Nehemiah 6 Cross References - Great

1 And when Sanabalat, Tobiah, & Gesem the Arabian, and the other of our enemyes heard that I had buylded the wall: and that ther were no mo gappes therin (howbeit at the same tyme had I not hanged the dores vpon the gates) 2 Sanabalat & Gesem sent vnto me, sayenge: that we maye mete and take councell together in the villages that are in the playne of the cytie Ono. Neuerthelesse, they thought to do me euell. 3 And I sent messengers vnto them, sayenge: I haue a great busynes to do, and I cannot come downe. The worcke shulde stande stil, yf I were neclygent, and came downe to you. 4 Howbeit, they sent vnto me as good as foure times after the same maner. And I gaue them the same answere. 5 Then sent Sanabalat hys seruaunt agayne vnto me the fyfth tyme, wt an open letter in hys hand, 6 wherin was writen: it is tolde the heathen, and Gesem hath sayde it, that thou and the Iewes thincke to rebell: for the which cause thou buyldest the wall, that thou mayest be their kyng in these matters, 7 and hast ordeyned the prophetes to preach of the at Ierusalem, and to saye: He is kynge of Iuda. And now shall thys come to the kynges eares: come now therfore, and let vs take our councell together. 8 And I sent vnto hym, sayinge: there is no soch thynges done as thou sayst: for thou faynest them out of thyne awne herte. 9 For they were all mynded to make vs afrayed, sayinge: they shall withdrawe their handes from the worcke, that it shall not be fynisshed. Howbeit, I strengthed my hande the more. 10 And I came vnto the house of Semaia the sonne of Delaia the sonne of Mehetabeel, and he had shut hym self within, and sayde: let vs come together into the house of God, euen vnto the myddes of the temple, and shutte the dores of the temple: for they wyll come to slaye the, yee, euen in the nyght wyll they come to put the to death. 11 And I sayde: shulde any soch man as I flye? Who is that, beyng as I am, that wil go into the temple, to saue his lyfe? I wyll not go in. 12 And I perceaued, that God had not sent hym. Yet spake he prophecy vpon me, neuerthelesse, Tobiah and Sanabalat had hyred him for money. 13 Therfore toke he the money that through feare I shulde so do, and synne: that they might haue an euell reporte of me, to blaspheme me. 14 My God, thinke thou vpon Tobiah and Sanabalat accordynge vnto these theyr workes, and of the prophet Noadia, and of the other prophetes, that wolde haue put me in feare. 15 And the wall was fynysshed on the fyue and twentye daye of the moneth Elul, in two and fyfty dayes. 16 And when all our enemyes hearde therof, all the heathen that were about vs, were afrayed, and theyr courage fayled them. And they perceaued, that thys worcke came of our God. 17 And at the same tyme were ther many of the chefe of Iuda, whose letters wente vnto Tobiah, and agayne from Tobiah vnto them 18 (for there were many in Iuda, that were sworne vnto him: for he was the sonne in lawe of Sechania, the sonne of Arah, & his sonne Iehonathan had the daughter of Mesullam, the sonne of Barachia, 19 and they spake good of hym before me, and tolde hym my wordes) and Tobiah sent letters, to put me in feare.

Nehemiah 2:10

10 Sanabalat also the Horonite and Tobia a seruaunt (the Ammonite) hearde of it, and it greued them sore, that there was come a man which soughte the welth of the chyldren of Israel.

Nehemiah 2:19

19 But when Sanabalat the Horonite, and Tobia the seruaunt (an Ammonite,) and Gesem the Arabian herde it, they laughed vs to skorne, and mocked vs, and sayde: what is thys that ye do? Wyll ye fall awaye from the kynge?

Nehemiah 3:1

1 And Eliasib the hie preast gat him vp with hys brethren the preastes, & they buylded the Shepegate. They repayred it, & set vp that dores of it: euen vnto the tower Mea repayred they it, and vnto the tower of Hananeel.

Nehemiah 3:3

3 But the fyshe porte dyd the chyldren of Sanaa buyld, which also layed the beames therof, an set on the dores, lockes and barres of it.

Nehemiah 3:6

6 The Oldegate buylded Iehoiada the sonne of Paseah, and Mesulam the sonne of Besodia, they layde the beames therof, and set on the dores, lockes and barres of it.

Nehemiah 4:1

1 But when Sanabalat heard that we buylded the wall, he was wroth in hym selfe, and toke greate indignacion, & mocked the Iewes,

Nehemiah 4:6-7

6 And so buylded we the wall, & it was ioyned whole together, vnto the half heygth therof. And the people were mynded to laboure. 7 And it fortuned, that when Sanabalat, and Tobiah, & the Arabians, Ammonites, & Asoodites heard, that the walles of Ierusalem were mad vp, and that the gappes beganne to be stopped, they were very wroth,

Daniel 9:25

25 Understande this then, and marcke it well: that from the tyme it shalbe concluded to go and repayre Ierusalem agayne, vnto Christ (or the anoynted) prince: there shalbe seuen wekes: Then shall the stretes and walles be buylded agayne .lxij. wekes, but with harde troublous tyme.

2 Samuel 3:27

27 And when Abner was come agayne to Hebron, Ioab toke hym a syde in the gate to speake with him secretly, & smote him vnder the short rybbes that he dyed, for the bloud of Asahel his brother.

2 Samuel 20:9

9 And Ioab sayde to Amasa: art thou in health my brother? And Ioab toke Amasa by the chynne with the ryght hande, to kysse hym.

1 Chronicles 8:12

12 The sonnes of Elpaal were: Eber, Misaham, and Samed, which built Ono, Lod, and the townes therof.

Nehemiah 11:35

35 Lod, and Ono, the carpenters valley.

Psalms 12:2

2 They talke of vanyte, euery one wyth hys neyghboure, they do but flatter wyth theyr lyppes & dyssemble in theyr double herte.

Psalms 37:12

12 The vngodly seketh councell agaynst the iust, & gnassheth vpon hym with his tethe.

Psalms 37:32

32 The lawe of his God is in his hert, and his goynges shall not slyde.

Proverbs 26:24-26

24 And enemye shalbe knowen by his talkyng, & in the meane season he ymagyneth myschefe, 25 but when he speaketh fayre, beleue him not, for there are seuen abhominacions in his herte. 26 Who so kepeth euell will, secretly to do hurte, his malyce shalbe shewed before the whole congregacyon.

Ecclesiastes 4:4

4 Agayne, I sawe that all trauayle, & dilygence of labour, that euery man taketh in hande, was done of enuy agaynst his neyboure This is also a vaine thinge, and a vexacion of mynde.

Jeremiah 41:2

2 And Ismael the sonne of Nathaniah with those ten men that were sworne to him, starte vp, and smote Godoliah the sonne of Ahicam the sonne of Saphan with the swearde, and slewe him, whom the kynge of Babylon had made gouernoure of the lande.

Ezekiel 33:31

31 These come vnto the, after the maner of a greate people: yee, as who sayth they were my people, they syt downe before the, and heare thy wordes, but they do not therafter for in their mouthes they make a Ieste of them, and theyr herte goeth after theyr awne couetous lucre.

