4 Yee though I walke thorowe the valleye of the shadow of death, I wyll feare no euell, for thou art wt me thy rodde & thy staffe comforte me.
Psalms 23:4 Cross References - Great
Job 3:5
5 but let it be stayned with darcknesse, and the shadowe of death. Let the dymme cloude fall vpon it, and lett it be lapped in with sorowe on the daye tyme.
Job 10:21-22
Job 24:17
17 For as soone as the daye breaketh, the shadowe of death commeth vpon them, and they go in horrible darcknesse.
Psalms 3:6
6 I will not be afrayde for ten thousandes of the people, that haue set them selues agaynst me rounde about.
Psalms 14:5
5 There were they brought in great feare for God is in the generacyon of the ryghteous.
Psalms 27:1-4
1 Of Dauid. The Lorde is my lyght and my saluacyon: whom then shall I feare? the Lorde is the strength of my lyfe: of whom then shall I be afrayed?
2 When the wycked (euen myne enemyes and my foes) came vpon me, to eate vp my fleshe, they stombled & fell.
3 Though an hoost of men were layed agaynst me, yet shall not my hert be astrayed: and though there rose vp warre agaynst me, yet will I put my trust in this.
4 One thynge haue I desyred of the Lorde, which I will requyre: euen that I maye dwell in the house of the Lorde all the dayes of my lyfe: to beholde the fayre bewtie of the Lorde, and to vyset this temple.
Psalms 44:19
19 Oure hert is not turned backe, nether oure steppes gone out of thy waye.
Psalms 46:1-3
1 To the chaunter, a songe for the chyldren of Corah vpon Alamoth. God is our hope & strength: a very present helpe in trouble.
2 Therfore wyll we feare, though the erth be moued, & though the hylles be caryed in the myddest of the see.
3 Though the waters therof rage & swell, & though the mountaynes shake at the tempest of the same. Sela.
Psalms 46:11
11 The Lorde of Hostes is wyth vs, the God of Iacob is oure defence. Sela.
Psalms 110:2
2 The Lord shall sende the rodde of thy power out of Sion, be thou ruler euen in the myddest among thyne enemyes.
Psalms 118:6
6 The Lord is on my syde, I wyll not feare what man doeth vnto me.
Psalms 138:7
7 Though I walke in the myddest of trouble: yet shalt thou refressh me: thou shalt stretch forth thyne hand vpon the furiousnes of myne enemyes, & thy ryght hand shall saue me.
Isaiah 8:9-10
9 Breake downe (o ye peple of Assur) and ye shall be, broken downe: herken to all ye of farre countrees. Muster you, and you shalbe broken downe, prepare you to batell and you shall be torne in peces:
10 take your councell together, yet must your councel come to naught: go in hande withall, yet shall it not prospere: for God is with vs.
Isaiah 41:10
10 be not afrayed, for I am wt the. Melt not away as waxe, for I am thy God, to strength the, helpe the, & to kepe the wt this ryght hande of myne.
Isaiah 43:1-2
1 But nowe, the Lorde that made the O Iacob, and he that fashyoned the: O Israel, sayeth thus: Feare not, for I haue redemed the. I haue called the by name: thou art myne awne.
2 Yf thou goest thorow the water, I wilbe with the, that the stronge floudes shulde not pluck the awaye. And yf thou walckest thorowe the fyre, it shall not burne the, and the flame shall not kyndle vpon the.
Jeremiah 2:6
6 They thought not in their hertes. Where haue we left the Lorde, that brought vs oute of the lande of Egypte that led vs thorowe the wildernesse, thorowe a deserte & rough lande, thorowe a drye and a deedly lande, yee, a lande that no man had gone thorowe, and wherin no man had dwelt.
Micah 7:14
14 Therfore fede thy people with thy rodde, the flocke of thine heritage which dwel desolate in the wodde: that they maye be fedde vpon the mount of Charmell, Basan & Galaad as afore time.
Zechariah 8:23
23 Thus sayeth the Lord of hoostes. In that tyme shall ten men (out of all maner of languages of the Gentyles) take one Iewe by the hemme of hys garment, & saye: we wyll go wt you, for we haue herde, that God is amonge you.
Zechariah 11:10
10 I toke also my louynge meke staff, and brake it, that I myght disanull the couenaunt, which I made wyth all people.
Zechariah 11:14
14 Then brake I my other staf also (namely destroyer) that I might lowse the brotherhead betwixt Iuda and Israel.
Matthew 1:23
23 Behold, a mayd shalbe wt chylde, & shall bring forth a sonne, & they shall call his name Emanuel, which yf a man interpret, it is asmoch to say as God with vs.
Matthew 28:20
20 Teachinge them to obserue all thinges, whatsoeuer I haue commaunded you. And lo I am wyth you allwaye, euen vntyll the ende of the worlde.
Luke 1:79
79 To geue light to them that sate in darcknes & in the shadowe of deathe, to gyde oure fete into the waye of peace.
Acts 18:9-10
1 Corinthians 15:55-57
2 Timothy 4:22
22 The Lorde Iesus Christ be with thy sprete. Grace be with you: Amen.