Nehemiah 2:17 Cross References - Great

17 Then sayde I vnto them: ye se the miserye that we are in, how Ierusalem lyeth waste, and how the gates therof are brent with fyre: come therfore, that we maye buylde vp the wall of Ierusalem, & that we be no more a rebuke.

1 Samuel 11:2

2 And Nahas the Ammonite answered them: In thys will I make a couenaunt wyth you, yf I maye thrust out all youre ryght eyes, and brynge that shame vpon all Israel.

Ezra 5:1-2

1 The prophetes, Aggeus and Zachary the sonne of Iddo, prophecied vnto the Iewes that were in Iuda and Ierusalem, in the name of the God of Israel. 2 Then gat vp Zorobabel the sonne of Salathiel, and Iesua the sonne of Iosedec, and beganne to buylde the house of God at Ierusalem, and with them were the prophetes of God, which helped them.

Ezra 10:2-4

2 And Sechania the sonne of Iehiel one of the children of Elam, answered, and sayde vnto Esdras. We haue trespaced agaynst oure God, and haue taken straunge wyues of the people of the land. Now there is hope yet in Israel concerning this thyng: 3 For now we wyll make a couenaunt with oure God, and put awaye all the wyues (and soch as are borne of them) accordinge to the councell of the Lord, and we wylbe in the feare of the commaundementes of oure God, that we maye do accordyng to the lawe. 4 Get the vp, for thys matter belongeth vnto the. We also wyll be wyth the, be of good conforte therfore, and do it.

Nehemiah 1:3

3 And they sayde vnto me: The remnaunt of the captyuyte are there in the lande in greate misfortune and rebuke. The wall of Ierusalem also is broken downe, and the gates therof are brent with fyre.

Psalms 44:13

13 Thou sellest thy people for naught, & takest no moneye for them.

Psalms 79:4

4 We are become an open shame vnto oure enemies, a very scorne and derysyon vnto them that are rounde aboute us.

Psalms 79:12

12 O let the sorowfull syghyng of the presoners come before the: accordyng vnto the greatnesse of thy power, preserue thou those that are appoynted to dye.

Psalms 89:50-51

50 Lorde, where are thy olde louyng kyndnesses, which thou sworest vnto Dauid in thy treuth? 51 Remember (Lorde) the rebuke that thy seruauntes haue & how I do beare in my bosome thy rebukes of many people.

Isaiah 35:3-4

3 And therfore strength the weake handes, and conforte the feble knees. 4 Saye vnto them that are of a fearefull hert. Be of good chere, and feare not. Beholde, youre God commeth to take vengeaunce: and you shall se the rewarde that God geueth: God commeth his awne selfe, & will delyuer you.

Jeremiah 24:9

9 And wyll make them to be a reprofe, a comen by worde, a laughynge stocke and shame, in all the places, where I shall scatre them.

Lamentations 2:2

2 The Lorde hath cast downe all the habitatyons of Iacob without any fauour: all the stronge places of the daughter Iuda hath he broken in hys wrath, and throwen them downe to the grounde: her kyngdome and her princes hath he suspended.

Lamentations 2:8-9

8 The Lorde thought to breake downe the walles of the daughter of Sion, he spred out his lyne, and drewe not in hys hande, tyll he had destroyed them: Therfore mourne the turrettes and the broken walles together. 9 Her gates are soncke downe to the grounde, her barres are broken and smytten in sonder, her kynge & princes are caried awaye to the Gentyls. They haue nether lawe ner prophetes, ner yet eny visyon from the Lorde.

Lamentations 3:45-46

45 Thou hast made vs out castes, and to be despysed amonge the people. 46 All oure enemyes gape vpon vs.

Lamentations 3:51

51 Myne eye breaketh my herte: because of all the daughters of my cyte.

Ezekiel 5:14

14 Moreouer, I wyll make the waste and abhorred, before all the Heathen that dwell aboute the, & in the sight of all them, that go by the:

Ezekiel 22:4-5

4 Thou hast made thy selfe gylty, in the bloude that thou hast shed: and defyled the in the Idoles, which thou hast made. Thou hast caused thy dayes to drawe nye, & made the tyme of thy yeares to come. Therfore wyll I make the to be confounded amonde the Heathen, & to be despysed in all the landes, 5 whether they be nye or farre from the: they shall laugh the to scorne, thou that hast gotten the so foule a name, & art full of myschefe.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.