Micah 7:4-5

4 The best of them is but as a thistle, & the most rightuous of them is but as a breer in the hedge. But when the daye of thy preachers commeth, that thou shalt be visyted: then shall they be wasted awaye. 5 Let no man beleue his frende, ner put hys confydence in a brother. Kepe the porte of thy mouth from her that lyeth in thy bosome:

Luke 20:19-21

19 And the hye prestes and the Scrybes the same houre went about to laye handes on hym, and they feared the people. For they perceaued that he had spoken thys symilitude agaynst them. 20 And they watched hym, & sent forth spies, which shuld fayne them selues ryghteous men, to take him in hys wordes, and to delyuer him vnto the power & auctorite of the debyte. 21 And they asked hym, saying: Master, we knowe that thou sayest and teachest ryght, nether consyderest thou the outward appearaunce of eny man, but teachest the waye of God truly.

Proverbs 14:15

15 An ignoraunt body beleueth all thinges: but who so hath vnderstandinge, loketh well to his goinges.

Ecclesiastes 9:10

10 Whatsoeuer thou takest in hande to do, that do with all thy power, for in the graue that thou goest vnto, there is nether worcke, councell, knowledge ner wysdome.

Matthew 10:16

16 Beholde, I sende you forth, as shepe among wolues. Be ye therfore wyse as serpentes and innocent as doues.

Luke 14:30

30 sayinge: this man beganne to buylde, & was not able to make an ende?

John 9:4

4 I must, worcke the worckes of hym that sent me, whyle it is daye. The nyght commeth, when no man can worcke.

1 Timothy 4:15-16

15 These thinges exercyse, and geue thy selfe vnto them, that it maye be sene, howe thou profetest in all thynges. 16 Take hede vnto thy selfe, and vnto learnynge, and continue therin. For yf thou shalt so do, thou shalt saue thy selfe, & them that heare the.

Judges 16:6

6 And Dalila sayde to Samson: Oh, tell me where thy great strength lieth, and how thou myghtest be bounde, and brought vnder.

Judges 16:10

10 And Dalila sayde vnto Samson: Se, thou hast mocked me & tolde me lyes. Now therfore tel me, wherwith thou mightest be bounde.

Judges 16:15-20

15 And she sayde vnto hym agayne: How canst thou saye that thou louest me, when thyne herte is not with me? beholde, thou hast mocked me thys thre tymes, & hast not tolde me, wherin thy greate strength lyeth. 16 And as she laye vpon him with her wordes continually vexyng of hym, hys soule was encombred euen vnto the death. 17 And so he tolde her all his hert, & sayd vnto her: there neuer came raser vpon myne heed, for I haue bene an abstayner vnto God, euen from my mothers wombe: therfore whan I am shauen, my strength wyll go from me, and I shall waxe weake, and be lyke all other men. 18 And when Dalila sawe that he had tolde her all his hert, she sent and called for the lordes of the Philistines, sayeng: come vp yet this once, for he hath shewed me all hys herte. Then the lordes of the Philystines came vp vnto her, & brought the money in their handes. 19 And she made him slepe vpon her knees & she sent for a man, & he dyd shaue of the seuen lockes of his heed, & beganne to vexe him, & his strength was gone from him. 20 And she sayde: the Philistines be vpon the Samson. And he awoke out of his slepe, & sayd: I wil go out now as at other tymes before, & shake my selfe, & he wist not that the Lorde was departed from him.

Proverbs 7:21

21 Thus with many swete wordes she ouercame him, and with her flatterynge lyppes she entysed hym

Luke 18:5

5 yet because thys wedowe is importune vpon me, I wyll auenge her, lest she come at the last and rayle on me.

1 Corinthians 15:58

58 Therfore my deare brethren, be ye stedfast and vnmouable, alwayes ryche in the worke of the Lorde, for as moch as ye knowe, how that youre labour, is not in vayne in the Lorde.

Galatians 2:5

5 To whom we gaue no rowme, no not for the tyme (by waye of subieccyon) because that the trueth of the Gospell myght contynue with you.

2 Kings 18:26-28

26 And Eliakim the sonne of Helkia & Sobna, & Ioab sayde vnto Rabsake: speake (I praye the) to thy seruauntes in the Syrians language, for we vnderstande it: & talke not wt vs in the Iewes tonge, in the eares of this people that are on the wall. 27 And Rabsake sayde vnto them: hath my master sent me to thy master and to the, to speake these wordes? Hath he not sent me because of the men which sytt on the wall, that they maye eate their awne donge, & dryncke their awne pisse with you? 28 And so Rabsake stode, and cryed with a lowde voyce in the Iewes language, and spake sayinge: heare the sayinge of the great kynge of Assyria.

2 Corinthians 2:11

11 lest Satan shuld preuent vs. For his thoughtes are not vnknowen vnto vs.

2 Corinthians 11:13-15

13 For soch fals apostles are disceatfull workers, and fassy on them selues lyke vnto the apostles of Christ. 14 And no maruayle: for Satan him selfe is chaunged into the fassyon of an angell of light. 15 Therfore it is no great thynge though hys mynisters fassyon them selues, as though they were the ministers of ryghtewesnes: whose ende shalbe accordyng to theyr dedes.

Ephesians 6:11

11 Put on all the armoure of God, that ye maye stande agaynst the assautes of the deuyll.

2 Thessalonians 2:10

10 and with all deceauablenes of vnryghtwesnes, amonge them that perysshe: because they receaued not the loue of the trueth, that they myght be saued.

Ezra 4:12

12 Be it knowne vnto the king, that the Iewes which came vp from the to vs, are come vnto Ierusalem (a cytie sedicyous and frowarde) and buylde the same, and sett vp the walles therof, and laye the foundacions.

Ezra 4:15

15 that it maye be sought in the boke of the Chronycles of thy progenitours, and so shalt thou fynde in the booke of the Chronycles, and perceaue that this cytie is sedicious and noysome vnto kynges and landes, and that they cause other also among them to rebell of olde, & for the same cause was thys cytie destroyed.

Nehemiah 6:1-2

1 And when Sanabalat, Tobiah, & Gesem the Arabian, and the other of our enemyes heard that I had buylded the wall: and that ther were no mo gappes therin (howbeit at the same tyme had I not hanged the dores vpon the gates) 2 Sanabalat & Gesem sent vnto me, sayenge: that we maye mete and take councell together in the villages that are in the playne of the cytie Ono. Neuerthelesse, they thought to do me euell.

Jeremiah 9:3-6

3 They bende theyr tunges lyke bowes, to shote out lyes. They wax stronge vpon erthe. As for the trueth, they maye nothynge awaye with all in the worlde. For they go from one wyckednes to another, and wyll not knowe me, sayeth the Lorde. 4 Yee, one must kepe hym selfe from another, no man may safely trust his awne brother: for one brother vndermyndeth another, one neyghboure begileth another. 5 Yee one dissembleh wt another, and they deale wt no trueth. They haue practysed theyr tunges to lye, & taken great paynes to do mischefe. 6 Thou syttest in the myddes of a dysceatfull people, which for very dissemblyng falshede, wyll not knowe me, sayeth the Lord.

