Luke 1:60 Cross References - Great

60 And his mother answered and sayde: not so but he shalbe called Iohn.

2 Samuel 12:25

25 And he sent by the hande of Nathan the prophete, and called his name Iedidia, of the Lordes behalfe.

Isaiah 8:3

3 After that went I vnto the Prophetisse, that had conceaued & borne a sonne. Then sayde the Lorde to me: geue him this name: a spedie robber: an hastie spoiler.

Matthew 1:25

25 & knewe her not, tyll she had brought forth her fyrst begotten sonne, and called his name Iesus.

Luke 1:13

13 But the Angell sayde vnto him: feare not Zachary, for thy prayer is hearde. And thy wyfe Elizabeth shall beare the a sonne, and thou shalt call his name Iohn,

Luke 1:63

63 And he asked for wrytinge tables, and wrote, saying: his name is Iohn. And they maruelled all.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.