19 and haue geuen the Leuites as a gyfte vnto Aaron & hys sonnes from amonge the chyldren of Israel, to do the seruyce of the chyldren of Israel in the Tabernacle of wytnesse, to make an attonement for the chyldren of Israel, that there be no plage amonge the chyldren of Israel, yf the chyldren of Israel come nye vnto the holy thynges.
Numbers 8:19 Cross References - Great
Numbers 1:53
53 But the leuites shall pytche rounde aboute the tabernacle of wytnesse, that there be no wrath vpon the congregacyon of the chyldren of Israel, and the leuites shall kepe the watch of the tabernacle of witnesse.
Numbers 3:6-9
6 brynge the trybe of Leui, and set them before Aaron the Preast that they maye serue hym and wayte vpon hy
7 and vpon all the multitude, before the tabernacle of witnesse, to do the seruyce of the habitacyon.
8 They shall kepe all the apparell of the tabernacle of wytnesse, and wayte vpon the chyldren of Israel, to do the seruyce of the habitacion.
9 And thou shalt geue the Leuites vnto Aaron and hys sonnes, for they are geuen and delyuered vnto him of the chyldren of Israel.
Numbers 16:46
46 And Moses sayde vnto Aaron: take a censer, and put fier therin out of the aulter, and powre on cens, and go quyckly vnto the congregacion, that thou mayest obteyne forgeuenes for them. For there is wrath gone oute from the Lorde, and there is a plage begonne.
Numbers 18:2-6
2 And thy brethren of the trybe of Leui and of thy fathers housholde thou shalt take vnto the, that they maye be ioyned vnto the and minystre vnto the: euen vnto the and thy sonnes with the before the tabernacle of witnes.
3 They shall wayte vpon the and vpon all the tabernacle: onely let them not come nye the vesselles of the sanctuary and the alter, that they and ye also dye not.
4 And they shalbe by the, and wayte on the tabernacle of witnes for all the seruyce of the tabernacle, and let no straunger come nye vnto you.
5 Therfore shall ye kepe the holy place and the aulter, that ther fall no more wrath vpon the chyldren of Israel:
6 beholde, I haue taken your brethren the Leuites from amonge the the childreen of Israel, which as a gyft of yours are geuen vnto the Lorde, to do the seruyce of the tabernacle of witnes.
1 Samuel 6:19
19 And he plaged the men of Bethsames, because they had sene the arcke of the Lorde. And he slue amonge the people fiftye thousande and thre score and ten men. And the other people lamented, because the Lorde had slayne the people with so great a slaughter.
1 Chronicles 23:28-32
28 the Leuites were nombred from twentye yere and aboue, and their offyce was vnder the hande of the sonnes of Aaron, for the seruice of the house of the Lorde, in the courtes & celles, and in the purifyinge of all holye thynges, and in the worcke of the seruice of the house of God.
29 In the shewe breed in the fyne flowre, in the meateofferinge, in the wafers of swete breed, in the fryinge panne, in the grydyron, and in all maner of measures and cyse,
30 and to stande euery daye in the mornynge, to thanke and prayse the Lorde, and so lykewyse at euen.
31 And to offer all burntsacrifyces vnto the Lorde, in the Sabbothes, in the newe moones, & on the festfull dayes by nombre and custome continually (as they were commaunded) before the Lorde.
32 And that they shulde wayte on the tabernacle of wytnesse, and on the holy place, and on the sonnes of Aaron their brethren, in the seruice of the house of the Lorde.
2 Chronicles 26:16-20
16 But in his strength, his hert arose to hys destruction: For he transgressed agaynst the Lorde hys God, & went into the temple of the Lorde, to burne cense vpon the alter of incense.
17 And Asariahu the preaste went in after him, and with him foure skore preastes of the Lorde that were valeaunt men.
18 And they stode by Uzia the kynge, and sayde vnto hym: it pertayneth not to the Uzia to burne incense vnto the Lorde, but to the preastes the chyldren of Aaron, that are consecrate for to offre incense. Come therfore out of the sanctuarye for thou hast trespaced, and it is no worshyp to the before the Lorde God.
19 And Uzia was wroth, & had incense in his hande to burne it: & so whyle he had indignacyon agaynst the preastes, the leprosye sprange in his foreheed before the preastes in the house of the Lorde, euen besyde the incense aulter.
20 And Asariahu the chefe preaste with all the other preastes loked vpon him: and beholde, he was become a leper in his foreheed, & they vexed him thence. And he was fayne to go out, because the Lorde had smitten hym.
Ezekiel 44:11-14
11 Shulde they be set and ordeined to ministre vnder the dores of the house of my sanctuary? And to do seruyce in the house: to slaye burntofferynges and sacrifyces for the people: to stande before them, and to serue them,
12 seynge the seruyce that they do them, is before theyr ydoles, and cause the house of Israel to stomble thorowe theyr wickednes? For the which cause I haue pluckte oute myne hande ouer them, sayth the Lorde, so that nowe they must beare theyr awne iniquitie,
13 and not to come nye me, to serue me with theyr presthode, in my sanctuary, and moost holyest of all: that they maye beare theyr awne shame and abhominations, which they haue done.
14 Shulde I vse them to be porters of the house, and to all the seruyce that is done therin?