Jeremiah 20:10

10 For why I herde so many derisions and blasphemies on euery syde of me: complayne vpon him, saye they, and we will tell his tale, yee euen of myne awne companions, and soch as were conuersant with me: went about to murther me, saying vpon him, we shall one waye or other begyle him and preuayle agaynst him, and be auenged of hym.

Matthew 5:11

11 Blessed are ye, when men reuyle you, and persecute you, and shall falesy say all maner of euyll sayinge against you, for my sake.

Luke 23:2

2 And they beganne to accuse him, sayinge: we founde thys felowe peruertinge the people, and forbyddynge to paye tribute to Cesar: sayinge, that he is Chryst a kynge.

John 19:13

13 When Pylate hearde that sayinge, he brought Iesus forth, and sate downe to geue sentence, in a place that is called the pauement: but in the Hebrue tonge, Gabbatha.

Romans 3:8

8 and not rather (as men speake euyll of vs, and as some affyrme that we saye) let vs do euyll, that good maye come therof. Whose damnacyon is iuste.

2 Corinthians 6:8

8 be honoure and dishonoure: be euyll reporte & good reporte: as desceauers, and yet true,

1 Peter 2:12-13

12 & se that ye haue honest conuersacion amonge the Gentyles, that where as they backbyte you as euyll doars they maye se your good workes, and prayse God in the daye of vysytacion. 13 Submyt youre selues therfore vnto all maner ordinaunce of man for the lordes sake, whether it be vnto the kynge, as vnto the chefe heed:

1 Peter 3:16

16 hauynge a good conscience that where as they backbyte you as euyll doars, they maye be ashamed, that falsely accuse your good conuersacion in Chryst.

2 Samuel 15:10-12

10 But Absalom sent spyes thorowe out all the tribes of Israel sayenge: as sone as ye heare the voyce of the trompet blowe, ye shall saye: Absalom raigneth kynge in Hebron. 11 And with Absalom went two hundred men out of Ierusalem, that were called. And they went wt pure hertes, not knowinge of any thynge. 12 And Absalom sent also for Ahithophel the Gilonite Dauids counseller, that he shulde come out of hys cytie Gilo, whyle he offered sacrifyces. And there was wrought stronge treason. For the people went and increased wt Absalom in multitude.

1 Kings 1:7

7 And he toke councell at Ioab the sonne of Zaruia, & at Abiathar the preast. And they helped Adonia.

1 Kings 1:18

18 And beholde, nowe is Adonia kynge, & my Lord the kynge wotteth not of it.

1 Kings 1:25

25 For he is gone downe this daye, & hath slayne many oxen, & fat shepe, and hath called all the kynges sonnes, & the captaynes of the host, & Abiathar the preast. And beholde, they eate and dryncke before him, and saye: God saue kynge Adonia.

1 Kings 1:34

34 And let Sadock the preast, & Nathan the prophet anoynte him there, kynge ouer Israel. And blowe ye wt trompettes, & saye: God saue kyng Salomon.

Nehemiah 6:12-13

12 And I perceaued, that God had not sent hym. Yet spake he prophecy vpon me, neuerthelesse, Tobiah and Sanabalat had hyred him for money. 13 Therfore toke he the money that through feare I shulde so do, and synne: that they might haue an euell reporte of me, to blaspheme me.

Acts 23:15

15 Nowe therfore geue ye knowledge to the vpper captayne and to the councell, that he brynge hym forth vnto vs to morowe, as though we wold knowe some thyng more perfectly of him. But we (or euer he come neare) are redy to kyll hym.

Job 13:4

4 As for you, yeare worckmasters of lyes, and vnprofytable Phisicyans all together.

Psalms 36:3

3 The wordes of hys mouth are vnryghteous, and full of disceate: he hath left of to behaue hym selfe wysely and to do good.

Psalms 38:12

12 They also that sought after my life, layed snares for me: & they that went aboute to do me euell, talked of wickednesse, & ymagined disceate all the daye longe.

Psalms 52:2

2 Where as the goodnesse of God endureth yet daylie.

Isaiah 59:4

4 No man regardeth ryghteousnes, and no man iudgeth truly. Euery man hopeth in vayne thynges, and ymagineth disceate conceaueth weerynesse, and bryngeth forth euell.

Daniel 11:27

27 These two kynges shalbe mynded to do myschefe, and talke of disceate at one table: but they shall not prospere, for why, the ende shall not come yet, vnto the tyme apoynted

Matthew 12:34

34 O generacion of vypers, how can ye speake good thinges, when ye youre selues are euyll? For out of the aboundance of the hert, the mouth speaketh.

John 8:44

44 Ye are of youre father that deuyll, and the lustes of youre father will ye serue. He was a murtherer from the beginninge and abode not in the trueth, because there is no trueth in him. When he speaketh a lye, he speaketh of his awne. For he is a lyar, and the father of the same thing:

Acts 24:12-13

12 and they nether founde me in the temple disputynge with eny man, ether raysinge vp the people, nether in the Synagoges, nor in the cytie. 13 Nether can they proue the thynges wherof they accuse me

Acts 25:7

7 Which when he was come, the Iewes which were come from Ierusalem, stode aboute hym, and layde many and greueous complayntes agaynst Paul, whych they coulde not proue,

Acts 25:10

10 Then sayde Paul: I stande at Cesares iudgement seate, where I ought to be iudged. To the Iewes haue I no harme done, as thou very well knowest.

1 Samuel 30:6

6 And Dauid was in a shrewde combraunce: for the people entended to stone hym, because the hertes of all the people were vexed for theyr sonnes & theyr daughters. But Dauid toke a good courage to hym in the Lorde hys God

2 Chronicles 15:7

7 Playe ye therfore the men, and let not youre handes slacke, for youre worke shalbe rewarded.

2 Chronicles 32:18

18 And they cryed wt a loude voyce in the Iewes speach vnto the people of Ierusalem that were on the wall, to feare them and to make them faynt harted, & that they might so take the cyte.

