddes: & let my name be named in them, & the name of my fathers Abraham & Isahac, & that they maye growe into a multitude in the myddes of the erth.

Leviticus 25:48

48 after that he is solde, he maye be redemed agayne: one of his brethren

Deuteronomy 32:4

4 Perfecte is the worke of the most myghtye God: for all hys wayes are iudgement. He is a God of trueth, without wickednesse: ryghteous, and iust is he.

Psalms 71:23

23 My tonge also shall talke of thy ryghteousnesse all the daye longe,

Psalms 130:8

8 And he shall redeme Israel, from all hys synnes.

Isaiah 50:2

2 For why wolde no man receaue me, when I came? and when I called, no man gaue me answere. Is my hande shortened that it might not helpe? or haue I not power to deliuer? lo, at a worde I dryncke vp the see and of water floudes I make drye lande: so that for want of water, the fyshe corrupt and dye for thurst.

Luke 23:46

46 And whan Iesus had cryed with a loude voyce, he sayd: Father, into thy handes I commende my sprete. And when he thus had sayd, he gaue vp the goost.

Acts 7:59

59 And they stoned Steuen callynge on and sayinge: Lorde Iesu, receaue my sprete.

2 Timothy 1:12

12 for the whych cause I also suffre these thynges. Neuerthelesse, I am not ashamed. For I knowe, and am sure, that he (in whom I haue put my trust) is able to kepe that whych I haue committed to hys kepynge, agaynst that daye.

2 Timothy 2:13

13 If we beleue not, yet abydeth he faythfull. He cannot denye hym selfe.

Titus 1:2

2 in the hope of eternall lyfe, which God (that cannot lye) promysed before the worlde beganne:

Titus 2:14

14 whych gaue him selfe for vs, to redeme vs from all vnryghtewesnes, and to pourge vs a peculyer people vnto hym selfe feruently geuen vnto good workes.

Hebrews 6:18

18 that by two immutable thynges (in whych it was vnpossible that God shulde lye) we myght haue a stronge consolacyon, which hitherto haue fled, for to holde fast the hope that is set before vs,

1 Peter 1:18-19

18 For as moch as ye knowe, how that ye were not redemed wyth corruptible thynges (as syluer & golde) from youre vayne conuersacion, whych ye receaued by the tradicion of the fathers: 19 but wt the precious bloude of Chryst, as of a lambe vndefyled, and wythout spot,

Revelation 5:9

9 & they songe a new songe, saying: thou art worthy to take the boke, & to open the seales therof: for thou wast kylled, & hast redemed vs by thy bloud out of all kynredes, & tonges, & people, & nacyons,

1 Chronicles 16:28-29

28 Asscrybe vnto the Lorde ye kynredes of people, Asscrybe to the Lorde, glorye and domynion. 29 Asscrybe vnto the Lorde, the glorye due vnto hys name: brynge sacrifyces, and come before hym, and worshyppe the Lorde with holy honoure.

Psalms 24:4

4 Euen he that hath cleane handes & a pure hert: & that hath not lyfte vp his mynde vnto vanite, ner sworne to disceaue.

Psalms 26:5

5 I haue hated the congregacyon of the wicked, and will not syt amonge the vngodly.

Psalms 96:7-9

7 Ascrybe vnto the Lord, (O ye kynredes of the people) ascrybe vnto the Lorde worshipe and power. 8 Ascrybe vnto the Lord the honoure due vnto his name, brynge presentes, & come into hys courtes. 9 O worshipe the Lord in the beutye of holynesse, lett the whole earth stande in awe of hym.

Psalms 139:2

2 Thou knowest my downe syttinge and myne vprysing: thou vnderstandest my thoughtes longe before.

Jeremiah 10:8

8 They are all together vnlerned & vnwyse in this one thynge. All theyr connynge is but vanyte:

Jeremiah 10:15

15 The vayne craftesmen wt their worckes, that they in their vanyte haue made, shall perysh one wt another in the tyme of visitacyon.

Jonah 2:8

8 When my soule fainted wythin me, I thought vpon the Lorde: & my prayer came in vnto the, euen into thy holy temple.

John 2:8

8 And he sayeth vnto them: drawe out now, & beare vnto the gouerner of the feaste And they bare it.

Romans 1:21

21 because that when they knewe God, they glorifyed hym not as God, nether were thankfull but wexed full of vanities in theyr imaginacions, and theyr folysh hert was blynded.

1 Corinthians 8:4

4 As concernyng the eatyng of those thynges that are offred vnto ydols, we are sure, that the ymage is nothing in the worlde and that ther is none other God, but one.

1 Corinthians 10:20

20 Nay, but thys I saye: that the thynges whych the gentyls offer, they offer to deuyls, and not to God. I wolde not that ye shulde haue felloshyppe wyth the deuyls.

Nehemiah 9:32

32 Now therfore oure God, thou greate God, myghtye and terrible, thou that kepest couenaunt & mercy, regarde not a lytle all the trauayle that hath happened vnto vs, and oure kinges, oure princes, our preastes, oure prophetes, & our fathers, and all thy people, sence the tyme of the kynges of Assur vnto thys daye.

Job 10:9

9 O remembre (I beseke the) how that thou madest me of the moulde of the erth, & shalt bringe me into dust agayne.

Job 23:10

10 But as for my waye, he knoweth it: and tryeth me as the golde in the fyre.

Psalms 1:6

6 But the Lorde knoweth the waye of the ryghtewes, and the waye of the vngodly shall peryshe.

Psalms 9:13

13 Haue mercy vpon me (O Lorde) consydre the trouble whych I suffre of them that hate me, thou that lyftest me vp from the gates of death.

Psalms 10:14

14 Surely thou hast sene it. For thou beholdest vngodlynesse and wronge. That thou mayest take the matter in to thy hande: the poore committeth hym selfe vnto the, for thou art the helper of the frendlesse.

Psalms 13:5

5 But my trust is in thy mercy, and my hert is ioyfull in thy saluacyon.

Psalms 25:18

18 Loke vpon myne aduersyte & misery, and forgeue me all my synne.

Psalms 71:20

20 Therfore will I prayse the and thy faythfulnesse, O God, playinge vpon an instrument of musick, vnto the wyll I synge vpon the harpe, O thou holy one of Israell.

Psalms 90:14

14 O satisfye vs with thy mercy, and that soone: so shall we reioyse and be glad all the dayes of oure lyfe.

Psalms 119:153

153 O consydre myne aduersyte, and delyuer me, for I do not forget thy lawe

Psalms 142:3

3 I loked also vpon my right hande, and se, there was no man that wolde knowe me. I had no place to flee vnto, and no man cared for my soule.

Isaiah 43:2

2 Yf thou goest thorow the water, I wilbe with the, that the stronge floudes shulde not pluck the awaye. And yf thou walckest thorowe the fyre, it shall not burne the, and the flame shall not kyndle vpon the.

Isaiah 49:13

13 Reioyse ye heauens: & synge prayses, thou earth. Talke of ioye ye hylles, for God hath conforted hys people, and wyll haue mercye vpon his that be in trouble.

Isaiah 63:9

9 In their troubles he was also troubled wt them, and the angell that went forth from hys presence, delyuered them: Of very loue & kyndnesse that he had vnto them, redemed he them. He hath borne them, and caryed them vp euer, sence the worlde beganne.

Isaiah 63:16

16 Yet art thou our father. For Abraham knoweth vs not, nether is Israel acquaynted wt vs. But thou Lorde art our father & redemer, & thy name is euerlastynge.

Jeremiah 33:11

11 shall the voyce of gladnes be hearde agayne, the voyce of the brydegrome & of the bryde, the voyce of them that shall singe: Prayse the Lorde of hoostes, for he is louynge and hys mercy endureth for euer: and the voyce of them that shall offer vp giftes in the house of the Lorde. For I will restore the captiuitie of this lande, as it was afore, sayth the Lorde.

Lamentations 3:50

50 O Lorde, when wylt thou loke downe from heauen, and consydre?

Lamentations 5:1

1 Call to remembraunce (O Lorde) what we haue suffred, consydre, and se oure confusion.

John 10:27-30

27 my shepe heare my voyce: and I knowe them, & they folowe me, 28 and I geue vnto them eternall lyfe, and they shall neuer perissh, nether shall eny man plucke them oute of my hande. 29 My father which gaue them me, is greater then all, and no man is able to take them oute of my fathers hand. 30 I and my father are one.

1 Corinthians 8:3

3 But yf eny man loue God, the same is knowen of him.

Galatians 4:9

9 But nowe after that ye haue knowen God (yee rather are knowen of God) how is it that ye tourne agayn vnto the weake and beggarly ordinaunces, wherunto agayne ye desyre afresshe to be in bondage?

