Psalms 126 Cross References - Great

1 A songe of the stayres. When the Lord turned agayne the captiuyte of Sion, then were we lyke vnto them that dreame. 2 Then was oure mouth fylled with laughter, and oure tonge with ioye. 3 Then sayd they amonge the Heathen: the Lorde hath done greate thynges for them. 4 Yee, the Lorde hath done greate thynges for vs all ready, wherof we reioyse. 5 Turne oure captyuite, O Lorde, as the ryuers in the south. 6 They that sowe in teares, shall reape in ioye. He that nowe goeth in hys waye wepynge and beareth forth good sede, shall doutheles come agayne wyth ioye, and brynge hys sheaues with him.

Ezra 1:1-11

1 In the firste yere of Cyrus kynge of Persia (that the word of the Lord spoken by the mouth of Ieremy might be fulfilled) the Lord stered vp the spret of Cyrus kynge of Persia, that he caused to be proclaymed thorow out all hys empire, & to be wryten, saying: 2 Thus sayth Cirus the kynge of Persia: The Lorde God of heauen hath geuen me all the kyngdomes of the earth, and hath commaunded me to buylde hym an house at Ierusalem which is in Iuda. 3 Whosoeuer now among you is of his people, the Lorde his God be with hym, and let him go vp to Ierusalem in Iuda, & builde the house of the Lorde God of Israell. He is the God that is at Ierusalem. 4 And whosouer remayneth yet in eny maner of place (where he is a straunger) let the men of that place helpe hym wt syluer and golde, with good & catell, besyde that which they wyllyngly offer, for the house of God that is at Ierusalem. 5 Then gat vp the principal fathers of Iuda and Beniamin, & the prestes & leuites, and all they whose sprete God had raysed to go vp, & to buylde the house of the Lord, which is at Ierusalem. 6 And al they that were about them strengthed their hand, wt vessels of syluer, & golde, with good and catell, & Iewels: in so moch that euery one shewed hym selfe liberall. 7 And kyng Cyrus brought forth the vessels of the house of the Lord, which Nabuchodonosor had taken out of Ierusalem, and had put in the house of his God. 8 Those dyd Cyrus the kyng of Persia bryng forth by the hande of Mithridates the treasurer, and nombred them vnto Sesbazar the prince of Iuda. 9 And this is the nombre of them .xxx. chargers of gold .M. chargers of syluer .xxix. knyues 10 .xxx. basens of gold and of other siluer basens .iiij.C. & .x. & of other vessels: .M. 11 All the vessels of gold and syluer, were .v.M. and .iiij.C. All these dyd Sesbazar carye awaye with them that came vp oute of the captyuite of Babylon vnto Ierusalem.

Job 9:16

16 Yf I had called vpon hym, and he had answered me: yet wold I not beleue, that he herd my voyce:

Job 42:10

10 and the Lorde turned the captiuite of Iob, when he prayed for his frindes: Yee, the Lord gaue Iob twyse as moch as he had afore.

Psalms 53:6

6 Oh that the saluacyon were geuen vnto Israel out of Sion: Oh that the Lorde wold delyuer hys people out of captiuyte. Then shulde Iacob reioyse, and Israell shulde be ryght glad.

Psalms 85:1

1 To the chaunter, a Psalme of the sonnes of Corab. Lorde, thou art become gracyous vnto thy lande, thou hast turned awaye the captiuite of Iacob.

Psalms 120:1

1 A songe of the steares. When I was in trouble, I called vpon the Lorde, and he hearde me.

Psalms 121:1

1 A songe of the steares. I Will lyft vp myne eyes vnto the hylles, from whence commeth my helpe?

Psalms 122:1

1 A songe of the steares of Dauid. I Was glad, when they sayde vnto me: we will go into the house of the Lord.

Psalms 123:1

1 A songe of the steares. Vnto the lyft I vp myne eyes, thou that dwellest in the heauens.

Psalms 124:1

1 A songe of the steares of Dauid. If the Lorde hym selfe had not bene of our syde (nowe maye Israel saye) If the Lord him selfe had not bene of our syde when men rose vp agaynst vs.

Psalms 125:1

1 A songe of the steares. They that put their trust in the Lorde, shalbe euen as the mount Syon, which maye not be remoued, but standeth fast for euer.

