Mark 3:14 Cross References - Great

14 And he ordeyned the twelue that they shuld be with him, and that he myght sende them forth to preach:

Luke 9:1-6

1 Iesus called the twelue together, and gaue them power, and auctorite ouer all deuyls, and that they might heale diseases. 2 And he sent them to preache the kyngdome of God, and to heale the syck. 3 And he sayd vnto them: Take nothing to your iourney: nether staffe, nor scrype, nether bread, nether money, nether haue two coates. 4 And whatsoeuer house ye enter into, there abyde, and thence departe. 5 And whosoeuer wyll not receaue you, when ye go out of the citie, shake of the very dust from youre fete, for a testimonye agaynst them. 6 And they departed and went thorow the tounes, preaching the gospell and healinge euery where.

Luke 10:1-11

1 After these thynges, the Lorde appoynted other .lxx. also, and sent them two and two before hym into euery cytie & place, whyther he him selfe wolde come. 2 Therfore sayd he vnto them: the haruest is great, but the labourers are fewe. Praye ye therfore the lord of the haruest, to sende forth labourers into his haruest. 3 Go your wayes: behold, I sende you forth as lambes among wolues. 4 Beare no wallet, nether scryp, nor shoes, & salute no man by the waye. 5 Into whatsoeuer house ye enter, fyrst saye: Peace be to thys house. 6 And yf the sonne of peace be there, your peace shall rest vpon him: yf not, it shall turne to you agayne. 7 And in the same house tary styll, eatyng and drinckyng soch as they geue: For the labourer is worthy of hys rewarde. Go not from house to house, 8 & into whatsoeuer cytie ye entre, & they receaue you, eate soch thynges as are set before you, 9 and heale the sicke that are therin, and saye vnto them: the kingdome of God is come nye vpon yo 10 But into whatsoeuer citie ye enter, & they receaue you not, go your wayes out into the stretes of the same, & saye: 11 euen the very dust of youre cytie (which cleaueth on vs) do we wype of agaynst you: Not withstanding, be ye sure of thys, that the kyngdome of God was come nye vpon you.

Luke 24:47

47 & that repentaunce and remyssyon of synnes shulde be preached in hys name amonge all nacyons, and must begynne at Ierusalem.

John 15:16

16 Ye haue not chosen me, but I haue chosen you, and ordeyned you, to goo, and brynge forth frute, and that your frute shuld remayne, that whatsoeuer ye aske of the father in my name, he maye geue it you.

Acts 1:8

8 but ye shal receaue power after that the holy goost is come vpon you. And ye shalbe witnesses vnto me not onely in Ierusalem, but also in all Iewry and in Samary, and euen vnto the worldes ende.

Acts 1:24-25

24 And whan they prayed they sayde: thou Lorde, which knowest the hertes of all men, shewe whether of these two thou hast chosen: 25 that he maye take the roume of thys ministracyon and Apostleshypp, from which Iudas by transgressyon fell, that he myght go to hys awne place.

Galatians 1:1

1 Paul an apostle, not of men, nether by man: but by Iesus Christ, and by God the father, which raysed him vp from deeth:

Galatians 1:15-20

15 But when it pleased God, which seperated me from my mothers wombe, and called me here unto by hys grace, 16 for to declare hys sonne by me, that I shulde preache hym amonge the Heathen: immediatly I commened not of the matter with flessh & bloude, 17 nether returned to Ierusalem, to them which were apostles before me: but went my wayes into Arabia, and came agayne vnto Damasco. 18 Then after thre yeare, I returned to Ierusalem to se Peter, and abode with hym fyftene dayes. 19 Other of the apostles sawe I none, saue Iames the Lordes brother. 20 The thinges therfore which I wryte vnto you: beholde, before God I lye not.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.