2 Timothy 2:19

19 But the sure grounde of God standeth still, and hath this seale: the Lorde knoweth them that are hys. And let euery man that calleth on the name of Christ, departe from iniquite.

Deuteronomy 32:30

30 Howe shulde one chace a thousande, and two put ten thousande to flyghte: excepte their maker had solde them, and excepte the Lorde had shutt them vp?

1 Samuel 17:46

46 This daye shall the Lorde delyuer the into my hande, and I shall smyte the, & take thine heed from the, and wyll geue the karcases of the hoste of the Philistines thys daye vnto the foules of the ayre, and to the beastes of the erth, that all they whych be in the worlde, maye knowe, that there is a God in Israel.

1 Samuel 24:18

18 And thou hast shewed thys daye, how that thou hast dealt louynglye wyth me, for as moche as when the Lorde had locked me in thyne handes, thou kylledst me not.

1 Samuel 26:8

8 Then sayde Abisai to Dauid: God hath deliuered thyne enemye into thyne hande this daye. Now therfore, lett me smyte hym once with my speare to the erth, & I wyll not smyte hym the seconde tyme.

Job 16:11

11 God hath put me in prease with the vngodly, & delyuered me into the handes of the wycked.

Job 36:16

16 Euen so shall he kepe the (yf thou wylt be content) from the bottomlesse pytte that is beneth: & yf thou wylt holde the quyete, he shall fyll thy table wyth plenteousnesse.

Psalms 4:1

1 To hym that excelleth in musick, a psalme of Dauid. Heare me, when I call, O God, of my ryghtewesnes: thou hast set me at lybertye, when I was in trouble: haue mercy vpon me, and herken vnto my prayer.

Psalms 18:19

19 He brought me forth also into a place of liberty: he brought me forth, euen because he had a fauoure vnto me.

Psalms 88:8

8 I am so fast in preson, that I can not get forth.

Isaiah 19:4

4 And the Egypcians will I geue ouer into the hande of a maruelous cruell Lorde, & a myghtie kynge shall haue dominion ouer them, sayeth the Lord God of hostes.

Job 17:7

7 Myne eye is dymme, for very heuynesse, & all my strength is become like a shadow.

Job 33:19-22

19 He chasteneth hym wyth sycknesse, and bryngeth hym to his bed: he layeth sore punyshement vpon hys bones, 20 so that hys lyfe maye awaye wyth no bred, and his soule abhorreth to eat any dayntie meat: 21 In so moch that hys body is cleane consumed awaye, and his bones appeare no more. 22 Hys lyfe draweth on to the graue, and hys lyfe to death.

Psalms 6:1-2

1 To hym that excelleth in musick, vpon the instrument of eyght strynges. A psalme of Dauid. O Lorde, rebuke me not in thyne indignacion: nether chasten me in thy displeasure. 2 Haue mercy vpon me, O Lorde: for I am weake: O Lorde heale me: for my bones are vexed.

Psalms 6:7

7 My bewtye is gone for very trouble, and worne awaye because of all myne enemyes.

Psalms 22:14-15

14 I am powred out lyke water, & all my bones are out of ioynt: my hert also in the myddest of my bodye is euen lyke meltynge waxe. 15 My strength is dryed vp lyke a potsherde, & my tonge cleueth to my gummes: and thou shalt brynge me into the dust of death.

Psalms 38:1-10

1 A Psalme of Dauid for remembraunce. Put me not to rebuke (O Lord) in thine anger: nether chasten me in thy heuy displeasure. 2 For thyne arowes styck fast in me, and thy hande presseth me fore. 3 There is no health in my flessh, because of thy displeasure: nether is there anye rest in my bones, by reason of my synne. 4 For my wyckednesses are gone ouer my heade, and are lyke a sore burthen, to heuy for me to beare. 5 My woundes styncke and are corrupt, thorowe my folyshnesse. 6 I ambrought in to so greate trouble & misery, that I go mournynge all the daye longe. 7 For my loynes are fylled with a sore disease, & there is no whole parte in my body. 8 I am feble & sore smytten, I haue roared for the very disquyetnes of my hert. 9 Lorde, thou knowest all my desyre, and my gronynge is not hyd from the. 10 My hert panteth, my strength hath fayled me, & the lyght of myne eyes is gone fro me.

Psalms 44:25

25 For our soule is brought lowe euen vnto the dust: oure bely cleueth vnto the ground.

Psalms 66:14

14 which I promysed with my lyppes, & spake with my mouth, when I was in trouble.

Psalms 73:14

14 All the daye long haue I bene punished, and chastened euery mornynge.

Psalms 73:26

26 My fleashe and my hert fayleth, but God is the strength of my hert, and my porcyon for euer.

Psalms 88:3-5

3 I am counted as one of them that go downe vnto the pytte, and I haue bene euen as a man that hath no strength. 4 Fre amonge the deed, lyke vnto them that be wounded lye in the graue, whych be out of remebraunce, and are cut awaye from thy hande: 5 Thou hast layed me in the lowest pytt, in a place of darcknesse and in the depe.

Psalms 88:9

9 My syght fayleth for very trouble: Lorde I haue called dayly vpon the, I haue stretched out myne handes vnto the.

Psalms 102:3-5

3 For my dayes are consumed awaye lyke smoke, and my bones are brent vp, as it were a fyre brande. 4 My hert is smytten downe and wythered lyke grasse, so that I forget to eate my bred. 5 For the voyce of my gronynge, my bone wyll scarse cleue to my flesh.

Psalms 107:10

10 Soch as syt in darcknesse & in the shadow of death, beyng fast bound in mysery & yron.

Lamentations 4:17

17 Wherfore yet oure eyes fayle vs, whyle we loke for vayne helpe: seynge we be euer waytyng vpon a people, that can do vs no good.

Lamentations 5:17

17 Therfore, oure herte is full of heuynes, & oure eyes dymme:

Job 3:24

24 For my syghes come before I eate, and my roaringes fall out like the water.

Psalms 13:2

2 Howe longe shall I seke councell in my soule? & be so vexed in myne hert? howe longe shall myne enemye triumphe ouer me?

Psalms 32:3-4

3 For whyle I helde my tonge, my bones consumed awaye thorowe my daylye complayninge. 4 For thy hande is heuy vpon me daye and nyght, and my moysture is lyke the drouth in Sommer. Sela.

Psalms 38:3

3 There is no health in my flessh, because of thy displeasure: nether is there anye rest in my bones, by reason of my synne.

Psalms 39:11

11 When thou wyth rebukes dost chasten man for sinne, thou makest his bewtye to consume awaye, like as it were a mothe fretinge a garment. Euery man therfore is but vanite. Selah.

Psalms 71:9

9 For myne enemies speake agaynst me: & they that laye wayte for my soule, take their councell together, sayenge: God hath forsaken hym, persecute hym, and take hym, for there is none to deliuer him.

Psalms 78:33

33 Therfore, their dayes dyd he consume in vanyte, and their yeares in trouble.

Psalms 88:15

15 I am in mysery, & lyke vnto hym that is at the poynt to dye (euen fro my youth vp) thy terrours haue I suffred with a troubled mynde.

Psalms 102:3-28

3 For my dayes are consumed awaye lyke smoke, and my bones are brent vp, as it were a fyre brande. 4 My hert is smytten downe and wythered lyke grasse, so that I forget to eate my bred. 5 For the voyce of my gronynge, my bone wyll scarse cleue to my flesh. 6 I am become lyke a Pellycane of the wildernes, and lyke an owle that is in the deserte. 7 I haue watched, & am euen as it were a sparow, that sitteth alone vpon the house toppe. 8 Myne enemyes reuyle me all the daye longe: & they that are madd vpon me, are sworne together agaynst me. 9 For I haue eaten ashes as at were bred, and mengled my drynck with wepynge. 10 And that because of thyne indignacyon & wrath, for thou hast taken me vp, & cast me downe. 11 My dayes are gone lyke a shadowe, and I am wythered lyke grasse. 12 But thou, O Lord, shalt endure for euer, and thy remembraunce thorow out all generacyons. 13 Thou shalt aryse, & haue mercy vpon Sion, for it is tyme that thou haue mercy vpon her, yee the tyme is come. 14 And why: thy seruauntes thinck vpon her stones, and it pitieth them to se her in the dust. 15 The Heathen shall feare thy name, O Lord, & all the kynges of the earth thy maiesty. 16 Whan the Lord shall buylde vp Sion, and whan his glory shal apeare: 17 Whan he turneth him vnto the prayer of the poore destitute, & despyseth not theyr desyre. 18 This shalbe wrytten for those that come after: & the people which shalbe borne, shall prayse the Lord. 19 For he hath loked downe from his Sanctuary, out of the heauen dyd the Lorde beholde the earth. 20 That he might heare the mournynges of soch as be in captiuite, and delyuer the chyldren appoynted vnto death. 21 That they maye declare the name of the Lorde in Sion, and his worshipe at Ierusalem: 22 When the people are gathered together, & the kyngdomes also to serue the Lorde. 23 He brought downe my strength in my iourney, and shortened my dayes. 24 But I sayed: O my God, take me not awaye in the myddest of myne age: as for thy yeares, they endure thorow out all generacions. 25 Thou Lorde in the begynnyng hast layed the foundacyon of the earth, and the heauens are the worcke of thy handes. 26 They shall perishe, but thou shalt endure: they all shall wexe olde as doth a garment, 27 and as a vesture shalt thou chaunge them, and they shalbe chaunged. But thou art the same, and thy yeares shall not fayle. 28 The children of thy seruauntes shall contynue, & their sede shall stonde fast in thy syght.