Jeremiah 31:8-10

8 Beholde, I wyll bringe them agayne from out of the north lande, and gather them from the endes of the worlde, with the blynde and lame that are amonge them, with the wemen that be great with chylde, and soch as be also delyuered: and the company of them that come agayne, shalbe greate. 9 They shall come weping and with mercyfull pitye wyll I bring them hyther agayn. I wyll leade them to the ryuers of water in a strayght waye, where they shall not stomble. For I am Israels father, & Ephraim is my fyrst borne. 10 Heare the worde of the Lorde, O ye Gentiles, preach in the yles, that lye farre of, and saye: he that hath scatered Israel, shall gather hym together agayne, & shall kepe hym as a shepherde doth his flocke.

Hosea 6:11

11 yee and thou Iuda hepest an haruest for thy selfe, when I returne the captyuitie of my people.

Joel 3:1

1 For take hede: in those dayes and at the same tyme, when I turne agayne the captiuyte of Iuda and Ierusalem:

Mark 16:11

11 And they, whan they herde that he was a lyue, and had appered vnto her, beleued it not.

Luke 24:11

11 And theyr wordes semed vnto them fayned thynges, nether beleued they them.

Luke 24:41

41 And whyll they yet beleued not for ioye, and wondred, he sayd vnto them: Haue ye here eny meate?

Acts 12:9

9 And he came out & folowed him, and wyst not that it was trueth which was done by the angell, but thought he had sene a visyon.

Acts 12:14-16

14 And when she knew Peters voyce, she opened not the entry for gladnes, but ran in, & told how Peter stode before the entry. 15 And they sayde vnto her: thou art mad: But she affirmed that it was euen so. Then sayd they: it is hys angel. 16 But Peter contynued knockinge: & when they had opened the dore, and sawe him, they were astonyed.

Numbers 23:23

23 There is no sorcery in Iacob, nor sothsaying in Israel. It is nowe tolde vnto Iacob & Israel, what God hath wrought.

Joshua 2:9-11

9 & sayde vnto the men: I knowe, that the Lorde hathe geuen you the lande for the feare of you is fallen vpon vs, & the enhabiters of the land faynt at the presence of you. 10 For we haue heard, how the Lorde dried vp the water of the redd see before you when you came out of Egypte, & what you dyd vnto the two kynges of the Amorites, that were on the other side Iordan Sehon, & Og, whom ye vtterlye destroyed. 11 And as sone as we had heard these thynges oure hertes dyd fainte. And there remayned no moare courage in any man at the presence of you. For the Lord youre God, he is the God in heauen aboue, & on the erth benethe.

Joshua 9:9-10

9 They answered him: From a verye farre contrye thy seruauntes are come, for the name of the Lorde thy God: for we haue heard the fame of him, and all that he did in Egypte, 10 and all that he dyd to the two kynges of the Amorites that were beyonde Iordan, Sehon kynge of Hesbon, and Og kyng of Basan, which was at Astharoth.

Ezra 3:11

11 And they sang together, whan they gaue prayse & thankes vnto the Lord, because he is gracious, and because his mercy endureth for euer vpon Israell. And all the people shouted loude in praysyng the Lord, because the foundacion of the house of the Lorde was layde.

Nehemiah 6:16

16 And when all our enemyes hearde therof, all the heathen that were about vs, were afrayed, and theyr courage fayled them. And they perceaued, that thys worcke came of our God.

Job 8:21

21 Thy mouth shall he fyll with laughing, and thy lyppes with gladnesse.

Psalms 14:7

7 Oh that the saluacyon were geuen vnto Israel out of Sion. Whan the Lorde turneth the captyuite of hys people, then shal Iacob reioyse, and Israel shall be glad.

Psalms 51:14

14 Delyuer me from bloud gyltynesse (O God) thou that art the God of my health, and my tonge shall syng of thy ryghteousnesse.

Psalms 71:19

19 Thou hast brought me to great honour and comforted me on euery syde.

Psalms 106:47-48

47 Delyuer vs (O Lorde oure God) and gather vs from amonge the Heathen: that we maye geue thanckes to thy holy name, & make oure boast of thy prayse. 48 Blessed be the Lorde God of Israel from euerlastyng and worlde without ende, & let all people saye: Amen, Amen. Prayse the Lord

Isaiah 35:10

10 And the redemed of the Lorde, I saye, shall conuerte and come to Zion with thanckesgeuing. Euerlastyng ioye shall they haue: pleasure and gladnes shalbe among them. And as for all sorowe and heuynes, it shall vanysh awaye.