Ezra 4:1-24

1 But the aduersaryes of Iuda and Beniamin hearde, that the children of the captiuite buylded the temple vnto the Lord God of Israel. 2 And they came to Zorobabel and to the principall fathers, and sayde vnto them: We will builde with you: for we seke the Lorde youre God lyke as ye do. And we haue done sacrifyce vnto hym, sence the tyme of Asor Hadon the kynge of Assur which brought vs vp hyther. 3 And Zorobabel and Iesua and the other auncient fathers of Israel sayde vnto them: It cannot be, that you and we together shuld buylde the house vnto our God: for we oure selues wyll buylde alone vnto the Lord our God of Israel, as Cyrus the king of Persia hath commaunded vs. 4 And it came to passe, that the folke of the land hyndered the people of Iuda, and troubled them as they were buyldynge, 5 and hyred councelers against them, to hynder their deuyce, as longe as Cyrus the kyng of Persia lyued, vntyll the raygne of Darius king of Persia. 6 And in the raygne of Ahasuerus, (euen in the begynnyng of his raygne) wrote they vnto him a complaynte agaynst the inhabitours of Iuda and Ierusalem. 7 And in the dayes of Arthaxerses, wrote Mithridath Tabeel and the other of hys councell, vnto Arthaxerses the king of Persia with fayre wordes. And the scripture of the letter was writen in the Sirians speach, and interpretated in the language of the Sirians 8 Rehum the recorder and Samsai the scribe wrote a letter from Ierusalem to Arthaxerses the kyng, as it foloweth. 9 Then Rehum the recorder, & Samsai the scribe, and other of their companye of Dina, of Arphasath, of Tarpla, of Persia, of Arach, of Babylon, of Susan, of Deha, of Elan, 10 & other of the people who the greate & noble Asnapar brought ouer, and sett in the cytes of Samaria, & other, that are now on this syde the water. 11 Thys is the copye of the letter that they sent vnto kyng Artaxerses. Thy seruauntes, & the men that are now on thys syde the water. 12 Be it knowne vnto the king, that the Iewes which came vp from the to vs, are come vnto Ierusalem (a cytie sedicyous and frowarde) and buylde the same, and sett vp the walles therof, and laye the foundacions. 13 Be it knowne now also vnto the kynge, that yf this cytie be buylded, and the walles therof made vp agayne, then shall not they geue, tolle, tribute, and custome, and the kynges profyte shall incurre dammage. 14 And now in the meane season we haue destroyed the temple, and wolde no longer se the kynges dishonoure: Therfore sent we out also, and certifyed the kynge: 15 that it maye be sought in the boke of the Chronycles of thy progenitours, and so shalt thou fynde in the booke of the Chronycles, and perceaue that this cytie is sedicious and noysome vnto kynges and landes, and that they cause other also among them to rebell of olde, & for the same cause was thys cytie destroyed. 16 Therfore do we certyfye the kynge that yf this cyte be buylded agayne, and the walles therof made vp, thou shalt herafter haue no porcion on this fyde the water. 17 Then sent the kyng a answere vnto Rehum the recorder, & Simsai the scribe, and to the other of theyr companyons that dwelt in Samaria, & vnto the other that were beyonde the water, in Selan and Cheheth. 18 The letter which ye sent vnto vs, hath bene openly redd before me, 19 and I haue commaunded to make search: & it is founde, that this cytie of olde hath made insurreccion agaynst kynges, and that rebellion and sedicion hath bene commytted therin. 20 There haue bene myghtie kinges also at Ierusalem, which haue raygned ouer all countrees beyonde the water: and tolle, trybute, & custome was geuen vnto them: 21 Geue ye now therfore commaundement, that the same men be forbydden, and that the cytie be not buylded agayne, tyll I haue geuen another commaundement. 22 Take hede now that ye be not negligent to do this: for why shulde the kynge haue harme there thorowe? 23 Now when the copye of kynge Artaxerses letter was red before Rehum and Simsai the Scribe and their companyons, they went vp in all the haste to Ierusalem vnto the Iewes, and forbad them with violence and power. 24 Then ceassed the worcke of the house of God at Ierusalem, and continued so vnto the seconde yere of Darius kynge of Persia

Nehemiah 4:10-14

10 And Iuda sayd: the strength of the bearers is to feble, & there is yet moch more morter, & we are not able to buyld on the wall. 11 And our aduersaries sayd: they shall not knowe nether se, tyll we come in the middes amonge them, and slaye them, and hinder the worcke. 12 But it fortuned that when the Iewes (which dwelt besyde them) came, they tolde vs as good as ten tymes, that in all places where ye go vnto, they are appointed to fal vpon vs. 13 Therfore set I the people after their kinredes wt their swerdes, speares & bowes beneth in the lowe places behynd the wal, 14 & I loked, & gat me vp, & sayd vnto the chefe men, to the rulers, & to the other people, be not ye afrayed of them, but thincke rather vpon the greate Lord, whych ought to be feared, & fight for your brethren, your sonnes, yor daughters, your wiues, & your houses.

Nehemiah 6:14

14 My God, thinke thou vpon Tobiah and Sanabalat accordynge vnto these theyr workes, and of the prophet Noadia, and of the other prophetes, that wolde haue put me in feare.

Psalms 56:3

3 Neuerthelesse, though I am some tyme afrayed yet put I my trust in the.

Psalms 68:35

35 O God, wonderfull art thou in thy holy places: euen the God of Israell, he will geue strength and power vnto his people. Blessed be God.

Psalms 71:1

1 In the O Lord, haue I put my trust let me neuer be put to confusyon, but rydde me, and delyuer me in thy righteousnesse: enclyne thyne eare vnto me, and saue me.

Psalms 138:3

3 When I called vpon the, thou hardest me, and endewdest my soule wt moch strength.

Isaiah 35:3-4

3 And therfore strength the weake handes, and conforte the feble knees. 4 Saye vnto them that are of a fearefull hert. Be of good chere, and feare not. Beholde, youre God commeth to take vengeaunce: and you shall se the rewarde that God geueth: God commeth his awne selfe, & will delyuer you.

Isaiah 41:10

10 be not afrayed, for I am wt the. Melt not away as waxe, for I am thy God, to strength the, helpe the, & to kepe the wt this ryght hande of myne.

Jeremiah 38:4

4 Then sayde the prynces vnto the kynge: Syr, we beseche you let thys man be put to death. For thus he discorageth the handes of the soudiers that be in thys cytie, and the handes of all the people, when he speaketh soche wordes vnto them. This man verely laboureth not for peace of the people, but myschefe.

Zechariah 10:12

12 I wyll comforte them in the Lorde, that they maye walke in his name, sayeth the Lorde.

2 Corinthians 12:9

9 For this thynge besought I the Lorde thryse, that it might departe from me.

Ephesians 3:16

16 that he wolde graunt you accordynge to the ryches of hys glorye, that ye maye be strengthed with might by his sprete in the inner man,

Ephesians 6:10

10 Finally my brethren, be stronge thorowe the Lorde and thorowe the power of his myght.

Philippians 4:13

13 I can do all thinges thorowe Christ which strengtheneth me.

Hebrews 12:12

12 Stretch forth therfore the handes which were let downe, and the weake knees:

1 Peter 5:10

10 But the God of all grace whych hath called vs vnto hys eternall glory by Christ Iesus, shall hys awne selfe (after that ye haue suffred a lytell affliccyon) make you perfect: settle, strength and stablisshe you.

1 Kings 6:5

5 And in the wall of the house, he made chambers rounde about, (euen in the walles of the house) rounde about the temple & the queer: and made sydes rounde about.

2 Kings 9:8

8 for the whole house of Ahab shalbe destroyed, and I wyll destroye from Ahab, euen hym that maketh water agaynst the wall, and him that is presoned and forsaken in Israel:

2 Kings 11:3

3 And he was with her hyd in the house of the Lorde .vj. yere. And Athalia did raigne ouer the lande.

2 Chronicles 28:24

24 And Ahaz gathered together the vessels of the house of God, and brake them, and shut vp the dores of the house of the Lord, and made him aulters in euery corner of Ierusalem.

2 Chronicles 29:3

3 He opened the dores of the house of the Lorde (in the fyrst yere and fyrst moneth of hys raygne) and repayred them.

2 Chronicles 29:7

7 And besyde that they haue shut vp the dores of the porche and quenched the lampes, & haue nether burnt incense, nor offered burnt offeringes in the holy place vnto the God of Israel.