Romans 9:2

2 that I haue gret heuynes, & contynuall sorowe in my hert.

Job 6:21-23

21 Euen so are ye also come vnto me: but now that ye se my misery, ye are afrayed. 22 Dyd I desyre you, to bryng vnto me, or to geue me eny of youre substaunce? 23 To delyuer me from the enemyes hande, or to saue me from the hande of tyrauntes?

Job 19:13-14

13 He hath put my brethren farre awaye fro me, and soch as were of myne acquayntance, are become straungers vnto me. 14 Myne awne kynsfolkes haue forsaken me, and my frendes haue put me out of remembraunce.

Psalms 22:6

6 But as for me, I am a worme & no man: a very scorne of men & the outcast of the people.

Psalms 38:11

11 My louers & my neyghbours dyd stande lokynge vpon my trouble, & my kynsmen stode a farre of.

Psalms 41:8-9

8 Let the sentence of giltynesse proceade agaynst him: & now that he lyeth, let him ryse vp nomore. 9 Yee, euen mine awne familier frend whom I trusted (whych dyd also eate of my bred) hath layed greate wayte for me.

Psalms 64:8

8 Yee, their awne tonges shall make them fall, in so moch that who so seeth them, shall laugh them to scorne.

Psalms 69:19-20

19 Drawe nye vnto my soule, and saue it: Oh delyuer me because of myne enemies. 20 Thou hast knowen my reprose, my shame and my dyshonour: myne aduersaries are all in thy syght.

Psalms 88:18

18 My louers and frendes hast thou put awaye fro me, and hyd myne acquayntaunce out of my syght.

Psalms 89:50-51

50 Lorde, where are thy olde louyng kyndnesses, which thou sworest vnto Dauid in thy treuth? 51 Remember (Lorde) the rebuke that thy seruauntes haue & how I do beare in my bosome thy rebukes of many people.

Isaiah 49:7

7 Moreouer, thus sayth the Lorde the auenger and holy one of Israel: because of the abhorringe and despysinge amonge the Gentiles, concerning the seruaunt of all them that beare rule. Kynges and princes shall se, and aryse and worshyp, because of the Lord that is faythfull: & because of the holy one of Israel, which hath chosen the.

Isaiah 53:3-5

3 He is despised & abhorred of men, he is soch a man as is full of sorowe & as hath good experience of infirmyties. We haue rekoned hym so vyle, that we hyd oure faces from hym, ye he was despised & therfore we regarded him not. 4 Howbeit he only hath taken on hym oure infyrmitie, & borne our paynes. Yet we dyd iudge hym, as though he were plaged & cast downe of God: 5 and punished where as he (not wythstandynge) was wounded for oure offences, and smytten for oure wyckednes. For the chastysement of oure peace was layde vpon him, and wyth hys strypes are we healed.

Jeremiah 12:6

6 For thy brethren & thy kynred haue all together despysed the, and cryed out vpon the in thyne absence. Beleue them not, though they speake fayre wordes to the.

Micah 7:6

6 for the sonne shal put his father to dyshonoure, the daughter shall rise agaynst her mother, the daughter in lawe against her mother in lawe: and a mans foes shalbe euen they of hys awne housholde.

Matthew 10:21-22

21 The brother shall delyuer vp the brother to deeth, & the father the sonne. And the children shal aryse agaynst their fathers and mothers, and shall put them to deeth: 22 & ye shalbe hated of all men for my name sake. But he that endureth to the ende, shalbe saued.

Matthew 26:56

56 But all this is done, that the scriptures of the prophetes myght be fulfilled.

Matthew 26:74

74 Then beganne he to curse and to sweare, that he knewe not the man. And immediatly the cocke krew.

Matthew 27:39-44

39 They that passed by, reuyled him, waggynge their heades, 40 and sayinge: thou that destroydest the temple of God and dyddest bylde it in thre dayes, saue thy selfe If thou be the sonne of God, come downe from the crosse. 41 Like wyse also the hye prestes, mocking him with the Scribes and elders sayde: 42 He saued other, him selfe can he not saue. If he be the kynge of Israel: let him now come doune from the crosse, & we will beleue him. 43 He trusted in God, let him delyuer him now, yf he wyll haue him: for he sayde, I am the sonne of God. 44 The theues also, which were crucifyed with him, cast the same in his tethe.

Mark 14:50

50 And they all forsoke him, & ranne awaye.

Romans 15:3

3 For Christ pleased not him selfe: but as it is written. The rebukes of them which rebuked the, fell on me.

2 Timothy 4:16

16 At my fyrst answerynge, no man assisted me, but all forsoke me. I praye God, that it maye not be layde to their charges:

Hebrews 11:36

36 Agayne, other were tried wt mockynges & scourginges moreouer, wt bondes & presonment:

Hebrews 13:13

13 Let vs goo forth therfore vnto hym, out of the tentes, and suffer rebuke with hym.

1 Peter 4:14

14 If ye be rayled vpon for the name of Christ, happie are ye. For the glory and the sprete of God resteth vpon you. On their parte he is euyll spoken of: but on youre parte he is glorifyed.

Psalms 2:9

9 Thou shalt bruse them with a rodd of yron, and breake them in peces lyke a potters vessell.

Psalms 119:83

83 For I am become lyke a bottell in the smoke, yet do not I forget thy statutes.

Isaiah 30:14

14 And the hurte therof is lyke an erthen vessell, which breaketh without helpe: so that in the burstyng of it, there is not found one sheuer to fetch fyre in, or to take water withall out of the pyt.

Isaiah 38:11-12

11 I spake within my selfe: I shall neuer viset the Lorde (the Lord I saye) in thys lyfe. I shal neuer se man among the dwellers of the worlde. 12 Myne age is folden vp together, & taken awaye fro me, lyke a shepherdes cotage: I haue hewen of my lyfe by my synnes, lyke as a weeuer cutteth of hys webb. He wyll with pyninge sycknesse make an ende of me: yee, he wyll make en ende of me in one daye.

Romans 9:21-22

21 Hath not the potter power ouer the claye, euen of the same lompe to make one vessel vnto honoure, and another vnto dishonoure? 22 Euen so, God willyng to shewe hys wrath, and to make his power knowen suffered wyth longe pacyence the vessels of wrath, ordeyned to damnacyon,

Revelation 2:27

27 & he shall rule them wt a rodde of yron: & as the vessels of a potter, shall they be broken to sheuers. Euen as I receaued of my father,

1 Samuel 19:10-17

10 And Saul entended to nayle Dauid to the walle with the Iauelynge. But he ryd hym selfe out of Sauls presens, as he smote the speare into the walle. And Dauid fledde & was saued the same nyght. 11 Saul also sent messengers vnto Dauids house, to watch him, and to sleye him in the mornynge. And Michol Dauids wyfe tolde it him, sayinge: If thou saue not thy selfe this night, to morowe thou wilt be slayne. 12 And so Michol lett Dauid downe thorowe a wyndowe, and he went, & fled, and was saued. 13 And then she toke an Image and layed it in the bed, and put a pyllowe stuffed with goates hearre vnder the heed of it, and couered it with a clothe. 14 And when Saul sent messengers to fetche Dauid, she sayde, he is sycke. 15 And Saul sent the messengers agayne to se Dauid, sayinge: bringe him to me, bed & all, that I maye slaye him. 16 And when the messengers were come in: Beholde, there laye an ymage in the bed, with a pyllowe of goates heare vnder the heed of it. 17 And Saul sayde vnto Michol: why hast thou mocked me so, and sent awaye myne enemy that he is escaped? Michol answered Saul. For he sayde vnto me, let me go, or elles I wyll kyll the.

1 Samuel 20:33

33 And Saul lyfte vp a speare to hyt him, wherby Ionathas wyst well, that it was vtterlye determined of his father; to sleye Dauid.