Isaiah 49:9-13

9 That thou mayest saye to the presoners: go forth, and to them that are in darcknesse: come into the lyght, they shall fede in the hye wayes, and get their pasture in all hye places. 10 They shall nether honger, ner thurst: heate nor sunne shall not hurte them. For he that fauoureth them, shall leade them, and geue them dryncke of the springe welles. 11 I wyll make wayes vpon all my mountaynes, and my fote pathes shalbe exalted. 12 And beholde, they shall come from far: lo, some from the north and west, some from the lande of Sinis, which is in the south. 13 Reioyse ye heauens: & synge prayses, thou earth. Talke of ioye ye hylles, for God hath conforted hys people, and wyll haue mercye vpon his that be in trouble.

Jeremiah 31:12-13

12 And they shall come, & reioyce vpon the hyll of Sion, and shall haue plenteousnes of goodes, which the Lorde shall geue them. Namely, wheate, wyne, oyle, yonge shepe & calues. And theyr conscience shalbe as a well watred garden, for they shall nomore be hongrye. 13 Then shall the mayde reioyce in the daunce, yee, both yonge and olde folkes. For I wyll turne their sorowe into gladnesse, and wyll conforte them from theyr sorowes and make them ioyfull.

Jeremiah 33:11

11 shall the voyce of gladnes be hearde agayne, the voyce of the brydegrome & of the bryde, the voyce of them that shall singe: Prayse the Lorde of hoostes, for he is louynge and hys mercy endureth for euer: and the voyce of them that shall offer vp giftes in the house of the Lorde. For I will restore the captiuitie of this lande, as it was afore, sayth the Lorde.

Zechariah 8:22-23

22 yee, moch people & myghtye Heathen shal come & seke the Lord of hoostes at Ierusalem, and to praye before the Lord. 23 Thus sayeth the Lord of hoostes. In that tyme shall ten men (out of all maner of languages of the Gentyles) take one Iewe by the hemme of hys garment, & saye: we wyll go wt you, for we haue herde, that God is amonge you.

Romans 11:15

15 For yf the castynge awaye of them, be the reconcylynge of the world: what shall the receauynge of them be, but lyfe agayne from deeth?

Revelation 11:15-17

15 And the seuenth Angell blewe, & ther were made greate voyces in heauen, sayinge: the kyngdoms of this worlde are oure lordes, and his Christes, & he shall raygne for euermore. 16 And the .xxiiii. elders, whych syt before God on their seates, fell vpon their faces, & worshypped God, 17 sayinge: we geue the thankes O Lord God almyghtye: whych arte & wast, & arte to come, for thou haste receaued thy great myght, and hast raygned.

Ezra 7:27-28

27 Blessed be the Lorde God of oure fathers, which so hath inspired the kynges hert, to garnysh the house of the Lorde, that is at Ierusalem: 28 and hath enclyned his mercy vnto me in the presence of the kyng, & his councelers, and before all the kynges hye estates. And I was conforted (euen as the hande of the Lorde my God was vpon me) & so geathered I the heades of Israell together, that they myghte go vp with me.

Psalms 18:50

50 For this cause I will geue thankes vnto the, O Lorde, amonge the Gentyles, and synge prayses vnto thy name. Greate prosperite geueth he vnto his kinge: and sheweth louyng kyndnesse vnto Dauid hys anoynted, & vnto hys seede for euermore.

Psalms 31:19

19 Let me not be confounded, O Lorde, for I haue called vpon the: let the vngodly be put to confusion, and be put to sylence in the graue.

Psalms 66:5-6

5 He turned the see into drye land, so that they wente thorow the water on fote: there did we reioyse therof. 6 He ruleth with hys power for euer, his eyes beholde the people: and soch as will not beleue, shall not be able to exalte them selues. Sela.

Psalms 68:7-8

7 O God, when thou wentest forth before the people, when thou wentest thorow the wyldernesse. Sela. 8 The earth shoke, and the heauens dropped at the presence of God, euen as Sinai also was moued at the presence of God, which is the God of Israel.

Psalms 68:22

22 The Lord hath sayde: I will bringe my people agayne as I dyd from Basan: myne owne wyll I brynge agayne as I dyd somtyme from the depe of the see.

