12 and .iij. tenth deales of floure for a meatoffering myngled with oyle for one bullocke, and .ij. tenth deales of floure for a meatoffering mingled with oyle for one ram.
Numbers 28:12 Cross References - Great
Numbers 15:4-12
4 Then lett hym that offereth hys offeryng vnto the Lorde, bring also a meatofferinge of a tenth deale of floure, myngled wt the fourth parte of an hin of oyle,
5 & the fourth part of an hin of wyne for a drynckoffering, and offer with the burntofferyng or any other offeryng: when it is a lambe.
6 Or yf it be a ram, thou shalt offer for a meate offerynge, two tenth deales of floure, myngled with the thyrd part of an hin of oyle:
7 and for a drinkofferynge, thou shalt offer the thyrde parte of an hyn of wyne for a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde.
8 And when thou offerest a bullocke for a burntoffring or for a speciall vowe or peace offering vnto the Lorde,
9 let him bring with a bullock a meateoffering of .iij. tenth deales of floure myngled with halfe an hin of oyle. And thou shalt bryng for a drinckofferynge euen halfe an hin of wyne,
10 for an offering of a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde.
11 After thys maner, shall it be done for an oxe, or for a ram, or for a lambe or a kyd.
12 Loke what nombre thou makest in these, such a nombre shalt thou make in them also. And according to the nombre of suche offeringes, thou shalt encrease the meatofferynges and the drynckofferinges.
Numbers 29:10
10 & a tenth deale vnto a lambe, thorowout the .vij. lambes.
Ezekiel 46:5-7
5 & an ephah for a meatoffering, with the ram. As for the lambes, he maye geue as many meateofferinges to them as he will: and an hyn of oyle to an ephah.
6 In the daye of the newe moneth, it shalbe a yonge bullocke without blemish, syxe lambes and a ram also without blemish.
7 With the bullocke he shall geue an ephah, & with the ram an ephah also for a meateoffering: but to the lambes, what he maye come by. And euer an hyn of oyle to an ephah.