1 Samuel 22:8-10

8 that ye haue also conspired agaynst me, and there is none that telleth it me in myne eare. And where as my sonne hath made a bonde wt the sonne of Isai, ther is none of you that mourneth for me, or sheweth it in myne eare: beholde, my sonne hath stered vp my seruaunt to lye awayte agaynst me thys same daye. 9 Then answered Doeg the Edomite which also stode by the seruauntes of Saul, and sayde: I saw the sonne of Isai, when he cam to Nob, to Ahimelech the sonne of Ahitob, 10 which asked councell of the Lorde for hym & gaue hym vitayles, & the swerde of Goliath the Philistine also.

1 Samuel 23:19-20

19 Then came the Ziphites to Saul, to Gibea, saying: Doth not Dauid hyde him selfe fast by vs in strong holdes, in a thyckett that is by the hyll of Hachila, on the ryght syde of the wildernesse? 20 Now therfore kyng, thou mayest come downe according to all the lust of thy soule: come downe, & oure parte shalbe to delyuer hym into the kynges hande.

1 Samuel 24:9

9 & sayd to Saul: wherfore geuest thou an eare to mennes wordes that saye, Dauid seketh euell agaynst the?

2 Samuel 17:1-4

1 Ahithophel sayde vnto Absalom: let me chose out nowe twelue thousande men. And I will vp, & folowe after Dauid thys nyght. 2 And I wyll come vpon hym, whyle he is werye and weake handed, and wyll feare hym: And all the people that are with hym, shall flee. And so will I smyte the kynge onlye, 3 and wyll bryng agayne all the people vnto the, euen as easely as yf I wolde brynge anye other thing. And whan I haue slayne the man whom thou sekest, all the people shall haue rest. 4 And the saying pleased Absalom well, and all the elders of Israel.

Psalms 55:10

10 Wyckednes is therin, dysceate, and gyle go not out of her stretes.

Psalms 56:1-3

1 To the chaunter vpon the doue of him that was domme in a farre countreye: the badg (or armes) of Dauid, when the Philistines toke hym in Geth. Be mercyfull vnto me (O God) for man goeth about to deuoure me: he is dayly fyghtynge and troublyng me. 2 Myne enemyes are dayly in hande to swalowe me vp: for they be many that fyght agaynst me, o thou moost hyest. 3 Neuerthelesse, though I am some tyme afrayed yet put I my trust in the.

Psalms 57:4

4 My soule is among lyons and I lye euen amonge the chyldren of men (that are sett on fyre) whose tethe are speares and arowes, and their tonge a sherp swearde.

Psalms 101:5

5 Who so preuely slaundreth hys neyghboure, hym will I destroye: Who so hath also a proude loke and an hye stomack, I wyll not suffre hym.

Jeremiah 6:25

25 Let no man go forth into the felde, let no man come vpon the hye strete: for the swearde and feare of the enemy is on euery syde.

Jeremiah 11:19

19 But I am (as a meke lambe an oxe) that is caryed awaye to be slayne, not knowynge, that they had deuysed soch a councell agaynst me, sayeng: We wyll destroye his meate with wodd, & dryue him out of the land, of the lyuyng: that his name shall neuer be thought vpon.

Jeremiah 20:3-4

3 The nexte daye folowynge Phashur brought Ieremy out of the stockes agayne. Then sayd Ieremy vnto him. The Lorde shall call the nomore Phashur (that is excellent and increasynge) but Magor (that is fearfull & afrayed) euery where. 4 For thus sayeth the Lorde: beholde, I wyll make the afrayed, euen thy selfe, & all that fauoure the: which shall perish with the swearde of their enemies, euen before thy face. And I wyll geue whole Iuda vnder the power of the kynge of Babylon, which shal carye some vnto Babylon presoners, & slaye some with the swearde.

Jeremiah 20:10

10 For why I herde so many derisions and blasphemies on euery syde of me: complayne vpon him, saye they, and we will tell his tale, yee euen of myne awne companions, and soch as were conuersant with me: went about to murther me, saying vpon him, we shall one waye or other begyle him and preuayle agaynst him, and be auenged of hym.

Lamentations 2:22

22 My neyghboures that are rounde about me, hast thou called, as it were to a feast daye: so that in the daye of the Lordes wrath none escaped, nether was eny left behynde. Those that I haue brought & noryshed, hath myne enemy destroyed.

Matthew 26:3-4

3 Then assembled together the chefe prestes & the scrybes & the elders of the people vnto the palace of the hye preste, (whych was called Cayphas) 4 and helde a counsell, that they myght take Iesus by suttelte, and kyll him.

Matthew 26:59

59 The chefe Prestes and the elders, and all the councell, sought false witnes agaynst Iesus (for to put hym to deeth)

Matthew 27:1

1 When the mornynge was come, all the chefe prestes and the elders of the people helde a counsayle agaynst Iesus, to put him to deeth,

Luke 23:1-2

1 And the whole multitude of them arose, and led hym vnto Pylate. 2 And they beganne to accuse him, sayinge: we founde thys felowe peruertinge the people, and forbyddynge to paye tribute to Cesar: sayinge, that he is Chryst a kynge.

Luke 23:5

5 And they were the more fearce, sayinge: He moueth the people, teachyng thorow out all Iewry, and beganne at Galile, euen to thys place.

Psalms 16:1-2

1 The badge or armes of Dauid. Preserue me; O God, for in the haue I put my trust. 2 O my soule thou hast sayd vnto the Lorde: thou arte my God, my goodes are nothing vnto the.

Psalms 22:1-2

1 To the Chaunter vpon the hynde of the dawnynge a Psalme of Dauid. My God, my God: why hast thou forsaken me: and art so farre fro my health, and from the wordes of my complaynte? 2 O my God, I crye in the daye tyme, but thou hearest not: and in the nyght season also I take no rest.

Psalms 43:5

5 Why art thou so heuy (O my soule) & why art thou so disquyeted wythin me? O put thy trust in God, for I will yet geue hym thankes whych is the helpe of my countenaunce, and my God.

Psalms 56:3-4

3 Neuerthelesse, though I am some tyme afrayed yet put I my trust in the. 4 I wyll prayse God, because of hys worde, I haue put my trust in God, & wyll not feare, what flesh can do vnto me.

Psalms 63:1

1 A psalme of Dauid, when he was in the wildernes of Iuda. O God, thou art my God, early wil I seke the.

Psalms 71:12

12 As for me, I wyll paciently abyde all waye, and will prayse the more and more.

Psalms 71:22

22 and so will my soule whom thou hast deliuered.

Psalms 140:6

6 I sayde vnto the Lorde: thou art my God, heare the voyce of my prayers, O Lorde.

Matthew 26:39

39 And he went a lytell farther, and fell flat on his face, and prayed, sayinge: O my father, yf it be possible, let this cuppe passe from me: neuerthelesse, not as I will, but as thou wilt.

Matthew 26:42

42 He went awaye once agayne and prayed, sayinge, O my father, yf this cuppe maye not passe awaye from me, excepte I drincke of it, thy will be fulfylled.

Matthew 27:46

46 And about the nynth houre, Iesus cryed, wyth a loude voyce, sayinge: Eli, Eli lamasabaththany. That is to saye: my God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?

John 20:17

17 Iesus sayeth vnto her, touche me not, for I am not yet ascended to my father. But go to my brethren, & saye vnto them? I ascende vnto my father & youre father: & to my God, & youre God.

1 Samuel 26:10

10 And Dauid sayde furthermore: as sure as the Lorde lyueth, the Lorde shall smyte him or his daye shall come to dye, or he shall descende into battell, & there perishe.

2 Samuel 7:12

12 And when thy dayes he fulfilled, thou shalt slepe wyth thy fathers, and I wyll set vp thy seede after the, which shall procead out of thy bodye, & will stablyshe his kyngdome.

Job 24:1

1 Consyderinge then that there is no tyme hid from the Almyghtie, how happeneth it, that they which knowe hym, do not regarde his dayes?

Psalms 17:8-9

8 Kepe me as the apple of an eye, hyde me vnder the shadowe of thy wynges. 9 From the vngodly that trouble me: mine enemies compasse me round about, to take awaye my soule.

Psalms 17:13

13 Up Lorde, disapoynte hym, and cast hym downe: delyuer my soule from the vngodly which is as a swearde of thyne.

Psalms 71:10-12

10 Go not farre fro me, O God: my God, haste the to helpe me. 11 Let them be confounded and peryshe, that are agaynst my soule: let them be couered with shame and dyshonoure, that seke to do me euell. 12 As for me, I wyll paciently abyde all waye, and will prayse the more and more.

Psalms 116:15

15 Behold (O Lorde) how that I am thy seruaunt: I am thy seruaunt,

Psalms 142:6

6 O delyuer me from my persecutours: for they are to stronge for me.

Psalms 143:3

3 For the enemy hath persecuted my soule: he hath smyten my lyfe downe to the grounde: he hath layed me in the darcknes, as the men that haue bene longe deed.