Isaiah 11:11-16

11 At the same time shal the lord take in hande agayne, to conquere the remnaunt of his people (which shalbe left alyue) From the Assyrians, Egypcians, Arabians, Morians, Elamites, Caldeyes, Antiochians and from the Ilandes of the see. 12 And he shall sett vp a token amonge the Gentyles, and gather together the dispersed of Israel, yee & the out castes of Iuda from the foure corners of the worlde. 13 The hatred of Ephraim also and enemyes of Iuda shalbe cleane roted oute. Ephraim shall beare no euell will to Iuda, and Iuda shal not hate Ephraim: 14 but they both together shall flye vpon the shoulders of the Philistines toward the west, and spoyle them together that dwell towarde the East. The Idumytes and the Moabites shall lett their handes fall, & the Ammonites shalbe obedient vnto them. 15 The Lorde also shall cleue the tunges of the Egypcians see, & with a myghtie wynde shall he lyft vp his hande ouer Nilus, and shall smyte hys seuen streames, and make men go ouer drye shod. 16 And thus shal there be awaye for his people, that remayneth from the Assirians, lyke as it happened to the Israelites, what tyme they departed out of the land of Egypt.

Isaiah 12:4-6

4 & then shall ye saye: geue thanckes vnto the lorde, call vpon his name, declare his councels amonge the people, kepe them in remembrance, for his name is excellent. 5 O syng prayses vnto the Lord, for he hath done greate thynges, as it is knowne in all the worlde. 6 Crye out, and syng thou that dwellest in Syon, for great is the holy one of Israell in the myddes of the.

Isaiah 25:9

9 And in that daye it shalbe sayde: Lo, this is our God, we haue wayted for hym, & he shall saue vs. Thys is the Lord, in whom we haue hoped, we wylbe mery & reioyce in the saluation that commeth of hym.

Isaiah 51:9-11

9 Wake vp, wake vp: and be stronge. O thou arme of the Lorde, wake vp, lyke as in tyme past, euer and sence the worlde beganne. 10 Art not thou the same arme, that hast wounded the proude Egypt, and hewen the Dragon in peces? Art not thou euen he, which hast dryed vp the depe of the see, which hast made playne the see grounde, that the delyuered myght goo thorow? 11 Therfore the redemed of the Lord shall turne agayne, & come wyth ioye vnto Sion, there to endure for euer? That myrth & gladnesse myght be with them: that sorowe and wo myght fle from them?

Isaiah 52:9-10

9 Be glad, with thankes gyuynge. O thou desolate Ierusalem, & reioyce together for the Lorde hath comforted hys people, he hath delyuered Ierusalem. 10 The Lorde hath made bare hys holy arme, and shewed it forth in the syght of all the Gentiles, & all the endes of the earth hath sene the sauinge health of our God.

Isaiah 66:14

14 And when ye se thys, youre herte shall reioyse and youre bones shall floryshe lyke an herbe. Thus shall the hande of the Lorde be knowne amonge hys seruauntes, and hys indignacyon amonge hys enemyes.

Luke 1:46

46 And Mary sayde. My soule magnifieth the Lord.

Luke 1:49

49 Because he that is myghty, hath done to me greate thinges, & holye is his name.

Ephesians 1:18-22

18 and lyghten the eyes of youre myndes, that ye maye knowe what the hope is, where vnto he hath called you, and howe riche the glorye is of his inheritaunce vpon the saynctes, 19 and what is the excedinge greatnes of his power to vs warde, which beleue accordynge to the workynge of that his mighty power, 20 which he wrought in Christ, when he raysed him from the deed, and set him on his ryght hande in heauenly thinges, 21 aboue all rule, & power, & myght and dominion, and aboue euery name that is named, not in this worlde onely, but also in the worlde to come: 22 and hath put all thynges vnder his fete, and hath made him aboue all thinges the heed of the congregacyon,

Revelation 12:10

10 And I hearde a lowde voyce sayinge: in heauen is now made saluacyon and strength & the kyngdome of oure God, & the power of hys Chryst. For is cast doune, which accused them before God daye and nyght.

Revelation 19:1-7

1 And after that, I herde a greate voyce of moch people in heauen saying: Alleluia. Saluacion & glory & honour & power be ascribed to the Lorde our God, 2 for true and ryghteous are his iudgementes, for he hath iudged the gret whore which dyd corrupt the erth wt her fornicacion, & hath auenged the bloud of his seruauntes of hyr hande. 3 And agayn they said: Alleluia. And smoke rose vp for euermore. 4 And the .xxiiii. elders, & the .iiii. bestes fell downe, & worshipped God that sate on the seate, saying: Amen, Alleluia. 5 And a voyce came out of the seat, sayinge: praise our Lord God all ye that are his seruauntes, & ye that feare hym both small and great. 6 And I herde the voyce of moche people euen as the voyce of many waters, & as the voyce of strong thondrynges sayinge: Alleluia, for the Lord our God omnipotent raygneth. 7 Let vs be glad and reioyce, & geue honoure to him, for the mariage of the lambe is come, and hys wyfe made her selfe ready.