Ezra 8:16

16 Then sent I to Elieser, to Ariel, Semeia, Elnachan, Iarib, Elnathan, Nathan, Zachary and to Mesullam the rulers, and to Ioiarib and Elnathan which were men of vnderstandyng,

Ezra 10:31

31 Among the chyldren of Harim, Eliezer, Iesia, Malchia, Semeia, and Simeon:

Nehemiah 6:12

12 And I perceaued, that God had not sent hym. Yet spake he prophecy vpon me, neuerthelesse, Tobiah and Sanabalat had hyred him for money.

Job 24:13-17

13 where as they (not withstandinge) are conuersaunt amonge them that abhorre the lyght: they knowe not hys waye, ner contynue in his pathes. 14 Tymely in the mornynge do they aryse, to murthur the symple and poore, and in the nyght they go a stealynge. 15 The eye of the aduolterer wayteth for the darcknesse, and sayeth thus in him selfe: Tush, there shall no eye se me, and so he disgiseth his face. 16 In the night ceason they search the houses, and hyde them selues in the daye tyme, but will not knowe the light. 17 For as soone as the daye breaketh, the shadowe of death commeth vpon them, and they go in horrible darcknesse.

Psalms 120:2-3

2 Delyuer my soule, O Lorde, from lyenge lyppes, and from a disceatfull tonge. 3 What rewarde shall be geuen or done vnto the, thou false tonge?

Proverbs 11:9

9 Thorowe the mouth of the dissembler is his neyghboure destroyed, but thorowe knowledge shall the iust he delyuered.

Jeremiah 36:5

5 And Ieremy commaunded Baruch, sayinge: I am in preson, so that I maye not come into the house of the Lorde:

Ezekiel 3:24

24 & the sprete came in to me, whych set me vp vpon my fete, & sayd thus vnto me: Go thy waye, and sparre thy self in thyne house.

Malachi 1:10

10 Yee, what is he amonge you, that wyl do so moch as to shut the dores, or to kindle the fyre vpon myne aulter for naught? I haue no pleasure in you, sayeth the Lord of hostes: and as for the meatoffringe, I wyl not accepte it at youre hande.

Matthew 7:15

15 Beware of false prophetes, which come to you in shepes clothynge, but in wardly they are rauenyng wolues.

John 3:20

20 For euery one that euyll doeth, hateth the lyght: nether commeth to the lyght, lest his dedes shuld be reproued.

Acts 21:30

30 And all the cytie was moued, and the people swarmed together. And they toke Paul and drue him out of the temple, and forth with, the dores were shut.

Numbers 32:7-9

7 Wherfore discorage ye the hert of the chyldren of Israel, that they shulde not goo ouer into the lande, which the Lorde hath geuen them? 8 Thus dyd your fathers, when I sent them from Cades Barne to se the lande. 9 For when they went vp euen vnto the riuer of Escol, and sawe the lande: they discoraged the hert of the children of Israel, that they shulde not go into the lande, which the Lorde hath geuen them.

1 Samuel 19:5

5 For he dyd put hys lyfe in hys hande, and slue the Philistine, and the Lorde brought to passe a greate health for all Israel. Thou sawest it, and thou reioysedest, wherfore then wilt thou synne against innocent bloude, and slaye Dauid without a cause?

Nehemiah 6:3

3 And I sent messengers vnto them, sayenge: I haue a great busynes to do, and I cannot come downe. The worcke shulde stande stil, yf I were neclygent, and came downe to you.

Nehemiah 6:9

9 For they were all mynded to make vs afrayed, sayinge: they shall withdrawe their handes from the worcke, that it shall not be fynisshed. Howbeit, I strengthed my hande the more.

Job 4:3-6

3 Behold, thou hast bene a chastener of many, and hast comforted the weery handes. 4 Thy wordes haue set vp those that were fallen, thou hast refresshed the weake, knees. 5 But now that the plage is come vpon the, thou art greued: now that it hath touched thy selfe, thou art faynt harted. 6 Is not this thy feare, thy stedfastnesse, thy pacience, and the perfectnesse of thy wayes?

Psalms 11:1-2

1 To the chaunter, A Psalme of Dauid. In the Lorde put I my trust: howe saye ye then to my soule: that she shulde fle as a byrde vpon your hyll? 2 For lo, the vngodly bende theyr bowe, and make ready theyr arowes wyth in the bowe: that they maye pryuely shote at them, which are true of hert.

Psalms 112:6

6 For he shall neuer be moued: and the ryghteous shall be had in an euerlasting remembraunce.

Psalms 112:8

8 His hert is stablished: & will not shryncke, vntill he se his desyre vpon his enemyes.

Proverbs 28:1

1 The vngodly flyeth whan no man chaseth hym, but the ryghteous standeth styf as a lyon.

Ecclesiastes 10:1

1 A Deed flye doth corrupt swete oyntement & maketh it to stynk: Euen so oft tymes he that is made for wysdome & honour, is abhorred because of a lytle foolishnes.

Isaiah 10:18

18 yee all the glory of his woddes and feldes shalbe consumed with body & soule: And they shalbe as an hoost of men, whose standerd bearer fayleth.

Luke 13:31-33

31 The same daye came there certayne of the Pharises, and sayde vnto him. get the out of the waye, and departe hence: for Herode will kyl the. 32 And he sayde vnto them: Go ye, and tell that foxe, beholde, I cast out deuyls and heale the people to daye and to morowe, and the thyrde daye I make an ende. 33 Neuerthelesse, I must walke to daye and to morow, and the daye folowyng: for it cannot be that a Prophet perisshe eny other where, saue at Ierusalem.

Acts 8:1

1 Saul consented vnto hys death. And at that tyme there was a greate persecucyon agaynst the congregacyon which was at Ierusalem, and they were all scatered abrode thorowout the regyons of Iewry and Samaria, except the apostles.

Acts 20:24

24 But none of these thinges moue me nether is my lyfe deare vnto my selfe, that I might fulfyll my course with ioye, and the ministracyon which I haue receaued of the Lorde Iesu, to testifye the Gospell of the grace of God.

Acts 21:13

13 Then Paul answered, & sayde: what do ye wepynge & veryng myne herte? I am ready, not to be bounde onely, but also to dye at Ierusalem for the name of the Lorde Iesu.

Philippians 2:17

17 Yee and though I be offered vp vpon the offeringe & sacrifyce of youre fayth: I reioyce and reioyce with you all.

Philippians 2:30

30 because that for the worke of Chryst he went so farre, that he was nye vnto deeth, and regarded not hys lyfe: to fullfyll that, which was lackynge on youre parte to warde me.

Hebrews 11:27

27 By fayth he forsoke Egipt & feared not the fearcenes of the king. For he endured, euen as though he had sene him which is inuisible.

Isaiah 56:11

11 they are shamelesse dogges, that be neuer satisfyed. The sheperdes also in lyke maner haue no vnderstandynge, but euery man turneth his awne waye, euery one after his awne couetousnes with all hys power.

Jeremiah 14:14

14 And the Lorde sayde vnto me: The prophetes preach lyes in my name, where as I haue not sent them, nether gaue I them eny charge, nether dyd I speake vnto them: yet they preach vnto you false visions, charming, vanite, & disceatfulnes of their awne herte.