Psalms 143:9

9 Delyuer me, O Lorde, from myne enemyes: for I flye vnto the to hyde me.

Psalms 143:12

12 And of thy goodnes slaye myne enemyes, and destroye all them that vexe my soule, for I am thy seruaunt.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

1 Euery thinge hath a tyme, yee all that is vnder the heauen, hath his conuenient season. 2 There is a tyme to be borne, and a tyme to dye. There is a tyme to plante and a tyme to pleke vp the thing, that is planted. 3 A time to slaye, and a time to make whole. A tyme to breake downe, & a tyme to build vp. 4 A tyme to wepe, and a tyme to laugh: A tyme to mourne, and a tyme to daunse. 5 A time to cast awaye stones, and a tyme to gather stones together. A tyme to embrace, and a tyme to refrayne from embracing. 6 A tyme to wynne, and a tyme to lese. A tyme to spare, and a tyme to spende. 7 A tyme to cut in peces, and a tyme to sowe together. 8 A tyme to loue, and a tyme to hate.

Jeremiah 15:20-21

20 & so shall I make the a stronge brasen wall agaynst this people. They shall fight agaynst the, but they shall not preuayle. For I my selfe will be wt the, to helpe the, and deliuer the, sayeth the Lorde. 21 And I wyll ryd the out of the handes of the wicked, and delyuer the out of the hande of tirauntes.

Luke 9:51

51 And it fortuned when the tyme was come that he shulde be receaued vp, he set hys face to go to Ierusalem,

John 7:6

6 Then Iesus sayde vnto them: My tyme is not yet come: but youre tyme is all waye ready.

John 7:30

30 Then they sought to take him: but no man layde handes on him, because his houre was not yet come

John 12:27

27 Nowe is my soule troubled, and what shall I saye? Father, delyuer me from this houre: but therfore came I vnto thys houre.

John 13:1

1 Before the feaste of Easter, when Iesus knewe that hys houre was come, that he shuld depart out of this world vnto the father. When he loued his which were in the worlde, vnto the ende he loued them.

John 17:1

1 These wordes spake Iesus, and lift vp his eyes to heauen, and sayde: father, the houre is come: glorify thy sonne that thy sonne also maye glorify the:

Acts 1:7

7 And he sayde vnto them: It is not for you to knowe the tymes, or the seasons, which the father hath put in his awne power:

Acts 23:11

11 The nyght folowynge, God stode by hym, and sayde: be of good cheare Paul: for as thou hast testifyed of me in Ierusalem so must thou beare wytnesse also at Rome.

Acts 27:24

24 saying: feare not Paul thou must be brought before Cesar, And lo, God hath geuen the all them that sayle wyth the.

2 Timothy 4:6

6 For I am nowe ready to be offered, and the tyme of my departynge, is at hande.

2 Peter 1:14

14 as I am sure, that shortly I must put of thys my tabernacle, euen as oure Lorde Iesus Christ shewed me.

Numbers 6:25-26

25 The Lorde make hys face shyne vpon the, and be mercyfull vnto the. 26 The Lorde lyfte vp countenaunce vpon the, and geue the peace.

Psalms 4:6

6 There be many that saye: who wyll shewe vs any good? Lorde lyfte thou vp the lyght of thy countenaunce vpon vs.

Psalms 6:4

4 Turne the, O Lorde, and delyuer my soule: Oh saue me for thy mercyes sake.

Psalms 30:7

7 Thou dyddest turne thy face and I was troubled.

Psalms 51:1

1 To the chaunter, a Psalme of Dauid, when the prophet Nathan came vnto him, after he was gone in to Bethsabe. Haue mercy vpon me (O God) after thy goodnes: accordyng vnto the multitude of thy mercyes, do awaye myne offences.

Psalms 67:1

1 To the chaunter, in melodyes: a Psalme and songe. God be mercyfull vnto vs, & blesse vs, and shewe vs the lyght of hys countenaunce. Sela.

Psalms 80:3

3 Turne vs agayne, O God, shewe the lyght of thy countenaunce, and we shalbe whole.

Psalms 80:7

7 Turne vs agayne, thou God of Hostes, shewe the lyght of thy countenaunce, and we shalbe whole.

Psalms 80:19

19 Turne vs agayne, O Lorde God of Hostes, shewe the lyght of thy countenaunce, & we shalbe whole.

Psalms 106:45

45 He thought vpon his couenaunt, & pytied them, accordyng vnto the multitude of his mercyes.

Daniel 9:9

9 But vnto the, O Lorde oure God, pertayneth mercy and forgeuenesse. As for vs, we are gone backe from hym,

Daniel 9:17-18

17 Now therfore, O our God, heare the prayer of thy seruaunt, and hys intercessyon. O let thy face shyne ouer thy Sanctuary, that lyeth waste: 18 for the Lordes sake. O my God, enclyne thyne eare, and herken (at the leest for thyne awne sake) open thyne eyes: beholde howe we be desolated, yee, and the cytie also, whych is called after thy name: for we do not cast oure prayers before the in oure awne ryghteousnes, no: but onely in thy great mercyes:

Romans 9:15

15 For he sayth to Moses: I wyll shewe mercy to whomsoeuer I shewe mercy: and wyll haue compassyon,

Romans 9:23

23 and to declare the ryches of hys glory on the vessels of mercye, which he had prepared vnto glorye:

Ephesians 1:6-7

6 to the prayse of the glory of hys grace, wherwith he hath made vs accepted thorowe the beloued. 7 By whome we haue redempcyon thorowe his bloude, euen the forgeuenes of synnes, accordinge to the ryches of grace:

Ephesians 2:4-7

4 But God which is riche in mercy (for his greate loue wher with he loued vs, 5 euen when we were deed by synnes) quyckened vs together in Christ (by grace are ye saued) 6 and raysed vs vp together with hym and made vs sytte together with him amonge them of heauen in Christ Iesu. 7 That in tymes to come he myght shewe the exceadynge, ryches of hys grace, in kyndnes to vs warde thorowe Chryst Iesu.

1 Samuel 2:9

9 He wyll kepe the fete of hys sayntes, and the wycked shall kepe sylence in darcknesse, & in his awne myght shall no man be stronge.

Psalms 6:10

10 All myne enemyes, shalbe confounded & soore vexed, they shalbe turned backe & put to shame sodenly.

Psalms 25:2-3

2 My God, I haue put my trust in the: Oh lett me not be confounded, nether let myne enemyes triumphe ouer me. 3 For all they that hope in the, shall not be a shamed: but soch as transgresse without a cause, shall be put to confusion

Psalms 31:1

1 To the chaunter a Psalme of Dauid. In the, O Lord, haue I put my trust: let me neuer be put to confusyon: delyuer me in thy ryghteousnesse.

Psalms 34:5

5 They had an eye vnto him, and were lyghtened, & their faces were not ashamed.

Psalms 35:4

4 Let them be confounded and put to shame, that seke after my soule: let them be turned backe, and brought to confusyon, that ymagyne myschefe for me.

Psalms 35:26

26 Let them be put to confusyon and shame together that reioyse at my trouble: let them be clothed with rebuke and dishonoure that boast them selues agaynst me.

Psalms 40:14-15

14 Let them be desolate & rewarded wt shame, that saye vnto me: fye vpon the, fye vpon the. 15 Let all those that seke the, be ioyfull and glad in the: & let soch as loue thy saluacion, saye allwaye the Lorde be praysed.

Psalms 69:6-7

6 Let not them that trust in the, O Lord God of Hoostes be ashamed for my cause: let not those that seke the, be confounded thorowe me, O God of Israeli. 7 And why? for thy sake haue I suffred reprofe, shame hath couered my face.

Psalms 70:2-3

2 Let them be shamed and confounded that seke after my soule: let them be turned backwarde, & put to confusion, that wyshe me euyll. 3 Let them (for theyr rewarde) be soone brought to shame, that crye ouer me: there, there.

Psalms 71:24

24 for they are confounded and brought vnto shame, that seke to do me euell.

Psalms 83:16-17

16 Make their faces ashamed, O Lorde, that they maye seke thy name. 17 Let them be confounded and vexed euer more and more: let them be put to shame and perish.

Psalms 94:17

17 If the Lord had not helped me it had not failed, but my soule had bene put to sylence.

Psalms 115:17

17 The deed prayse not the (O Lord) nether all they that go downe in to the sylence.

Isaiah 41:11-12

11 Beholde, all they that resyst the shall come to confusyon & shame: and thyne aduersaries shalbe destroyed & brought to naught. 12 So that whoso seketh after them, shall not fynde them. Thy destroyers shall perysh, and so shall they that vndertake to make batayll agaynst the be as that is not, & as a thinge of naught.