Joshua 3:16

16 the waters also that came downe from aboue, did ryse vp vpon an heape and departed farre from Adam, that was besyde Zarthan, And the waters that were beneth to ward the see of the wildernes, fell awaye & departed into the salt see, and the people went ryght ouer agaynst Iericho,

Psalms 85:4

4 Turne vs then, O God oure Sauyour, and let thyne anger ceasse from vs.

Psalms 126:1

1 A songe of the stayres. When the Lord turned agayne the captiuyte of Sion, then were we lyke vnto them that dreame.

Isaiah 35:6

6 Then shall the lame man leape as an hert, & the domme mans tonge shall geue thanckes. In the wildernes also, there shall welles spring, & floudes of water in the desert.

Isaiah 41:18

18 I brynge forth floudes in the hylles, and welles in the playne feldes. I turne the wyldernes to ryuers, and the drye lande to condyttes of water.

Isaiah 43:19

19 Beholde I shall make a newe thynge, and shortly shall it appeare, & shall you not knowe it? I wyll make stretes in the deserte, and ryuers of water in the wyldernes:

Hosea 1:11

11 Then shall the chyldren of Iuda and the chyldren of Israel be gathered together agayne and chose them selues one head, and then departe out of the lande: for greate shalbe the daye of Israel.

Psalms 137:1

1 By the waters of Babilon we sat downe and weapte, when we remembred Syon.

Isaiah 12:1-3

1 So that then thou shalt saye: O Lorde, I wyll thanke the, for thou waste displeased at me, but refrayne thou from thy wrath, and comforte me. 2 Behold, God is my saluacion in whom I will trust, and not be afrayde. For the Lorde God is my strength, & my songe, he also is become my saluacion. 3 Therfore with ioye shall ye drawe water out of the welles of the Sauioure,

Jeremiah 31:9-13

9 They shall come weping and with mercyfull pitye wyll I bring them hyther agayn. I wyll leade them to the ryuers of water in a strayght waye, where they shall not stomble. For I am Israels father, & Ephraim is my fyrst borne. 10 Heare the worde of the Lorde, O ye Gentiles, preach in the yles, that lye farre of, and saye: he that hath scatered Israel, shall gather hym together agayne, & shall kepe hym as a shepherde doth his flocke. 11 For the Lord hath redemed Iacob, and ryd hym from the hande of the violent.

Joel 2:17

17 Lett the prestes serue the Lorde betwyxte the porch and the aulter, wepinge and sayinge: be fauourable, O Lorde, be fauourable vnto thy people: let not thyne heritage be brought to soch confusyon, lest the Heathen be lordes therof. Wherfore shulde they saye amonge the Heathen: where is nowe theyr God.

Joel 2:23

23 Be glad then (O ye chyldren of Syon) and reioyse in the Lorde youre God, for he hath geuen you a teacher of ryghteousnesse: & he it is that shall sende you downe shouers of rayne, early and late in the fyrst moneth:

Matthew 5:4

4 Blessed are they that mourne, for they shall receaue comfort.

John 16:20-22

20 Uerely verely, I saye vnto you: ye shall wepe and lamente, but contrary wyse, the world shall reioyse. Ye shall sorowe, but yor sorowe shalbe turned to ioye. 21 A woman when she trauaileth, hath sorowe, because her houre is come: but assone as she is deliuered of the childe, she remembreth nomore the anguisshe, for ioye that a man is borne into the worlde. 22 And ye now therfore haue sorowe: but I will se you agayne, and your hertes shall reioyse, and your ioye shal no man take from you.

2 Corinthians 7:8-11

8 For though I made you sory with a letter, I repent not: though I dyd repent. For I perceaue, that the same epistle made you sorye, though it were but for a ceason. 9 But I nowe reioyce, not that ye were sory, but that ye so sorowed that ye repented. For ye sorowed godly: so that in nothynge ye were hurte by vs. 10 For godly sorowe causeth repentaunce vnto saluacyon, not to be repented of, contrary wyse, worldely sorowe causeth deeth. 11 For beholde, what diligence this godly sorowe that ye toke, hath wrought in you: yee it caused you to cleare yourselues. It caused indignacyon, it caused feare, it caused desire. it caused punisshment. For in all thynges ye haue shewed your selues, that ye were cleare in that matter.