Jeremiah 23:16

16 And therfore the Lorde of Hostes geueth you this warninge. Heare not the wordes of the prophetes, that preach vnto you, and disceaue you: surely they teache you vanyte for they speake the meanynge of their awne herte, & not out of the mouth of the Lorde.

Jeremiah 23:25

25 I haue herde well ynough, what the prophetes saye that preache lyes in my name, sayeng: I haue dreamed, I haue dreamed.

Jeremiah 28:15

15 For thus sayth the Lord of hostes the God of Israel: I wyll put a yock of yron vpon the neck of all this people, that they maye serue Nabuchodonosor the king of Babilon: yee, and so shall they do. And I wyll geue hym the beastes in the felde.

Ezekiel 13:7

7 Uayne visyons haue ye sene, and spoken false prophecyes, when ye saye: the Lorde hath spoken it, where as I neuer sayde it.

Ezekiel 13:19

19 and dishonoure me to my people, for an handfull of barly, and for a pece of bread: whan ye kyll the soules of them, that dye not, and promes lyfe to them, that lyue not: Thus ye dissemble wt my people, that beleueth youre lyes.

Ezekiel 13:22

22 Seing that with youre lyes ye discomforte the herte of the ryghteous, whom I haue not discomforted: Agayne: For so moch as ye corage the hande of the wycked, so that he maye not turne from his wicked waye, and lyue:

Micah 3:11

11 O ye iudges, ye geue sentence for gyftes: O ye preastes, ye teach for lucre. O ye prophetes, ye prophecy for mony. Yet will they be taken as those that holde vpon God, and saye: Is not the Lord amonge vs? Tush, there can no mysfortune happen vs.

Acts 20:33

33 I haue desyred no mans syluer, golde, or vesture.

1 Corinthians 2:15

15 But he that is spretual, discusseth all thynges: yet he him selfe is iudged of no man.

1 Corinthians 12:10

10 To another power to do miracles. To another prophesye. To another iudgement to discerne spretes. To another diuers tonges. To another the interpretacyon of tonges:

1 Timothy 3:3

3 not geuen to ouer moch wyne, no fyghter, not gredy of fylthye lucre. but gentle, abhorryng fyghtynge, abhorrynge coueteousnes,

Titus 1:7

7 For a bysshope must be blamesse, as the stewarde of God: not stubborne, not angrye not geuen to moch wyne, no fyghter, not geuen to fylthy lucre:

1 Peter 5:2

2 Fede ye Christes flocke, asmoch as lyeth in you, takynge the ouersyght of them, not as compelled therto, but wyllyngly: not for the desyre of fylthy lucre: but of a good mynde,

2 Peter 2:3

3 and thorow coueteousnes shall they wyth fayned wordes make marchandyse of you, whose iudgement is now not farre of, and their damnacyon slepeth not.

1 John 4:1

1 Dearly beloued beleue not euery sprete: but proue the spretes, whether they are of god or not, for many false prophetes are gone out into the worlde.

Revelation 18:13

13 & synamom, and odours, & oyntmentes, and franckinsence, & wyne, and oyle, and fyne floure, and wheate, beastes, and shepe, and horsses, and charetes, and bodyes, and soules of men.

Nehemiah 6:6

6 wherin was writen: it is tolde the heathen, and Gesem hath sayde it, that thou and the Iewes thincke to rebell: for the which cause thou buyldest the wall, that thou mayest be their kyng in these matters,

Proverbs 22:1

1 A Good name is more worth then greate rychesse, and louinge fauoure is better then siluer and golde.

Proverbs 29:5

5 Who so flatreth hys neyghbour, layeth a nette for his fete.

Ecclesiastes 7:1

1 A Good name is more worth then a precyous oyntment, and the daye of death is better then the daye of byrth.

Isaiah 51:7

7 Herken vnto me, ye that haue pleasure in righteousnes, thou people that bearest my lawe in thyne hert. Feare not the curse of men: be not afrayde of their blasphemyes and reuylinges:

Isaiah 51:12-13

12 Yee I, I am euen he, that in all thynges geueth you consolacyon. What art thou then, that fearest a mortall man, the chylde of man, which goeth awaye as doeth the floure? 13 And forgettest the Lorde that made the, that spred out the heauenes, and layde the foundacion of the earth But thou art euer afrayde for the syght of thyne oppressoure, which is ready to do harme: Where is the wrath of the oppressoure?

Isaiah 57:11

11 For when wylt thou be abasshed or feare, seynge thou hast broken thy promyse, and remembrest not me, nether hast me in thyne hert? Thynkest thou, that I also wyll holde my peace (as afore tyme) that thou fearest me not?

Jeremiah 1:17

17 And therfore girde vp thy loynes, aryse, and tell them all, that I geue the in commaundement. Feare them not, lest I destroye the before them.

Jeremiah 18:18

18 Then sayde they come, let vs ymagen somthynge agaynst this Ieremye. For the prestes shall not be destitute of the lawe, nether shall the wysemen de destitute of councel, ner the prophetes destitute of the worde of God. Come, and let vs smyte him with the tong, and let vs marke all his wordes.

Ezekiel 2:6

6 Therfore (thou sonne of man) feare them not, nether be afrayed of theyr wordes: for prouokers and thornes are with the. Yee, thou doest dwell amonge scorpions. but feare not theyr wordes, be not abashed at theyr lookes, for it is a frowarde housholde.

Ezekiel 13:17-23

17 Wherfore (O thou sonne of man) sett thy face agaynst the daughters of thy people, which prophecye out of their awne hertes: and speake thou prophecye agaynst them, 18 and saye: Thus sayeth the Lorde God: Wo be vnto you, that sowe pylowes vnder all arme holes, and bolsters vnder the heades both of yonge and olde, to catch soules wyth all. For whan ye haue gotten the soules of my people in youre captiuite, ye promyse them lyfe, 19 and dishonoure me to my people, for an handfull of barly, and for a pece of bread: whan ye kyll the soules of them, that dye not, and promes lyfe to them, that lyue not: Thus ye dissemble wt my people, that beleueth youre lyes. 20 Wherfore, thus sayeth the Lord God: Beholde, I wyll also vpon the pyllowes, wherwyth ye catch the soules in flyenge: then wyll I take from youre armes, and let the soules go, that ye catch in flyenge. 21 Youre bolsters also will I teare in peces, and delyuer my people out of youre hand: so that they shall come nomore in youre handes to be spoyled, and ye shall knowe, that I am the Lorde. 22 Seing that with youre lyes ye discomforte the herte of the ryghteous, whom I haue not discomforted: Agayne: For so moch as ye corage the hande of the wycked, so that he maye not turne from his wicked waye, and lyue: 23 therfore shall ye spye out nomore vanitie, ner prophecye youre awne gessynges: for I wyll delyuer my people out of youre hande, that ye maye knowe, howe that I am the Lorde.

Daniel 6:4-5

4 Wherfore the Princes and Lordes sought, to pycke out in Daniel some quarell agaynst the kyngdome: yet coulde they fynde none occasyon ner faute vpon hym. For whyche was so faythfull, that there was no blame ner dishonesty founde in hym. 5 Then sayde these men: we wyll get no quarell agaynst thys Daniel, excepte it be in the lawe of hys God.