Isaiah 45:16-17

16 Confounded are they all, and put to dishonoure: they are gone hence together with shame, euen the makers of ymages. 17 But Israel shalbe saued in the Lorde, which is the euerlastinge saluacyon. Ye shall not come to shame ner confusyon, worlde without ende.

Isaiah 50:6-7

6 but I offre my backe vnto the smyters, & my chekes to the nippers. I turne not my face from shame and spittyng, 7 & the Lord God shall helpe me: therfore shall I not be confounded. I haue hardened my face like a flynt stone, for I am sure, that I shall not come to confusion.

Isaiah 65:13-14

13 Therfore thus sayeth the Lorde God: Beholde, my seruauntes shall eate, but ye shall haue honger: Beholde, my seruauntes shall dryncke, but ye shall suffre thurste. Beholde, my seruauntes shall be mery, but ye shall be confounded. 14 Beholde, my seruauntes shall reioyce for very quyetnesse of herte: But ye shall crye for sorowe of hert, and complayne for vexacyon of mynde.

Jeremiah 20:11

11 But the Lord stode by me, lyke a myghtie giaunt: therfore my persecutours fell, & coulde do nothing. They shalbe sore confounded, for they haue done vnwysely, they shal haue an euerlastinge shame.

Daniel 12:2

2 Many of them that slepe in the dust of the earth, shall awake: some to the euerlastynge lyfe, some to perpetuall shame & reprofe.

Joel 2:26-27

26 so that ye shall haue ynough to eate, & be satisfyed: and prayse the name of the Lorde your God, that so maruelously hath dealte with you. And my people shall neuer be confounded any more. 27 Ye shall well knowe, that I am in the myddest of Israell, and that I am youre God: yee, and that there is none other, and my people shall no more be brought to confusion.

Matthew 22:12-13

12 he sayd vnto hym: frende, how camest thou in hyther not hauyng a weddynge garment? And he was euen spechlesse. 13 Then sayd the king to the ministers: take & bynde him hand and fote, & cast hym into vtter darcknes there shall be wepynge & gnasshynge of teth.

1 Samuel 2:3

3 Talke not to moche proudlye let olde thynges depart out of your mouthes, for the lorde is a God of knowledge, and his purposes come to passe.

2 Chronicles 32:16

16 And yet mo thinges dyd his seruauntes speake against the Lord God, and agaynst his seruaunt Hezekia.

Psalms 12:3

3 The Lorde shall rote out all disceatfull lyppes, and the tonge that speaketh proude thynges.

Psalms 59:12

12 For the synne of their mouth, and for the wordes of theyr lyppes they shalbe taken in theyr pryde, and why? theyr preachynge is of curlynge and lyes.

Psalms 63:11

11 Lett them fall vpon the edge of the sweard, that they maye be a porcyon for foxes. But the kyng shall reioyse in God: all they also that sweare by him shalbe commended, for the mouth of them that speake lyes, shalbe stopped.

Psalms 64:3-4

3 Which haue whett their tonge lyke a swearde, & shote out theyr arowes, euen bytter wordes. 4 That they maye preuely shote at him which is perfecte: sodenly do they hit him & feare not.

Psalms 94:4

4 Howe longe shall all wicked doers speake so disdaynfully, & make soch proude boasting?

Psalms 120:2

2 Delyuer my soule, O Lorde, from lyenge lyppes, and from a disceatfull tonge.

Psalms 123:3-4

3 Haue mercy vpon vs, O Lorde, haue mercy vpon vs, for we are vtterly despysed. 4 Oure soule is fylled wyth the scornefull reprofe of the welthy, and wyth the despitefulnesse of the proude.

Psalms 140:9-11

9 Let the mischefe of their awne lippes fall vpon the heed of them, that compasse me about. 10 Let hote burninge coales fall vpon them: let them be cast into the fyer and into the pyt: that they neuer ryse vp againe. 11 A man full of wordes shal not prosper vpon the erth: euell shall hunte the wycked person, to ouerthrowe hym.

Proverbs 12:19

19 A trewe mouth is euer constant, but a dissemblynge tonge is soone chaunged.

Isaiah 37:22-24

22 this is the answere, that the Lorde hath geuen concernynge hym. Despised art thou, and mocked (O daughter of Syon) he hath shaken his head at the, O daughter of Ierusalem. 23 But thou Sennaherib. whom hast thou defyed and blasphemed? Agaynst whom hast thou lifted vp thy voyce, and exalted thy proude lookes? euen agaynst the holy one of Israel. 24 Thou with thy seruauntes hast blasphemed the Lorde, and thus holdest thou of thy selfe. I will couer the hye mountaynes, and sydes of Libanus with my horsmen. And there will I cut downe the hye Cedre trees and the fayrest Fyrre trees. I wyll vp into the heygth of it, and into the chefest of hys tymbre woddes.

Isaiah 54:17

17 but all the weapens that are made agaynst the, shall not prospere. And as for all tunges, that shall resyste the in iudgement, thou shalt ouercome them, & condemne them. Thys is the heritage of the Lordes seruauntes, and their ryghteousnes commeth of me, sayeth the Lorde.

Matthew 10:25

25 It is ynough for the disciple, that he be as his master is, and that the seruaunt be as his Lorde is. If they haue called the Lord of the house, Beelzebub: how moche more shal they call them of his householde so?

Matthew 12:24

24 But when the Pharises hearde it, they sayd. This felow dryueth the deuyls no nother wyse out, but by the helpe of Belzebub the chefe of the deuyls.

John 8:44

44 Ye are of youre father that deuyll, and the lustes of youre father will ye serue. He was a murtherer from the beginninge and abode not in the trueth, because there is no trueth in him. When he speaketh a lye, he speaketh of his awne. For he is a lyar, and the father of the same thing:

John 8:48

48 Then answered the the Iewes, and sayd vnto him: Saye we not well, that thou art a Samaritan, and hast the deuyll?

Acts 25:7

7 Which when he was come, the Iewes which were come from Ierusalem, stode aboute hym, and layde many and greueous complayntes agaynst Paul, whych they coulde not proue,

Jude 1:15

15 to geue iudgement agaynst all men, & to rebuke all that are vngodly amonge them of all their vngodly dedes, which they haue vngodly committed, and of all their cruell speakynges, which vngodly synners haue spoken agaynst hym.

Revelation 21:8

8 But the fearfull and vnbeleuynge, and the abhominable, and murdrers, & whormongers, and sorcerers, and ydolaters, and all lyars shall haue theyr parte in the lake which burnyth with fyre and brymstone, which is the seconde death.

Revelation 22:15

15 For wythout shalbe dogges and inchaunters, and whormongers, and mortherers, and ydolaters, & whosoeuer loueth or maketh leasynges.

Numbers 23:23

23 There is no sorcery in Iacob, nor sothsaying in Israel. It is nowe tolde vnto Iacob & Israel, what God hath wrought.

Psalms 16:11

11 For why? thou shalt not leaue my soule in hell, nether shalt thou suffre thy holy one to se corrupcion. Thou shalt shewe me the path of lyfe: in thy presence is the fulnesse of ioye, and at thy ryght hande ther is pleasure for euermore.

Psalms 23:5

5 Thou shalt prepare a table before me agaynst them that trouble me: thou hast anoynted my head wt oyle, & my cuppe shalbe full.

Psalms 36:7-10

7 Thou Lorde shalt saue both man and beest. Howe excellent is thy mercy, O God? and the chyldren of men shall put theyr trust vnder the shadowe of thy wynges. 8 They shalbe satisfyed with the plenteousnesse of thy house, and thou shalt geue them dryncke of thy pleasures, as out of the ryuer. 9 For with the is the well of lyfe, and in thy lyght, shall we se lyght. 10 O contynue forth thy louynge kyndnesse vnto them that knowe the, and thy ryghteousnesse vnto them that are true of hert.

Psalms 68:28

28 Thy God hath sent forth strength for the, stablysh the thing, O God, that thou hast wrought in vs.

Psalms 73:1

1 A Psalme of Asaph. Truly God is louing vnto Israel: euen vnto soch as are of a cleane hert?

Psalms 73:24-26

24 Thou shalt gyde me with thy councell, and afterwarde receaue me with glory. 25 Whom haue I in heauen but the? And there is none vpon earth, that I desyre in comparyson of the. 26 My fleashe and my hert fayleth, but God is the strength of my hert, and my porcyon for euer.

Psalms 126:2-3

2 Then was oure mouth fylled with laughter, and oure tonge with ioye. 3 Then sayd they amonge the Heathen: the Lorde hath done greate thynges for them.

