Matthew 18:12 Cross References - Great

12 How thynke ye If a man haue an hundred shepe, & one of them be gone astray, doth he not leaue nynty & nyne in the mountains, & goeth & seketh that was gone astraye?

1 Kings 21:17

17 And the worde of the Lorde came vnto Elia the Thesbite, sayeng:

Psalms 119:176

176 I haue gone astraye, lyke a shepe that is lost: Oh seke thy seruaunt, for I do not forget thy commaundementes.

Isaiah 53:6

6 As for vs, we haue gone all astraye (like shepe) euery one hath turned his awne way. But the Lorde hath heaped together vpon him the iniquitie of vs all.

Jeremiah 50:6

6 My people hathe bene a loste flocke, my shepherdes haue disceaued them, and haue made them go astraye vpon the hylles They haue gone frome the mountayne to the lytle hyll, and forgotten their folde.

Ezekiel 34:6

6 My shepe go wandring vpon all mountaynes and vpon euery hye hyll. Yee, they be scatred abrode in all feldes, and there is no man, that careth for them, or seketh after them.

Ezekiel 34:12

12 Like as a shepherde among the flocke seketh after the shepe that are scatered abroade, euen so wil I seke after my shepe, & gather them together out of all places, where they haue bene scatred in the cloudy and darcke daye.

Ezekiel 34:16

16 Soch as be lost, will I seke: soch as go astraye: will I bring agayne: soch as be wounded, will I bynde vp: soch as be weake, will I make strong: soch as be fat & stronge, those will I rote oute, and fede them with the thing that is laufull.

Ezekiel 34:28

28 They shal nomore be spoyled of the Heathen, ner deuoured wyth the beastes of the lande: but safely shal they dwell, and no man shall fraye them,

Matthew 12:11

11 And he sayde vnto them: which of you will it be, that shall haue. a shepe, and yf it fall into a pytte on the Saboth daye, wyl he not take it and lyft it out?

Matthew 21:28

28 What saye ye to this? A man had two sonnes, & cam to the fyrst, & sayde: sonne, go & worke to daye in my vineyarde.

Matthew 22:42

42 saying: what thynke ye of Chryst? Whose sonne is he? They saye vnto him: the sonne of Dauid.

Luke 15:4-7

4 What man of you hauynge an hundred shepe (yf he lose one of them) doth not leaue nynty and nyne in the wildernes, and go after that which is lost, vntill he fynde it? 5 And when he hath founde it, he laieth it on his shulders with ioye. 6 And assone as he cometh home, he calleth together his louers and neyghbours, saying vnto them: Reioyse with me for I haue founde my shepe, which was loost. 7 I say vnto you, that like wyse ioye shalbe in heauen ouer one synner that repenteth, more then ouer nynty and nyne iuste persons, which nede no repentaunce.

John 10:11-21

11 I am the good shepeherd. A good shepherde geueth hys lyfe for the shepe. 12 An hyred seruaunt, and he which is not the shepeherd (nether the shepe are his awne) seeth the wolfe comminge, and leaueth the shepe, and flieth, and the wolfe catcheth, and scattereth the shepe. 13 The hyred seruaunt flyeth, because he is an hired seruaunt, and careth not for the shepe. 14 I am the good shepheard, and knowe my shepe, and am knowen of myne. 15 As my father knoweth me, euen so knowe I also my father. And I geue my lyfe for the shepe: 16 & other shepe I haue, which are not of thys fold. Them also must I bring, and they shall heare my voyce, and ther shalbe one fold and one shephearde. 17 Therfore doth my father loue me, because I put my lyfe from me, that I myght take it agayne. 18 No man taketh it from me: but I put it awaye of my self. I haue power to put it from me, and I haue power to take it agayne. Thys commaundement haue I receaued of my father. 19 There was a dissencyon therfore agayne amonge the Iewes for these sayinges, 20 and many of them sayd: He hath the deuel, and is madd: why heare ye him? 21 Other sayde: these are not the wordes of him that hath the deuyll. Can the deuyll open the eyes of the blynde?

1 Corinthians 10:15

15 I speake as vnto them whych haue discrecyon, iudge ye what I saye.

1 Peter 2:25

25 For ye were as shepe goyng astraye: but are now turned vnto the shepeherd and bysshope of youre soules.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.