38 But when the husbandmen sawe the sonne, they sayd amonge them selues: This is the heyre: come, let vs kyll him, & let vs enioye his inheritaunce
Matthew 21:38 Cross References - Great
Genesis 37:18-20
18 And when they sawe him a farre of before he came at them, they toke councell agaynst him, for to sley hym.
19 For one sayde to another: Beholde this dreamer commeth:
20 come nowe therfore and let vs sley hym and cast hym in to some pytt, and we wyll saye a wycked beast hath deuoured hym, and we shall se what wyll come of hys dreames.
Psalms 2:2-8
2 The kynges of the erth stande vp, and the rulers take councell together agaynst the Lorde, and agaynst hys anoynted.
3 Let vs breake theyr bondes asunder, and cast awaye theyr coardes from vs.
4 He that dwelleth in heauen shall laugh them to scorne: the Lorde shall haue them in derisyon.
5 Then shall he speake vnto them in hys wrath, and vexe them in hys sore displeasure.
6 Yet haue I set my kynge vpon my holy hyll of Syon.
7 I wyll preach the lawe, wherof the Lorde hath sayd vnto me: thou arte my sonne, thys daye haue I begotten the.
8 Desyre of me, and I shall geue the, the Heythen for thyne enheritaunce, & the vtmost partes of the erthe for thy possessyon.
Matthew 2:13-16
13 When they were departed, behold, the angel of the Lord appered to Ioseph in slepe saying, aryse, & take the chyld and his mother, and flye into Egipt: and be thou there tyll I brynge the worde. For it wyll come to passe that Herode shall seke the chylde, to destroye hym.
14 So whan he awoke, he toke the childe and hys mother by night, and departed into Egipt,
15 and was there vnto the deeth of Herode, that it myght be fulfylled, which was spoken of the Lorde by the prophete, sayenge: out of Egypt haue I called my sonne.
16 Then Herode whan he sawe that he was mocked of the wyse men, he was exceading wroth, & sent forth men of warre, & slue all the chyldren that were in Bethleem, and in all the coastes, (as many as were two yeere olde or vnder) accordynge to the tyme, whych he had dilygently knowe out of the wyse men.
Matthew 26:3-4
Matthew 27:1-2
Mark 12:7-8
Luke 20:14
14 But when the husbandmen sawe hym, they thought within them selues, sayinge: this is the heyre, come, let vs kyll hym, that the enheritaunce maye be oures.
John 11:47-53
47 Then gathered the hye prestes & the pharises a councel, & sayd: what do we? For this man doth many miracles.
48 If we lett hym scape thus, al men will beleue on him, and the Romayns shall come, and take awaye both our rowme and the people.
49 And one of them named Caiphas (being the hye preste that same yere) sayd vnto them: Ye perceaue nothynge at all, nor consyder,
50 that it is expedient for vs, that one man dye for the people, and not that all the people perysshe.
51 Thys spake he not of him selfe, but beynge hye preste that same yere, he prophesied that Iesus shulde dye for the people,
52 and not for the people onely, but that he shuld gather together in one, the children of God, that were scatered abrode.
53 Then from that daye forth they toke councel together, for to put him to death.
Acts 4:27-28
Acts 5:24-28
24 When the chefe Prest and the ruler of the temple, and the hye Prestes hearde these thynges, they douted of them, wher vnto thys wolde growe.
25 Then came one and shewed them: beholde, the men that ye put in preson, stande in the temple, and teach the people:
26 Then went the ruler of the temple, with ministres, and brought them without vyolence. For they feared the people, lest they shulde haue bene stoned.
27 And when they had brought them, they set them before the counsell. And the chefe Preste asked them,
28 sayinge: dyd not we straytely commaunde you: that ye shuld not teach in this name? And behold, ye haue fylled Ierusalem with youre doctryne, and intende to brynge this mans bloud vpon vs.
Hebrews 1:2
2 but in these last dayes he hath spoken vnto vs by his awne sonne, whom he hath made heyre of all thynges by whom also he made the worlde.