Matthew 10:28

28 And feare ye not them which kyll the body but are not able to kyll the soule. But rather feare him, which is able to destroye both soule and body into hell.

Matthew 22:15

15 Then went the pharises, & toke counsell how they myght tangle him in his wordes.

Matthew 26:59

59 The chefe Prestes and the elders, and all the councell, sought false witnes agaynst Iesus (for to put hym to deeth)

Acts 6:13

13 and brought him to the councell, and brought forth false witnesse, which sayde: Thys man ceaseth not to speake blasphemous wordes against this holy place and the lawe:

2 Corinthians 11:12

12 Neuertheles, what I do, that wyll I do, to cut awaye occasyon from them which desyre occasion: that they might be founde lyke vnto vs, in that wherin they reioyce.

1 Timothy 5:14

14 I wyll therfore that the yonger wemen mary, to beare chyldren, to guyde the house, and geue none occasyon to the aduersary to speake euyll.

2 Timothy 1:7

7 For God hath not geuen to vs the sprete of feare: but of power, and of loue, and of sobrenes.

Titus 2:8

8 worde which cannot be rebuked: that he which withstandeth, maye be ashamed, hauinge no euell thynge to saye of you.

James 4:17

17 Therfore to hym that knoweth how to do good, and doth it not, to hym it is synne.

Revelation 21:8

8 But the fearfull and vnbeleuynge, and the abhominable, and murdrers, & whormongers, and sorcerers, and ydolaters, and all lyars shall haue theyr parte in the lake which burnyth with fyre and brymstone, which is the seconde death.

1 Kings 22:22-24

22 And the Lorde sayde vnto hym: wherwyth? And he sayde: I wyll go out, and be a false sprete in the mouth of all hys prophetes. He sayde: thou shalt persuade hym, and preuayle, go forth then, and do euen so. 23 Now therfore beholde the Lord hath put a lyenge sprete in the mouth of all these thy prophetes: and the Lorde hath spoken euell towarde the. 24 But Zedekia the sonne of Chanaana went to and smote Michea on the cheke, & sayde: whan went the sprete of the Lorde from me, to speake vnto the?

Nehemiah 4:4-5

4 Heare (O thou oure God) for we are despised, turne their shame vpon their awne heade, & geue them ouer into despisynge in the lande of their captiuite. 5 Couer not their wickednesse, & let not their synne be put out in thy presence: for they haue prouoked the buylders.

Nehemiah 5:19

19 Thincke vpon me my God vnto the best, according to all that I haue done for thys people.

Nehemiah 13:29

29 (O my God) thynke thou vpon them that defyle the presthode, & the couenaunt of the presthode & of the Leuites.

Psalms 22:1

1 To the Chaunter vpon the hynde of the dawnynge a Psalme of Dauid. My God, my God: why hast thou forsaken me: and art so farre fro my health, and from the wordes of my complaynte?

Psalms 36:11-12

11 O let not the fote of pryde come agaynst me: and let not the hande of the vngodly cast me downe. 12 There are they fallen that worke wyckednesse: they are cast downe, and shall: not be able to stande.

Psalms 63:1

1 A psalme of Dauid, when he was in the wildernes of Iuda. O God, thou art my God, early wil I seke the.

Psalms 140:5-11

5 The proude haue layed a snare for me: and spred a net abroad with coardes: yee, & set trappes in my waye Sela. 6 I sayde vnto the Lorde: thou art my God, heare the voyce of my prayers, O Lorde. 7 O Lorde God, thou strength of my health, thou hast couered my heed in the day of battayll. 8 Let not the vngodly haue his desyre, O Lorde, let not hys mischeuous ymaginacyon prosper: lest they be to proude. Sela. 9 Let the mischefe of their awne lippes fall vpon the heed of them, that compasse me about. 10 Let hote burninge coales fall vpon them: let them be cast into the fyer and into the pyt: that they neuer ryse vp againe. 11 A man full of wordes shal not prosper vpon the erth: euell shall hunte the wycked person, to ouerthrowe hym.

Isaiah 9:14-15

14 Therfore hath the Lorde roted oute of Israel both head and tayle, braunche and twigge in one daye. 15 By the head, is vnderstande the Senatoure and honorable man, and by the tayle the Prophet that preached lyes.

Jeremiah 11:20-23

20 Therfore, I will beseche the now (O Lord of hoostes) thou ryghteous iudge, thou that tryest the reynes & the hertes: lett me se the auenged of them, for vnto the haue I committed my cause. 21 The Lorde therfore spake thus of the cytezins of Anathoth, that sought to slaye me, sayenge: Preache not vnto vs in the name of the Lord, or els thou shalt dye of our handes. 22 Thus (I saye) spake the Lorde of hoostes. Behold, I wyll vyset you. Youre younge men shall perysh with the swearde, your sonnes & your daughters shall vtterly dye of honger, 23 so that none shall remayne. For vpon the cytezins of Anathoth will I bryng a plage, euen the yeare of theyr vysytacyon.

Jeremiah 14:15

15 Therfore, thus sayeth the Lord. As for those prophetes that preach in my name (whom I neuerthelesse haue not sent) & that saye: Tush, there shall no swerde ner honger be in this land. With swearde & with honger shall those prophetes perysh,

Jeremiah 14:18

18 For yf I go into the felde, lo, it lyeth all full of slayne men. If I come into the cytie, lo, they be all famyshed of honger. Yee, theyr prophetes also & prestes shalbe led into an vnknowne lande.

Jeremiah 18:20-23

20 shall they recompence euell for good? for they haue digged a pit for my soule. Remembre, howe that I stode before the, to speake good for them, & to turne awaye thy wrath from them. 21 Therfore let their children dye of hunger, and let them be oppressed wyth the swearde. Let their wiues be robbed of their children, and become wyddowes: let their husbandes be slayne, let their yonge men be kylled with the swearde in the felde. 22 Lett the noyse be herde out of their houses, when the murtherer commeth sodenly vpon them. For they haue dygged a pyt to take me, & layed snares for my fete. 23 Yet Lorde, thou knowest all their councell, that they haue deuised, to slaye me. Forgeue not their wyckednes, and let not their sinne be put out of thy syght: but let them be iudged before the as the gyltie: This shalt thou do vnto them in the tyme of thy indignacion.

Jeremiah 28:1

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Jeremiah 28:10

10 ether of peace, vpon many nacyons and great kingdomes, were proued by thys (yf God had sende them in very dede) when the thynge came to passe, which that prophete tolde before.

Ezekiel 13:16-17

16 These are the prophetes of Israel, which prophecye vnto the cytie of Ierusalem, and loke out visions of peace for them, where as no peace is, sayeth the Lorde God. 17 Wherfore (O thou sonne of man) sett thy face agaynst the daughters of thy people, which prophecye out of their awne hertes: and speake thou prophecye agaynst them,

Matthew 24:11

11 And many false prophetes shall aryse, & shall deceaue many.

Matthew 24:24

24 For there shall aryse false Chrystes, and false prophetes and shall shew great miracles, & wondres. In so moch (that yf it were possyble) the verie electe shuld be deceaued:

2 Timothy 3:8

8 As Iannes & Iambres withstode Moses, euen so do these also resyst the trueth: men they are of corrupt myndes, and lewde as concerninge the fayth:

2 Timothy 4:14-15

14 Alexander the coppersmyth dyd me moch euyll: the Lorde rewarde hym accordynge to hys dedes, 15 of whom be thou ware also. For he hath greatly wythstande oure wordes.