Psalms 145:7-9

7 The memoriall of thyne aboundant kyndnes shalbe shewed, and men shall synge of thy ryghteousnesse. 8 The Lorde is gracyous and mercyfull, long sufferynge, and of greate goodnesse. 9 The Lord is louyng vnto euery man, and hys mercy is ouer all hys workes.

Isaiah 26:12

12 Lord, vnto vs thou shalt prouyde peace: for thou also hast wrought all our workis in vs.

Isaiah 35:10

10 And the redemed of the Lorde, I saye, shall conuerte and come to Zion with thanckesgeuing. Euerlastyng ioye shall they haue: pleasure and gladnes shalbe among them. And as for all sorowe and heuynes, it shall vanysh awaye.

Isaiah 64:4

4 For sence the begynnynge of the worlde it hath not bene hearde or perceaued, nether hath any eye sene another God besyde the: which dost so moche for them, that put their trust in the.

Lamentations 3:23-25

23 Newe mercyes shall the Lorde shewe vpon the, erly, yee in the daye sprynge, (O Lorde) greate is thy faythfulnesse. 24 The Lorde is my porcyon, sayeth my soule, therfore wyll I hope in him. 25 O how good is the Lorde vnto them, that put theyr trust in hym, and to the soule that seketh after hym?

John 3:21

21 But he that doth trueth, commeth to the lyght, that hys dedes maye be knowen, how that they are wrought in God.

Acts 15:12

12 Then all the multitude was peased & gaue audience to Barnabas & Paul, which tolde what sygnes & wondres God had shewed amonge the Gentyls by them.

Romans 11:22

22 Beholde therfore the kyndnes and rygorousnes of God: on them which fell, rygorousnes. but towardes the, kyndnes: yf thou continue in hys kyndnes. Or els thou shalt be hewen of,

1 Corinthians 2:9

9 But as it is written. The eye hath not sene, and the eare hath not heard, nether haue entred into the hert of man, the thynges which God hath prepared for them that loue hym.

2 Corinthians 5:5

5 He that hath ordeyned vs for this thynge, is God: which very same hath geuen vnto vs the ernest of the sprete.

Colossians 3:2-4

2 Set youre affeccyon on heauenly thynges, and not on erthye thynges. 3 For ye are deed, and youre lyfe is hyd with Chryst in God. 4 Whensoeuer Chryst (which is oure lyfe) shall shewe hym selfe, then shall ye also appeare with hym in glory.

Hebrews 10:34

34 For ye became parttakers also of the afflyccyons whych happened thorow my bondes, & toke in worth the spoylyng of your goodes, & that wyth gladnes: knowynge in your selues, how that ye haue in heauen a better & an enduring substaunce.

James 2:5

5 Harken my deare beloued brethren. Hath not God chosen the poore of thys worlde, soch as are ryche in faythe, & heyres of the kyngdome, whych he promysed to them that loue hym?

1 Peter 1:4-5

4 to an inherytaunce immortall and vndefyled, and that perissheth not, reserued in heauen for you, 5 whych are kept by the power of of God thorow fayth, vnto saluacion, whych is prepared allready to be shewed in the last tyme,

1 John 3:1-2

1 Beholde, what loue the father hath shewed on vs, that we shuld be called the the sonnes of God. For this cause the worlde knoweth you not, because it knoweth not hym. 2 Dearely beloued, now are we the sonnes of God & yet it doth not appeare, what we shalbe. But we knowe, that when it shall appeare, we shalbe lyke him. For we shall se hym as he is.

Exodus 18:11

11 Nowe I knowe that the Lorde is greater then all goddes, for in the thynge wherby they dealt cruelly wyth them, are they them selues peryshed.

Job 5:21

21 Thou shalt be kept from the euell tonge, and when trouble commeth, thou shalt not nede to feare.

Psalms 10:2

2 The vngodly for his owne lust, doth persecute the poore: let them be taken in the craftye wilynesse that they haue ymagined.

Psalms 27:5

5 For in the tyme of trouble he shall hyde me in his tabernacle, yee in the secrete place of his dwellynge shall he hyde me, and set me vp vpon a rocke of stone.

Psalms 32:7

7 For this shall euery one that is godly, make his prayer vnto the in a tyme when thou mayeste be founde, but in the great water floudes they shall not come nye hym.

Psalms 36:11

11 O let not the fote of pryde come agaynst me: and let not the hande of the vngodly cast me downe.

Psalms 40:4

4 Blessed is the man, that hath sette hys hope in the Lorde, and turned not vnto the proude, and to soch as go aboute with lyes.

Psalms 64:2-4

2 Hyde me from the gathering together of the froward, & from the insurrection of wicked doers.

Psalms 86:14

14 O God, the proude are rysen agaynst me, and the congregacyons of naughtye men haue sought after my soule, and haue not set the before theyr eyes.

Psalms 91:1-4

1 Who so dwelleth vnder the defence of the most hyest, shal abyde vnder the shadow of the Almightye. 2 I wyll saye vnto the Lorde: Thou art my hope, and my stronge holde, my God, in hym will I trust. 3 For he shall delyuer the from the snare of the hunter, and from the noysome pestylence. 4 He shall defende the vnder hys wynges, and thou shalte be safe vnder hys fethers: hys faythfulnesse and trueth shall be thy shylde and buckler.

Psalms 124:5

5 But praysed be the Lorde, whych hath not geuen vs ouer for a praye vnto their teeth.

Psalms 140:3

3 They haue sharpened theyr tonges like a serpent: adders poyson is vnder their lyppes. Sela.

Romans 13:13

13 Let vs walke honestly as it were in the daye lyght: not in eatynge & drynckynge, nether in chamburyng and wantannes, nether in stryfe & enuyinge:

2 Corinthians 12:20

20 Agayne, thynke you that we excuse our selues vnto you? we spake in Christ in the syght of of God: but we do all thinges (dearly beloued) for youre edifyinge.

Galatians 5:20

20 worshypping of ymages, witchcraft, hatred, variaunce, zele, wrathe, stryfe, sedicyons, sectes,

1 Timothy 6:4

4 he is pufte vp, and knoweth nothynge: but wasteth hys braynes about questions and stryfe, of wordes, wherof sprynge enuye, stryfe, raylynges, euyll surmisynges,

James 3:5-6

5 Euen so the tonge is a lytel member also, and boasteth great thynges. Beholde, how gret a thynge a lytell fyre kyndleth, 6 and the tonge is fyre, euen a world of wyckednes. So is the tonge set amonge oure membres, that it defyleth the whole body, and setteth a fyre all that we haue of nature, and is it selfe set a fyre euen of hell.

James 3:14-16

14 But yf ye haue bytter enuyeng & stryfe in your herte, reioyce not: nether be lyars agaynst the trueth: 15 For soch wysdome descendeth not from aboue: but is erthy, naturall, & diuelisshe. 16 For wher enuyeng & strife is, there is vnstablenes, & all manner of euyll workes.

James 4:6

6 but geueth more grace.

1 Samuel 23:7-13

7 And it was tolde Saul, that Dauid was come to keila. And Saul sayde: God hath delyuered him into myne hand. For he is shut in now that he is come into a towne that hath gates & barres. 8 And Saul called all the people together to warre, for to go downe to keila, and to besege Dauid & his men. 9 And Dauid hauing knowlege that Saul imagened myschef against him, sayd, to Abiathar the preast: Bryng the Ephod. 10 Then sayde Dauid: O Lord God of Israel, thi seruaunt hath heard, that Saul is about to come against keila to destroye the cytie for my sake: 11 Wyll the men of keyla delyuer me into hys hande? And will Saul come downe, as thy seruaunt hath heard saye? O Lord God of Israel, tell they seruaunt. And the Lorde sayde: he will come downe. 12 Then sayd Dauid: will the men of keila delyuer me and the men that are with me into the hand of Saul? & the Lord sayde: they will betraye you. 13 Then dauid & his men which were vpon a syxe hundred, arose & departed out of keila & went whether they could. And it was told Saul, that Dauid was fled from keila, & he let the iourney a lone.

Psalms 17:7

7 Shewe thy maruelous louynge kyndnesse, thou that art the sauyour of them which put theyr trust in the, from soch as resyst thy ryght hande.

Psalms 98:1

1 A Psalme. O synge vnto the Lord a new songe, for he hath done maruelous thynges.

Psalms 118:23

23 Thys was the Lordes doynge, and it is maruelous in oure eyes.

Jeremiah 1:18

18 For beholde, this daye do I make the a stronge fensed towne, an yron pyler, and a brasen wall agaynst the whole lande, agaynst the kynges and myghtye men of Iuda, agaynst the prestes and people of the lande.

