Mark 5:22 Cross References - Great

22 And beholde, ther came one of the rulers of the Synagoge, whose name was Iairus: and when he sawe him, he fel downe at his fete,

Matthew 2:11

11 and went into the house, and found the chylde with Mary his mother & fel downe flatt and worshipped hym, and opened their treasures & offered vnto hym gyftes, golde, franckincense, & myrre.

Matthew 9:18-26

18 Whyle he thus spake vnto them, beholde, ther came a certayne ruler, & worshipped him, sayinge: my daughter is euen now diseased, but come and laye thy hand vpon her, & she shall lyue. 19 And Iesus arose, and folowed him, and (so dyd) his disciples. 20 and beholde, a woman which was diseased with an yssue of bloude twelue yeres, came behynde him, and touched the hemme of his vesture. 21 For she sayde within her selfe: yf I may touche but euen hys vesture onely, I shalbe safe. 22 But Iesus tourned him aboute, and whan he sawe her, he sayde. Daughter, be of good comforte, thy faith hath made the safe. And the woman was made whole, euen that same tyme. 23 And when Iesus came into the rulers house, and sawe the minstrels, and the people makyng a noyse, 24 he sayde vnto them: get you hence, for the mayde is not deed but slepeth. And they laughed him to scorne. 25 But whan the people were put forth, he went in, and toke her by the hande, and the damsell arose. 26 And this noyse went abroade into all that lande.

Mark 5:33

33 But the woman fearing and trembling (knowyng what was done wyth in her) came, and fell downe before him, & tolde him all the truth.

Mark 5:35-36

35 Whyll he yet spake, ther came from the ruler of the Synagoges house, certayne which sayd: thy daughter is deed: why diseasest thou the Master any further? 36 Assone as Iesus hearde the worde that was spoken, he sayde vnto the ruler of the Synagoge: be not afrayed, onely beleue.

Mark 5:38

38 And he came vnto the house of the ruler of the Synagoge, and sawe the wondringe: and them that wepte and wayled greatly,

Luke 5:8

8 When Simon Peter sawe thys, he fell downe at Iesus knees, saying: Lord, go from me, for I am a sinful man.

Luke 8:28

28 When he sawe Iesus & had cryed, he fell downe before him, & wt a loude voyce sayde. What haue I to do with the Iesus, thou sonne of the God moost hyest? I beseche the torment me not:

Luke 8:41-56

41 And beholde, there came a man named Iairus (& he was a ruler of the synagoge) & he fell downe at Iesus fete praying him, that he wold come into his house, 42 for he had but one daughter onely, vpon a .xij. yeare of age, and she laye a dying. But as he went, the people thronged hym. 43 And a woman, hauing an issue of bloud .xij. yeres (which had spent all her substaunce vpon phisicions, nether coulde be holpen of eny) 44 came behynd him, & touched the hem of his rayment: & immediatly her issue of bloud staunched. 45 And Iesus sayd: who is it that touched me? When euery man denyed, Peter (and they that were wt hym) sayd: Master, the people thrust the & vexe the, & sayest thou who touched me? 46 And Iesus sayd: Some body hath touched me. For I perceaue, that vertue is gone out of me. 47 When the woman sawe that she was not hyd, she came trymbling, and fell at hys fete, and tolde hym before all the people, for what cause she had touched him, and how she was healed immediatly. 48 And he sayd vnto her: Daughter, be of good comforte. Thy fayth hath saued the, go in peace. 49 Whyle he yet spake, ther came one from the rulers of the synagoges house, which sayd to hym: thy daughter is deed, desease not the Master. 50 But when Iesus hearde that worde, he answered the father of the damosell. Feare not, beleue onely, and she shalbe made whole. 51 And when he came to the house, he suffred no man to go in with hym, saue Peter, Iames, and Iohn, and the father and the mother of the mayden. 52 Euery body weept, and sorowed for her. And he said: Wepe not. The damosel is not deed, but slepeth. 53 And they laught hym to scorne, knowyng that she was deed. 54 And he thrust them all out, and caught her by the hand, and cryed, sayinge: Mayde, aryse. 55 And her sprete came agayne, and she rose straight waye. And he commaunded to geue her meat. 56 And the father & the mother of her were astonyed. But he warned them, that they shuld tell no man what was done.

Luke 13:14

14 And the ruler of the synagoge answered with indignacion (because that Iesus had healed on the Saboth daye) and sayde vnto the people. Ther are syxe dayes in which men ought to worke, in them come, that ye maye be healed, and not on the Saboth daye.

Acts 10:25-26

25 And as it chaunsed Peter to come in, Cornelius mete hym, and fell downe at hys fete, & worshypped hym. 26 But Peter toke hym vp, sayinge: stande vp, I my selfe also am a man.

Acts 13:15

15 And after the lecture of the lawe and the prophetes, the rulers of the synagoge sente vnto them, sayinge: Ye men and brethren, yf ye haue eny sermon to exhorte the people, saye on.

Acts 18:8

8 Howbeit, one Crispus the chefe ruler of the synagoge beleued on the Lorde with all his housholde, and many of the Corinthians whan they gaue audience, beleued, and were baptised.

Acts 18:17

17 Then all the Grekes toke Softenes the chefe ruler of the Synagoge, and smote hym before the iudges seate, And Gallio cared for none of those thynges.

Revelation 22:8

8 I am Iohn, which sawe these thynges and herde them. And when I had herde & sene, I fell doune to worshyppe before the fete of the Angell, whyche shewed me these thynges.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.