1 John 5:16

16 If eny man se hys brother synne a synne not vnto deeth, let him aske, & he shall geue him lyfe for them that synne not vnto deeth. Ther is a synne vnto deeth, for which saye I not that a man shuld praye.

Revelation 19:20

20 And the beast was taken, & with hym that false prophet that wrought miracles before hym, with whych he deceaued them that receaued the beastes marke, & them that worshypped hys ymage. These both were cast quicke into a ponde of fyre burnynge wyth brymstone:

Ezra 6:15

15 And the house was fynisshed the thyrde daye of the moneth Adar, euen in the syxte yere of the raygne of kynge Darius.

Nehemiah 4:1-2

1 But when Sanabalat heard that we buylded the wall, he was wroth in hym selfe, and toke greate indignacion, & mocked the Iewes, 2 and sayde before his brethren & the souldyers of Samaria: what do these impotent Iewes? wyll the hethen suffre them? shall they offre? shall they perfourme it in one daye? shal they make the stones whole agayne that are brought to dust, and brent?

Psalms 1:3

3 And he shalbe lyke a tre planted by the watersyde, that wyll brynge forth hys frute in due season. His leafe also shall not wither: & loke whatsoeuer he doth, it shall prospere.

Exodus 14:25

25 and toke of hys charet wheles & caryed them awaye violently. So that the Egipcians sayde: Let vs fle from the face of Israel: for the Lorde fighteth for them agaynst the Egipcians.

Numbers 23:23

23 There is no sorcery in Iacob, nor sothsaying in Israel. It is nowe tolde vnto Iacob & Israel, what God hath wrought.

Joshua 5:1

1 And it fortuned that when all the kinges of the Amorites which are beyond Iordan west warde, & all the kinges of the Cananites which were by the see, hearde, how the Lorde had dryed vp the waters of Iordan before the children of Israel, vntill they wer gone ouer theyr hertes fainted for feare. And ther was no sprete in them any moare, for the presence of the children of Israel.

Nehemiah 4:7

7 And it fortuned, that when Sanabalat, and Tobiah, & the Arabians, Ammonites, & Asoodites heard, that the walles of Ierusalem were mad vp, and that the gappes beganne to be stopped, they were very wroth,

Psalms 126:2

2 Then was oure mouth fylled with laughter, and oure tonge with ioye.

Acts 5:38

38 And now I saye vnto you: refraine your selues from these men, and lett them alone. For yf this councel or this worke be of men, it wyll come to naught.

Nehemiah 3:5

5 And nexte vnto him buylded they of Thekoa. But the great men that were amonge them, put not theyr neckes to the worcke of their Lorde.

Nehemiah 5:7

7 and I aduised so in my mynde, that I rebuked the councelers, and the rulers, and sayde vnto them: Euery one of you is to chargeable vnto hys brother. And I brought a greate congregacyon agaynst them,

Nehemiah 13:28

28 And one of the children of Iehoiada the sonne of Eliasib the hye preast, had made a contracte with Sanabalat the Horonite: but I chaced him from me.

Micah 7:1-6

1 Wo is me: I am become as one, that goeth a gleanynge in the haruest, There are no mo grapes to eate, yet wold I fayne (wyth all my herte) haue of the best frute. 2 There is not a godly man vpon earth, there is not one rightuous amonge men. They laboure all to shed bloud, and euery man hunteth his brother to death: 3 yet they saye they do well when they do euel. As the prince will, so sayeth the iudge: that he maye do him a pleasure agayne. The greate man speaketh what his herte desireth: & the hearers alowe him. 4 The best of them is but as a thistle, & the most rightuous of them is but as a breer in the hedge. But when the daye of thy preachers commeth, that thou shalt be visyted: then shall they be wasted awaye. 5 Let no man beleue his frende, ner put hys confydence in a brother. Kepe the porte of thy mouth from her that lyeth in thy bosome: 6 for the sonne shal put his father to dyshonoure, the daughter shall rise agaynst her mother, the daughter in lawe against her mother in lawe: and a mans foes shalbe euen they of hys awne housholde.

Matthew 24:10-12

10 And then shall many be offended, & shall betraye one another, & shall hate one another. 11 And many false prophetes shall aryse, & shall deceaue many. 12 And because iniquite shall haue the vpper hand, the loue of many shall abate.

Ezra 2:5

5 the chyldren of Arath, seuen hundred, and fyue and seuenty:

Nehemiah 3:4

4 And nexte vnto him builded Meremoth the sonne of Uria, the sonne of Hakoz: and nexte vnto them buylded Zadoc the sonne of Baana.

Nehemiah 3:30

30 After him buylded Hanania the sonne of Selemia, and Hanun the sonne of Zalaph the syxte, the other peace. And after him buylded Mesulam the sonne of Barachia ouer agaynst his store house.

Nehemiah 7:10

10 the children of Arah, syxe hundred and two and fyftye:

Nehemiah 6:13

13 Therfore toke he the money that through feare I shulde so do, and synne: that they might haue an euell reporte of me, to blaspheme me.

Proverbs 28:4

4 They that forsake the lawe, prayse the vngodly: but soch as kepe the lawe, abhorre them.

Isaiah 37:10-14

10 Saye thus to Hezekias king of Iuda: Let not thy God disceaue the, in whom thou hopest, and sayest: Ierusalem shall not be geuen into the handes of the king of Assiria. 11 For lo, thou knowest well howe the kinges of Assiria haue handled all the landes that they haue subuerted, and hopest thou to escape? 12 Were the people of Gentyles (whom my progenitours conquered) deliuered at any tyme thorow their goddes? As namely, Gozan, Haran, Rezeph, and the chyldren of Eden, which were at Thalassar. 13 Where is the kynge of Hemah, and the kyng of Arphad, and the king of the cytie Sepharuaim, Ena & Aua? 14 Now when Ezekia had receaued the lettre of the messaungers, and read it, he went vp into the house of the Lorde, and opened the letter before the Lorde.

John 7:7

7 The worlde cannot hate you. But me it hateth: because I testify of it, that the workes therof are euill.

John 15:19

19 If ye were of the worlde, the worlde wolde loue his awne. Howbeit, because ye are not of the world. But I haue chosen you out of the world therfore the world hateth you.

Acts 4:18-21

18 And they called them, and commaunded them, that in no wyse they shulde speake ner teach in the name of Iesu. 19 But Peter & Iohn answered and sayde vnto them: whether it be ryght in the sight of God, to herken vnto you more then to God, iudge ye. 20 For we cannot but speake, that which we haue sene & heard. 21 So threatened they them, and let them go, and founde nothynge howe to punysshe them, because of the people. For all men praysed God because of that which was done:

1 John 4:5

5 They are of the worlde, therfore speake they of the worlde, and the worlde heareth them.

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