31 and the man shalbe gyltlesse, & the woman shall beare her synne.
Numbers 5:31 Cross References - Great
Leviticus 20:10
10 And the man that breaketh wedlocke with another mans wyfe: euen he that breketh wedlocke wt hys neyghbours wyfe let him be slayne, both the aduoutrer and the aduoutresse.
Leviticus 20:17-20
17 If a man take hys syster, hys fathers daughter or his mothers daughter, and se her secrettes and she his secrettes, it is a shamefull thinge. They shall perysh in the syghte of their people, he hath uncouered hys systers secrettes, he shall beare his synne.
18 If a man lye with a woman hauynge her naturall dysease, and vncouer her secrettes, & open her fountayne, and she also open the fountayne of her bloude they shall both peryshe from amonge theyr people.
19 Thou shalt not vncouer the secrettes of thy mothers syster nor of thy fathers syster, for he that doth so, hath vncouered hys nexte kyn: they shall beare theyr mysdoynge.
20 If a man lye with hys vncles wyfe, and vncouer his vncles secrettes: they shall beare their synne, and shall dye chyldlesse.
Numbers 9:13
13 But the man that is cleane and is not in a iourney, & yet was negligent to offer Passeouer: the same soule shall peryshe from hys people, because he brought not the offerynge of the Lord in hys due season: that man shall bere hys synne.
Psalms 37:6
6 He shall make thy rightuousnesse as cleare as the light, & thy iust dealing as the noone daye.
Ezekiel 18:4
4 Beholde all soules are myne. Lyke as the father is myne, so is the sonne myne also. The soule that synneth, shall dye.