1 Peter 2:9

9 But ye are a chosen generacion, a royall presthod, an holy nacyon, a people whych are wonne: that ye shuld shewe the vertues of hym, that called you out of darcknes into hys meruclous lyght,

1 Samuel 23:26

26 And when Saul hearde that, he folowed after Dauid in the wildernesse of Maon. And Saul & his men went on the one syde of the mountayne, & Dauid & his men on the other syde. And Dauid toke thought, how to get from Saul. For Saul & his men compased Dauid & his men, rounde about, to take them.

1 Samuel 27:1

1 And Dauid sayde in his hert: I shall perishe one daye or other by the hand of Saul. Therfore is there nothing better for me, then to flee and saue my selfe in the land of the Philistines, and Saul shall cease & seke me nomore in all the coastes of Israel, & so shall I escape out of his hand.

2 Chronicles 33:11-13

11 Wherfore, the Lord brought vpon them the captaynes of the host of the kyng of the Assirians, whych toke Manasse in holde, and bounde hym with chaynes, and caryed hym to Babylon. 12 And when he was in trybulacion, he besought the Lord hys God, & humbled hym selfe exceadyngly before the God of his fathers, 13 and made intercession to hym and God was entreated of hym, and hearde his prayer, and brought hym agayne to Ierusalem into his kyngdome. And then Manasse knewe, that the Lorde was God.

Job 35:14

14 Whan thou speakest then, shulde not he pardon the, yf thou open thy selfe before hym, and put thy trust in hym?

Psalms 6:9

9 The Lorde hathe hearde my peticyon, the Lorde wyll receaue my prayer.

Psalms 31:17

17 My tyme is in thy hande: delyuer me from the hande of myne enemyes, and from them that persecute me.

Psalms 88:16

16 Thy wrathfull dyspleasure goeth ouer me, and the feare of the hath vndone me.

Psalms 116:11

11 I sayd in my hast: All men are lyers.

Isaiah 6:5

5 Then I sayde, O wo is me For I am lost in asmoch as I am a man of vncleane lyppes, & dwell amonge people that hath vncleane lyppes also: for myne eyes haue sene the Kynge and Lorde of Hoostes.

Isaiah 38:10-12

10 I thought I shulde haue gone to the gates of hell when myne age was shortened, and haue wanted the resydue of my yeares.

Isaiah 49:14

14 But Sion sayde: God hath forsaken, & my Lorde hath forgotten me.

Lamentations 3:54-55

54 They poured water vpon my heade, then thought I: nowe am I vndone. 55 I called vpon thy name, O Lord, out of the depe pyt.

Ezekiel 37:11

11 Moreouer, he sayde vnto me: Thou sonne of man, these bones are the whole house of Israell. Beholde, they saye: Oure bones dried vp, oure hope is gone, we are clene cut of.

Jonah 2:4

4 Thou haddest cast me downe depe in the myddest of the see, & the floude compased me aboute: yee, all thy waues and roules of water went ouer me,

Jonah 2:7-9

7 I went downe to the botome of the hylles, and was barred in with earth for euer. But thou, O Lorde my God, hast brought vp my lyfe agayne out of corrupcion. 8 When my soule fainted wythin me, I thought vpon the Lorde: & my prayer came in vnto the, euen into thy holy temple. 9 They that hold of vayne vanyties, wyll forsake his mercy.

Hebrews 5:7

7 which in the dayes of his flesshe, whan he had offered vp prayers and supplicacions, with stronge cryinge and teares (vnto him that was able to saue him from deeth) and was hearde because of hys reuerence,

Deuteronomy 10:12

12 And nowe Israel, what doth the Lord thy God requier of the but to feare the Lorde thy God, and to walke in all hys wayes, to loue hym, and to serue the Lorde thy God with all thyne herte & with all thy soule:

Deuteronomy 30:16

16 For where as I commaunde the thys daye, to loue the Lorde thy God, to walke in hys wayes, and to kepe hys commaundementes, his ordinaunces, and hys lawes (yf thou so do) thou shalt lyue and multiplye, and the Lorde thy God shall blesse the in that lande, whether thou goest to possesse it.

Deuteronomy 32:41

41 If I whett the edge of my swerde, & myne hande take holde to do iustice, I wyll recompence vengeaunce on myne enemyes, & wyll rewarde them that hate me.

Deuteronomy 33:3

3 And he loued the people. All hys sayntes also are in thy handes. They were smytten to go after thy fete, and to receaue of thy wordes.

Psalms 30:4

4 Synge prayses vnto the Lorde (O ye saintes of his) and geue thankes vnto him for a remembraunce of his holynesse.

Psalms 34:9

9 O feare the Lorde, ye that be hys sayntes for they that feare hym, lacke nothynge.

Psalms 54:5

5 He shall rewarde euell vnto myne enemyes: destroye thou them in thy treuth.

Psalms 89:7

7 And what is he amonge the goddes, that shalbe lyke vnto the Lorde?

Psalms 94:2

2 Aryse thou iudge of the worlde, and rewarde the proude after theyr deseruynge.

Psalms 97:10

10 O ye that loue the Lorde, se that ye hate the thynge whych is euell: the Lorde preserueth the soules of hys saynctes, he shall delyuer them from the hande of the vngodly.

Psalms 145:10

10 All thy worckes prayse the, O Lord, and thy saynctes geue thanckes vnto the.

Psalms 145:20

20 The Lorde preserueth all them that loue hym, but scatereth abroade all the vngodly.

Isaiah 56:6

6 Agayne the straungers that stycke to the Lorde, to serue hym, and to loue hys name: and to be hys seruauntes. And all they, whych kepe them selues, that they vnhalowe not the Sabboth, namely, that they fulfyll my couenaunt:

Mark 12:23

23 In the resurreccyon therfore when they shall ryse agayne: whose wyfe shall she be of them? For seuen had her to wyfe.

1 Thessalonians 4:1

1 Furthermore, we beseche you (brethren) and exhorte you by the Lord Iesus, that ye increace more & more euen as ye haue receaued of vs, how ye ought to walcke and to please God.

Jude 1:1

1 Iudas the seruaunt of Iesus Christ the brother of Iames. To them which are called, and sanctifyed in God the father, and preserued in Iesu Christ.

Revelation 18:6

6 Rewarde her euen as she rewarded you, & geue her double accordyng to her workes. And powre in double to her in, the same cuppe which she filled vnto you.

Revelation 19:5-6

5 And a voyce came out of the seat, sayinge: praise our Lord God all ye that are his seruauntes, & ye that feare hym both small and great. 6 And I herde the voyce of moche people euen as the voyce of many waters, & as the voyce of strong thondrynges sayinge: Alleluia, for the Lord our God omnipotent raygneth.

Psalms 27:14

14 O tary thou the Lordes leysure be stronge, and he shall conforte thyne hert, and put thou thy trust in the Lorde.

Psalms 29:11

11 The Lorde shall geue strength vnto his people, the Lorde shall geue his people the blessynge of peace.

Psalms 138:3

3 When I called vpon the, thou hardest me, and endewdest my soule wt moch strength.

Psalms 146:5

5 Which made heauen and earth, the see, and all that therin is, whych kepeth hys promyse for euer.

Isaiah 35:3-4

3 And therfore strength the weake handes, and conforte the feble knees. 4 Saye vnto them that are of a fearefull hert. Be of good chere, and feare not. Beholde, youre God commeth to take vengeaunce: and you shall se the rewarde that God geueth: God commeth his awne selfe, & will delyuer you.

Luke 22:31-32

31 And the Lord sayde: Symon, Simon, beholde, Satan hath desyred to syfte you, as it were wheate: 32 but I haue prayed for the, that thy fayth fayle not. And when thou arte conuerted, strength thy brethren.

Romans 15:12-13

12 And agayne Esay sayth: ther shalbe the rote of Iesie, and he that shall ryse to raygne ouer the gentyls: in hym shall the gentyls trust. 13 The God of hope fyll you wyth all ioye and peace in beleuyng: that ye maye be ryche in hope, thorow the power of the holy ghost.

Colossians 1:11

11 strengthed with all myght, thorowe hys glorious power, vnto all pacience and longe sufferynge with ioyfulnes

Hebrews 12:12-13

12 Stretch forth therfore the handes which were let downe, and the weake knees: 13 and se that ye haue strayght steppes vnto youre fete, lest eny halting turne you out of the waye: yee let it rather be healed.

James 5:10-11

10 Take (my brethren) the Prophetes for an ensample of sufferinge aduersytie, and of pacience, which spake in the name of the Lorde. 11 Beholde, we counte them happy which endure. Ye haue heard of the pacience of Iob, and haue knowen what ende the Lorde made. For the Lord is very pitiefull and mercyfull.

1 Peter 1:21

21 whych by his meanes do beleue on God, that raysed hym vp from deeth, & gloryfyed hym, that ye might haue fayth and hope toward God:

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