Proverbs 6:12 Cross References - Great

12 An vngodly person, a wycked man goeth with a frowarde mouth

1 Samuel 17:28

28 And Eliab his eldest brother hearde when he spake vnto the men, and Eliab was angrye wt Dauid, and sayde: Why camest thou downe hither? and with whom hast thou lefte those few shepe in the wildernesse? I know thy pryde, and the malyce of thyne herte, that thou art come downe to se the battell.

Psalms 10:3

3 For the vngodly hath made boast of hys awne hertes desyre, & speaketh good of the couetous, whom God abhorreth.

Psalms 10:7

7 He sytteth lurkinge in the theuish corners of the stretes, & priuely in his lurkynge dennes doth he murthur the innocent: his eyes are set agaynst the poore.

Psalms 36:3

3 The wordes of hys mouth are vnryghteous, and full of disceate: he hath left of to behaue hym selfe wysely and to do good.

Psalms 52:2-4

2 Where as the goodnesse of God endureth yet daylie. 3 Thy tonge ymagineth wyckednesse, & wyth lyes thou cuttest lyke a sharpe rasoure. 4 Thou hast loued vngracyousnesse more then goodnes, & to talke of lyes more then ryghteousnesse. Sela.

Psalms 59:7

7 Behold, they speake with theyr mouth, and sweardes are in theyr lyppes, for who doth heare?

Psalms 73:8-9

8 They corrupte other, & speake of wicked blasphemye: theyr talkynge is agaynst the most hiest. 9 For they stretch forth theyr mouth vnto the heauen, & theyr tonge goeth thorow the world.

Proverbs 2:12

12 That thou mayest be delyuered from the euell waye, and from the man that speaketh frowarde thinges.

Proverbs 4:24

24 Put awaye from the a frowarde mouth, & let the lyppes of sclaunder be farre from the.

Proverbs 6:14

14 he is euer ymagenynge myschefe, and frowardnesse in hys herte, & causeth discorde.

Proverbs 8:13

13 The feare of the Lorde abhorreth wyckednesse, pryde dysdayne, and the euell waye: and a mouth that speaketh wycked thynges, I vtterly abhorre.

Proverbs 11:6

6 The ryghteousnesse of the iust shall delyuer them, but the wycked shalbe taken in theyr awne vngodlynesse.

Proverbs 16:27

27 An vngodly personne stereth vp euell, and in his lippes he is as an whote burnynge fyre.

Proverbs 17:4

4 A wycked body gyueth audience to false lyppes, & a frowarde personne geueth eare to a disceatfull tonge.

Jeremiah 24:2

2 In the one maunde were very good fygges, euen lyke as those that be first ripe. In the other maunde were very naughty fygges, which might not be eaten, they were so euell.

Jeremiah 24:8-10

8 And lyke as thou knowest the naughtie figges, which maye not be eaten, they are so euell: Euen so wyll I (sayeth the Lorde) let Zedekias the Kynge of Iuda, (ye and all his princes, & the residue of Ierusalem that remayne ouer in thys lande, and them also that dwell in Egipte) to be vexed and plaged in all kyngdomes and landes. 9 And wyll make them to be a reprofe, a comen by worde, a laughynge stocke and shame, in all the places, where I shall scatre them. 10 I wil sende the swearde, honger & pestilence amonge them, vntyll I haue cleane consumed them out of the lande, that I gaue vnto them and theyr fathers.

Matthew 12:34

34 O generacion of vypers, how can ye speake good thinges, when ye youre selues are euyll? For out of the aboundance of the hert, the mouth speaketh.

Acts 20:30

30 Moreouer, of youre awne selues shall men arise, speaking peruerse thinges to drawe disciples after them.

1 Timothy 5:13

13 And also they learne to goo from house to house ydle: yee not ydle onely, but also tatlers and besybodyes, speakynge thynges which are not comly.

Titus 1:10-11

10 For ther are many vnruely and talkers of vanite, and disceauers of myndes, specially they that are of the circumcision, 11 whose mouthes must be stopped which peruert whole houses, teachinge thinges which they ought not, because of fylthy lucre.

James 1:21

21 Wherfore laye a parte all fylthynes & superfluyte of maliciousnes, and receaue wt meknes, the worde that is graffed in you, which is able to saue your soules.

James 3:6

6 and the tonge is fyre, euen a world of wyckednes. So is the tonge set amonge oure membres, that it defyleth the whole body, and setteth a fyre all that we haue of nature, and is it selfe set a fyre euen of hell.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.