Galatians 6:9

9 Let vs not be wery of well doinge. For when the tyme is come, we shall reape without werynesse.

Job 11:13-17

13 If thou haddest nowe a ryght hert, and lyftedst vp thyne handes towarde hym: 14 yf thou woldest put awaye the wickednes which thou hast in hande, so that no vngodlynesse dwell in thy house. 15 Then myghtest thou lyft vp thy face without shame, and then shuldest thou be sure, and haue no nede to feare. 16 Then shuldest thou forget thy miserye, & thyncke nomore vpon it then vpon the waters that runne by. 17 Then shuld the residue of thy lyfe be as cleare as the noone daye, and sprynge forth as the mornyng.

Psalms 30:5

5 For hys wrath endureth but the twinclinge of an eye, and in hys pleasure is lyfe: heuynesse maye endure for a nyght, but ioye commeth in the mornynge.

Isaiah 9:2-3

2 The people that walke in darckenes haue sene a greate lyght. As for them that dwell in the lande of the Shadowe of death, vpon them hath the lyght shyned. 3 Thou hast multyplyed the people, & not increased theyr ioye. They reioyse before the, euen as men make mery in haruest, and as men that haue gotten the victory, when they deale the spoyle.

Isaiah 61:3

3 that I myght geue vnto them that mourne in Sion, that I myght geue I saye, bewty in the steade of ashes, ioyfull oyntement for syghthinge, pleasaunt rayment for an heuy mynde: That they myght be called trees of ryghteousnesse, a plantynge of the Lorde for hym to reioyce in.

Jeremiah 50:4-5

4 In those dayes and at that tyme, sayth the Lord: the chyldren of Israel shall come, they and the chyldren of Iuda, wepinge and making haste, and shall seke the Lorde their God. 5 They shall aske the waye to Sion, thyther shall they turne their faces, sayinge: Come and we wyll cleaue to the Lorde, in a couenaunt that neuer shalbe broken.

Luke 15:18-24

18 I wyll aryse, and go to my father, and will saye vnto him: father, I haue synned agaynst heauen, and before the, 19 & am no more worthy to be called thy sonne, make me as one of thy hyred seruauntes. 20 And he arose, & came to his father. But when he was yet a greate waye of, his father sawe him, and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kyssed him. 21 And the sonne sayde vnto him: father, I haue synned agaynst heauen, and in thy syght, & am nomore worthy to be called thy sonne. 22 But the father sayd to his seruauntes: brynge forth the best garment, and put it on him, and put a rynge on his hande, and shoes on his fete. 23 And brynge hyther that fatt caulfe, and kyll it, and let vs eate and be mery: 24 for this my sonne was deed, and is alyue agayne, he was loste, and is founde. And they began to be merye.

Acts 16:29-34

29 Then he called for a lyght and sprange in and ran tremblynge vnto Paul, and fell downe at the fete of Paul & Sylas, 30 and brought them out, & sayde: Syrs what must I do to be saued? 31 And they sayde: beleue on the Lorde Iesus, & thou shalt be saued & thy housholde. 32 And they preached vnto him the worde of the Lord, & to all that were in hys house. 33 And he toke them the same houre of the nyght, & wasshed their woundes, and was baptised and all they of hys housholde strayght waye. 34 And when he had brought them into hys house, he set meate before them, and ioyed that he with all his housholde, beleued on God.

Galatians 6:7-8

7 Be not deceaued, God is not mocked. For whatsoeuer a man soweth, that shall he also reape. 8 For he that soweth in his flesshe, shall of the flesshe reape corrupcyon. But he that soweth in the sprete, shall of the sprete reape lyfe euerlastynge.

Revelation 7:15-17

15 therfore are they in the presence of the seate of God & serue hym daye & nyght in his temple, & he that sytteth in the seate wyll dwell amonge them. 16 They shall honger no more, nether thyrst, nether shall the sunne lyght on them, nether eny heate. 17 For the lambe whych is in the myddes of the seate, shall fede them, & shall leade them vnto fountaynes of lyuynge water, & God shall wype awaye all teares from their eyes.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.