3 And they came vnto him, bringing one sycke of the palsye whych was borne of fowre men.
Mark 2:3 Cross References - Great
Matthew 4:24
24 And hys fame spreed abroade throughout al Siria. And they brought vnto him all syck people that were taken with dyuers diseases and grypynges, and them that were possessed with deuyls: and those which were lunatyke, & those that had the palsye: & he healed them.
Matthew 9:1-8
1 He entred also into a shyppe, and passed ouer, and came into his awne cytie,
2 and beholde, they brought to hym a man sicke of the palsye, lyinge in a bed. And when Iesus sawe the fayth of them, he sayd vnto the sicke of the palsye: sonne, be of good cheare, thy synnes be forgeuen the.
3 And beholde: certayne of the Scribes sayde within them selues: this man blasphemeth.
4 And when Iesus sawe their thoughtes, he sayde. Wherfore thyncke ye euyll in youre heartes?
5 Whether is easyer to saye, thy synnes be forgeuen the, or to saye, aryse and walke?
6 But that ye maye knowe, that the sonne of man hath power to forgeue synnes in erth. Then sayeth he vnto the sycke of the palsye: arise, take vp thy bed, and go vnto thyne house.
7 And he arose, and departed to his house.
8 But the people that sawe it, marueyled, and gloryfyed God, which had geuen soch power vnto men.
Luke 5:18-26
18 And behold, men brought in a bed, a man which was taken with a palsie: and they sought meanes to bring him in, and to laye him before hym.
19 And when they coulde not fynde on what syde they myghte bring hym in (because of the prease) they went vp on the toppe of the house & let him downe thorowe the tylyng, beed and all, euen in the myddes before Iesus.
20 When he sawe theyr fayth he sayd vnto him: man, thy synnes be forgeuen the,
21 And the scribes and the pharises began to thincke, saying: What felowe is this, which speaketh blasphemye? who can forgeue synnes but God only?
22 But when Iesus perceaued their thoughtes, he answered, and said vnto them: What thyncke ye in your hertes?
23 Whether is easier to saye thy synnes be forgeuen the, or to saye: ryse vp, and walke.
24 But that ye maye knowe that the sonne of man hath power to forgeue synne on earth, he sayd vnto the sycke of the palsye: I saye vnto the: aryse, take vp thy bed, and go vnto thy house.
25 And immediatly he rose vp before them, and toke vp hys bedd, (wher on he laye) and departed to hys awne house, praysing God.
26 And they were all amased, and they gaue the glory vnto God. And were fylled with feare, saying: We haue sene straunge thynges to daye.